Tate Brothers - Round 2

Fair point. Though my first instinct is if you have evidence that he is guilty, I don't see how not being able to interview him would matter to the police. Unless the evidence isn't as black and white as people have been making it out to be.

Sometimes they can uncover other offences by interviewing the suspect which they may not know about.

Make no mistake - being interviewed is not to help the suspect, it's to help the police hence why the correct thing is "no comment". An exception would be providing an iron clad alibi that you were somewhere else so you couldn't have committed the offence, everything else is "no comment" IMHO
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Sometimes they can uncover other offences by interviewing the suspect which they may not know about.

Make no mistake - being interviewed is not to help the suspect, it's to help the police hence why the correct thing is "no comment". An exception would be providing an iron clad alibi that you were somewhere else so you couldn't have committed the offence, everything else is "no comment" IMHO

The reason you say no comment is so you dont have to back track when they bring forward evidence that shows you are lying.

If you are guilty the best thing to do is to say no comment until after they have revealed all their evidence.

Once you have been charged they then have to release the evidence they have on you. You then have the chance to work out answers as to why that evidence is not proof of guilt.
exception would be providing an iron clad alibi that you were somewhere else so you couldn't have committed the offence, everything else is "no comment" IMHO

I wouldn't even do that.

Long story but my 14yo nephew got involved with one of the county lines gangs and basically kidnapped and forced to help in a burglary. Despite me telling them do not say a word to police once they found him they let him admit where he was and what they did because they treated him like a victim and lured them into thinking they were on there side. Out of a 14 yo being kidnapped for 4 days the only person that faced charges was the 14 yo. Don't ever talk to the police they are not on your side.
I wouldn't even do that.

Long story but my 14yo nephew got involved with one of the county lines gangs and basically kidnapped and forced to help in a burglary. Despite me telling them do not say a word to police once they found him they let him admit where he was and what they did because they treated him like a victim and lured them into thinking they were on there side. Out of a 14 yo being kidnapped for 4 days the only person that faced charges was the 14 yo. Don't ever talk to the police they are not on your side.
The system doesn't care about the truth. It's just what they can prove.

I've heard most convictions are clinched by the information gained at interview.
The reason you say no comment is so you dont have to back track when they bring forward evidence that shows you are lying.

If you are guilty the best thing to do is to say no comment until after they have revealed all their evidence.

Once you have been charged they then have to release the evidence they have on you. You then have the chance to work out answers as to why that evidence is not proof of guilt.
You never talk to the Police, innocent or not, it can only ever harm your defence if you do.
Just watched the video of him chatting about how he’s desensitised to violence and would mess up a terrorist if he came across one. What a ****.

You can kill a terrorist and get away with it.

15minuntes of fame you can milk for £££, its a no brainer.

Not really applicable to Tate though, i mean, the police can just walk up and arrest him, try arresting me when my net-worth is north of a hundred million.
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How has this non story become a story. Other than here and a couple of random article headlines, I have absolutely no idea who this guy is or why he would be considered even remotely interesting. It’s a weird World we live in.
I have absolutely no idea who this guy is or why he would be considered even remotely interesting.

because he appeals to knuckle draggers and young boys who follow his every word and some will pay £50 a month to hear it.
My 13 year old nephew had a lesson at school warning against Andrew Tate's ideas and I know other schools have dished them out.
because he appeals to knuckle draggers and young boys who follow his every word and some will pay £50 a month to hear it.
My 13 year old nephew had a lesson at school warning against Andrew Tate's ideas and I know other schools have dished them out.

I'd try and get him in a decent school where the teachers don't elevate themselves above their neutral remit, assuming they aren't on another strike again.
But if you’re talking about him then you’re also promoting him. He’ll disappear when people stop talking about him and stop giving him the airtime he needs.

So if adults don't talk about him then all these young lads won't be following his ideas :)
I'm pretty sure the World doesn't work that way.

Never mention the word war and it will go away :)
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So if adults don't talk about him then all these young lads won't be following his ideas :)
I'm pretty sure the World doesn't work that way.

Never mention the word war and it will go away :)
Well these kids know about him because people have been talking about him. It’s become cool because he is considered ‘dangerous’ you know the whole if tell you not to push that button you’re going to push that button type thing.

He’ll just disappear when others decide he’s not that interesting as all the others before him have and those that come after him will too. Any publicity is good publicity as they say.
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