Teeth Cosmetics

I wouldn't bother with Veneers or crowns or anything else unless absolutely necessary. Teeth have to last a long time and there's no point in getting them pared away to stumps just to look good.

She could get a few teeth removed at the back, braces and bleaching and it would probably look fine. No point in looking like a yank.

Actually I hate dentists but would like to get some cosmetic stuff done to my teeth. Before that, I need laser surgery on my eyes. And before that I need to be able to afford it!
Quantic said:
I won £100,000. I need to pay off roughly £15k worth of debts. But I want to buy my loved ones presents as well. Buy what I want to buy for a bit before I invest it all and never see it for years.

Might try with the whitening first - see how it goes from there. :D

Congtratulations you lucky sod! Personally I echo what other people have said in the thread, go for professional bleaching if she has discoloured teeth... porecelein fttings are too expensive (would be almost 1/5 of your winnings you know) and are mainly for adults (or ginger step-chldren) whose teeth are in really bad condition. If she is only 18 then its very likely she is exaggerating the situation by just being paranoid... she isnt old enough to have heavy staining yet, professional bleaching would be fine methinks.

Don't be in too much of a rush to blow that wad on things like dental surger... you won 100k not a million and it has to last a long time. :)
I would go for bleech and those invisable braces. Veener doesn't last forever and they'll need replacing down the line.
cs1.6 said:
does anyone know how much braces cost? (19 and at uni)

Ive never had any, but the impression im getting (depending on which part of the country u r in), u can expect to blow between £3k - £4k.

Oh and congrats the original poster for his winning. Make sure u dont spend that cash willy nilly. Personally i would save as much as i can of that and put it down as a deposit on a property.
If she quit smoking and saved the money I'll bet she could afford her own dental work in a a couple of years.

£100,000 either pay off your mortgage or put a deposit on a house. Don't buy relatives presents and don't blow loads on the gf.
vonhelmet said:
If she quit smoking and saved the money I'll bet she could afford her own dental work in a a couple of years.


<smartarse>She quit smoking 3years ago, says earlier on in the post :p </smartarse>
I keep getting tempted to sort mine out, i had a brace when i was 15/16 but it was a removable one, and althought they got a bit better they got worse again, and now i am 20 and contemplating it again, mainly because they cause me some irritation sometimes and i get mouth sores because of them as well, i dont really know what my options are at this age tho, the dentist i talked to last made it sound like i could get it done on the nhs because it was causing me discomfort at times, but it would take 2 years and a minor operation which seemed a hell of a lot at the time...
I have braces atm and i'm 20. It cost £425 to get them all fitted then it's £165 every 3 months. I am expected to have them for around 18 months.
Richeh said:
I have braces atm and i'm 20. It cost £425 to get them all fitted then it's £165 every 3 months. I am expected to have them for around 18 months.

Did you get that done privately or via the nhs ?
Is there any age limit to having a brace?, I'm 23 and contemplating getting one as my teeth are a bit crooked.

Gavstar said:
on a labial tooth surface'
--^-- Typo of the year award --^--

What kinda tooth surface :confused: :D I think they must mean "viable" or maybe they are getting lippy ;)

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--^-- Typo of the year award --^--

What kinda tooth surface :confused: :D I think they must mean "viable" or maybe they are getting lippy ;)


Nup, not a typo!

They do indeed mean the lip facing tooth surface :D
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