
His team didn't put the reason for his exemption or include the exemption on the VISA.

I hope for his sake they don't think they just need to say he's exempt without proof.
It’ll be absolutely amazing if his VISA gets refused and he’s on the next plane out of there.

Putting exempt without a reason is amazing on so many levels and just shows how deluded he is.
His Dad's supposedly said that Novak has been detained for the past few hours and if he's not released soon he'll fight them in the streets :D
Couldn't have happened to a nicer idiot :cry:

Top trolling by Aus, get him over there then kick him back out again!

Suspect something will be sorted and he'll be allowed in eventually though.
Theres a female tennis player on the tour who has been banned from playing in Aus even though fully vaxxed because she had sputnik which aus doesnt currently accept.

Madness if DJ got to play and she cant even though shes had a vaccine
Thinks he’s better than everyone else as usual. Well done Australia. Hope all other tournament countries follow their example because otherwise it sets an appalling example at a time when we only have some vague normality in the UK due to the vaccine rollout.
If he had said nothing and quietly slipped into the country he could have avoided all this, but he had to poke the bear with that tweet.
Absolute moron, glad there is consequence for people who think they are untouchable. Will be fun to hear the courtside boos if he does appeal and eventually play.
Good to see Nadal is playing.. so hopefully he wins!
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