TERA release date announced.

Problem is it's been going on for weeks, I know one of the largest guilds on the server has been using it for ages hence they all have +9 gear on everything... Which has enabled them to farm the hardest hard modes and make loads of gold etc etc.
cHK4 surely that just makes the game fairly pointless for them now? Never understood the point in that sort of exploit tbh :(
I could be wrong but i thought it was the small patch that broke it? and it hasn't been going on for weeks.
Again, I have no proof that it was indeed working for weeks other than say so. I know numerous people who had got all 4 pieces to +9 just as I was getting my sword to +6... Bearing in mind without the exploit it costs 252g per attempt at a +, greanted you have 5-7k cap... Hell my friend with full + 9 gear could be chatting bear **** but funny how a good 40 + members of his guild are all fully +9ed and have been for a while.

I'd rather not say the guild Divine but they are one of the bigger 200 + guilds. Hell they could have just been really lucky and the guy could just be trolling, one of my lancers went to +8 in 9 trys so it is possible...

Thing is with Frogster you never know, they are useless.
Seems those in my friends guild who got +9 have been rolled back to +6 and those who stopped at +8 have kept their +8 stuff.
I started again yesterday... my friend who is the biggest griefer on our server suggested I come back, god the world chat rages at him so hard, it's funny to watch. He rolled an archer, I rolled a zerker and our 3rd friend rolled a priest...

Man we must have killed about 50 + people on the way up to level 24 yesterday, such great fun.

Sold all my junk I had in my bank that was worth nothing when I used to play and I'm now 7k richer!
It's weird that this game isn't bigger than it is, is it lacking endgame content? Because it surely isn't lacking gameplay/graphics, and trounces all over the rest of the MMOs that are much more popular. Is it the Call of Duty curse, where people flock to the skilless games in the genre to avoid the better ones, for a sense of feeling like they are good at something?

I think so, skill plays a massive part in this game. There is videos of my guild at launch fighting 5v5, winning several times and I think it ended up about 20v5, in terms of kills we got around 18 and they killed us 3 times and I'm not talking about us hiding in SZ it was a good scrap.

The problem with the EU servers was... In the early days there was a bug where people could use and abuse it to enchant their gear to +9, this was huge as money was scarce in the game, loads of people got caught they got their + removed and/or a slap on the wrist. I knew of whole guilds who had done this and they got away with it so when you were fighting them, it was a massive advantage, if they had gear 1-2 tiers higher fully upgraded.

Also in my opinion there was a lack of end game, the Koreans had battle grounds and we had open world PvP... Our guild were the most active in world PvP, war decing 24/7 and having alliances go against us but still it felt dead. The company hosting it were terrible and it was shocking, there were bugs left right and center and they didn't fix them.

It then went Free to play and servers got merged and this made the game busy again but it has died down again. There is a lot more to do at end game but already only being back under a month I'm feeling a little bit meh about it. The battle grounds do help but it's rare you get good battles, it's other one team face rolling the other or vice versa. It is a more difficult game to play than your traditional having to aim, I mean I play a very heavy aim based class and I would say I win 9/10 fights against the same class due to people with bad aim.

It's a fantastic game and one of my favorite MMOs out there but it just feels like there is something missing.
1)Got any links? :)
Will post when home

So people quit because there weren't any glitches to exploit anymore?
No a load of people quit because it was such a huge unfair advantage in PvP, I know I said skill overcomes it but for example there was this one guild who gave us our first Guild War loss, they all exploited hard for their gear, not me trying to say that's why we lost but I had friends in that guild.

Do you have any idea what the state of the end game content is now? Any idea as to how the games doing? I would like to get into this, even splash a few pennies around but if the games on it's last legs then that warrants some skepticism. :p
As said in a below post there isn't too much, there are several dungeons, 10/20 man and you have your normal and hard modes... Nothing too exciting

I wonder why it died down though, the gameplay is pretty fantastic. It reminds me of a cross between Dark Souls & Monster Hunter, that can never be a bad thing! :D

A large player base? Haha.

I have to say though, I'm getting bored of all the tets everywhere. Am I playing Dead or Alive? What's with the little kiddy class people seem obsessed with as well!?
I have a ganking/griefplaying character that is a Elin which looks like a 8 year old girl, causes no end of rage.

That might be the issue, games like WoW largely suppress the inner creep in the player base, this seems to exploit and promote it. :mad: :p

Answered best I can really. As said above, if you're casual, the game is great. There is pretty much no rules, since I've been back the same people every day are abusive, racist in chat etc... I don't care as I find it fun but some may not...
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New patch came out yesterday with the new Battleground, level 30 to join, it makes you level 60 and everyone has the same gear/stats. Makes for some interesting fights. Obviously level 60s will have more spells etc. It is rather fun fighting people with the same gear although no more one shoting people now!

The other battleground match making doesn't seem to be 100% yet but still fun. Got to Rank 10 in EU on it last night before I had to go to bed.

Pirate costumes rock, the BG dailys you get rock, Glyph boxes for PvP points rock...

Imo there has never been a better time than now to get in to TERA.
Yea, the new BG isn't too bad at all, got a quadra kill yesterday standing at the top and a group of players just went over the wall, was bare jokes!
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