It's fun, I love it when people rage/cry/abuse me so this is lots of fun. It also shows guild dominance and presence which is good for PR and recruitment. It also encourages people to use some intelligence and actually group up and focus targets instead of people going all Rambo solo. If they are an intelligent player then they will learn thus making everyone's experience in the long run better but like you said, each to their own. 60?!? SweetHave never understood the appeal of that. Just sounds like you're going out of your way to ruin other peoples play experience, each to their own however. Also, at launch max lvl will be 60
Anyway, by launch they will have a pk system implemented to deter low level ganking, not sure how that will work exactly mind you.
Join the long list of people who have me on their personal KoS and guild KoS.I do hope that I meet you when you're doing this.
Can't wait. We'll see who rages first!![]()
We had 5 pages of this in SWTOR thread![]()
Well I fail to see how saying we're going to lock down leveling areas is obsessed with talking about it. I then had someone say they will see who rages first out of me and them so gave a brief history. I just hope you're on the same server as meHes kind of obsessed with talking about it, i wouldnt worry.
Were referring to your pk trolling in every mmo thread going, afraid its all rather tedious now. Dont rage about it![]()
Think I've asked this before but what race and server were you on RF online?snip
We started on Wind Server,Semper Paratus, Bellato, but had alts on the other races tooSpent a small amount of time with KoS after merge and also Wolfpack and N.I.N.J.A.
We played from the Day of release until the Server message popped up on screen for the final time "Server Down", sad day. Still in touch with most of the guidl and a lot of the other players from other races.
CW then alt spam was immense, we kinda cheated with the recall glitch on the chandras tho
LOVED doing that to teh chip bearer at end of CW lol other races miffed to say the least muhaha
CBT 1 17.02.2012 19.02.2012
CBT 2 02.03.2012 04.03.2012
CBT 3 16.03.2012 18.03.2012
CBT 4 30.03.2012 01.04.2012
CBT 5 13.04.2012 15.04.2012
Character wipe
OBT 19.04.2012 24.04.2012
Character wipe
PCC 26.04.2012 27.04.2012
Head Start 28.04.2012 02.05.2012
Launch 03.05.2012
We've added more PvP rules with this update—it's now uncool to kill players 6+ levels lower than you. These players will now receive the red name of shame and their punishment will be left up to the community.
You will now earn Infamy Points for killing lower-level players—60 points for players 6-10 levels lower than you; 120 points for players 11 or more levels lower than you.
If you have even one Infamy Point, you will be labeled an outlaw.
We won't penalize you for being an outlaw (having Infamy Points), but the community may retaliate as it sees fit.
Infamy Points will diminish at a rate of one every five minutes. You can also work them down one at a time by killing monsters equal to your level or higher.
Oh no mate, what you going to do now?![]()
Yea, I believe you can also go in towns, so if you're red at the end of the night just go to a safe zone and AFK.So its like a weak version of Eve's security status that resets at a rate of 1 every 5 mins? Meh, not a big enough deterrent.
To the best of my knowledge you will not drop items, I think if you're red and you die your gems will break - I could be wrong.What happens if you die to another player, do any of you're items drop? Tera's world pvp sounds really good, can you just attack anyone, anywhere?
test on again tonight?
Client hack/trick worked fantastic, both clients running.
Thanks for that dude
In Game time cards sound pretty cool, didn't know about that.
Wonder what kind of impact it will have on the economy but then again AFAIK both flyFF and Eve allow this kind of transaction and they're still popular.
Going from the CBT's so far, there were a distinct lack of tanks moreso than healers on the server I was on anyway. Tank or healer will generally get you into more groups though than DPS.
Also for anyone wanting to preorder the game, the Jersey site has the cheapest pre order out there at present for collectors edition. £39.99 - same price as standard game elsewhere!
Ah cool, thanks. Not dealt with them before, how are they reliability wise? Ill give it a few weeks anyway before placing an order, no rush as long as I have it done before open beta.