TERA release date announced.

If anyone is starting up a guild or has a guild please post and I'll update OP

Guild name:
Guild URL:
Guilds main focus:

Be nice regardless of likes/dislikes if people could get on the same server for PvP and also PvE due to disbands etc.
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Someone start an ocuk guild for ***** and giggles. Lets all be pot pourri or whatever the hell theyre called. Ill be on tonight with my low level mystic (13 i think) on the second quiet pvp server.

I actually laughed out loud at the Pot Pourri remark... I think I'm going to refer to them as that forever now -.-
Actually played this beta, I'm now undecided on what class to go :( I've gone from 2 to 4!!!! Arrrgh! KTERA here I come for the next 6 weeks -.-
Yea the game is made using the Unreal 3 engine which I think is incredible what they have done with it. It's funny I like PvP/PK/Griefing whatever you want to call it, on the two PvP servers I literally spoke to no one and was soloing. I ran out of char spaces so rolled a PvE server, by level 2 I was grouped with several people who were chatting and friendly and played with them for several hours and had a good time so can understand where you are coming from with that.

Same problem here, everything I tried was fun. Here is my break down of the classes I played
Slayer - level 19
I only got to level 19 on my slayer but they are a very strong class, didn't have any problems with any quests and also go to do some PvP, the only class which nearly killed me was a warrior and he was 3 levels higher and from what I gather level makes a huge difference. Damage was good, PvE was easy and PvP was easy. Leveling seemed really fast, AoE was great on this class. Actually a zerker killed me in a low level duel, he hit me twice and I was dead.

Archer - level 14
Did a fair bit of PvP on this class and destroyed everyone I came accross, missed a lot of shots and being stationairy sucked but from what I gather this does change later on. I found it a pain in the arse to level with the lack of AoE and well this game being very AoE intensive. I know we get that paint spell, the kick spell and our super charge move goes through mobs but it was more difficult. Some damage if critting was nice but don't know. Not sure how this class will be later although it was cool enabling PvP then running next to someone and charging an arrow and smashing someone.

Zerker - level 8-10 can't remember
Didn't get to PvP with this guy but PvE was easy mode, most of the mobs I would 2 combo them to death, AoE like a boss and hit like a train. Not sure how much fun this class would be later on as I just feel it's very much a 1 trick pony and a relatively easy class to play but it's fun 1 shotting things, hope to level this a bit and try PvP with it later but every quest was easy, I think I'm going to clear the start zone in real quick time on this guy, the mini boss guy on the hill I killed in 3 hits, going to see what the boss in the dungeon is like next beta.

Warrior - level 11-14
Primal leveled this one but has a quick go and at this level they melt face, I was pew pewing people and mobs, great attack speed and had no issues with mobs.

At this stage I would say the Zerker is the quickest to level followed by slayer. I would also say Zerker is the highest single target DPS atm followed by archer. Slayer seems to be the most utility and mobile followed by warrior.

I think you can have 8 chars, not sure - beta is limited to two which sucks as once you're past level 5 it takes a week to delete a char.
Yea I must admit after playing the beta I'm really excited for this game. Going to play KTERA until release now as I just can't wait -.-
I had looked at getting KTera but I don't think I can be bothered going to all the fuss when the game is only a month off really - plus the fact it's in Korean!

Yea when I first started playing there was an English translation patch ( unofficial and breaking the EULA ) and the KTERA people contacted the person who made it and told them to stop as well it was breaching their T&Cs so they did.

I just can't wait if I'm honest so I'm playing it, giving me a feel for my class a bit more and I'm hoping I can get max level on KTERA before the EU version comes out so I know where things are. The Korean part is a pain as well there is a lot I can't do also there are a lot of different quests than on the EU - when I say a lot I mean just a handful.

Will be livestreaming it later when I'm home so people can come learn Korean with me -.-
I played in the beta and found it to be very good, though i have heard the pvp is not so good?

PvP is fantastic, depends what you mean by good though.

If you role on a PvP server expect to be ganked 24/7, expect it to be hard to level this is something people refer to as not so good.

I think the PvP is fantastic, if you can withstand the initial burst of some classes you can get in to some really good fights, if you're good enough you can 1v2 people.

Great game and while gear does make a huge difference as does level if you're equal with someone else it really does come down to skill.

In terms of actual reward for world PvP there is non but there are BG at end game and you can get good gear from them.
If the pvp is good then i'm realy looking forward to this, i did enjoy the beta.

This is low level PvP have a look

There are better videos out.

Do we need a new beta key for this weekend? I was in the last one but someone said something about the non-paid access only lasting one session or character wipe or something...
I could be wrong but the paid one gets you access to all the betas however the ones they send you get you in for one weekend normally. Again I could be wrong but that is how the EU one is working.
Yes it is a europe beta according to the alienware site, keys going fast act fast about 1900 left!


Mmm the European beta dates on the EU Tera site say
CBT 1 17.02.2012 19.02.2012
CBT 2 02.03.2012 04.03.2012
CBT 3 16.03.2012 18.03.2012
CBT 4 30.03.2012 01.04.2012
CBT 5 13.04.2012 15.04.2012

Yea I'm undecided between
Warrior, Archer, Zerker and Slayer
Slayer seems like an easy class and very good PK class which I like
Zerker seems amazing but pretty much the gameplay doesn't change too much for them from level 12 to level 58 you still just use the same 2 moves, while not a bad thing I'm not sure I could handle that, in group PvP they are a must though.
Warrior - high attack speed, interrupts spells, 5 stuns... Very hard to play but they top the Korean PvP charts afaik.
Archer - seems a little bit meh and if I go slayer they will be no problem.
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Keys all gone now, I think its the us beta but it does say EU there. Probably means can play the us beta from the EU.

Says 1840 keys left when I go on the site.

I've rehosted the client patch file.


As previously mentioedn easiest way is to just copy the client folder then copy in contents of the zip telling it to overwrite everything :)

Shoudl be decent speed on the server too ;)

Does that still work mate, at work so can't test.

We've all patched up the EU client for the last weekend and then repatched using the linked RAR file. Only takes a few mins to get the Tera EU folder copied and then just extract Rar and copy all to your New Tera US folder overwriting whenever it prompts.

Suppose we will only find out come the next US test tho lol
Launcher loads fine and says upto date last time I tried it

Mind if I share with a few members of my clan who want to try TERA again and cba downloading the NA client?
So can play the US beta from the EU, right why are people acting as though this is a problem?

Sorry but I fail to see what the issue is, lag? Its a mmo you don't need reactions.

Not sure what you mean? NA and EU are separate you need two separate accounts and 2 separate beta accesses to access them unless I'm missing what you're saying?
I'm sorry but I would definetely put up with the slight bother of having a EU and US account so I could play a game before everyone else.

Sheesh, some people.

I'm really confused lol I was only saying that if you have EU beta access it doesn't mean you have beta access.

I play KTERA so it doesn't bother me just some people have been confused by the EU/NA dates in the past.

Feel free mate :)

I rehosted it as my bandwidth is going unused atm and wasn't sure how long the other would be up for :)

Thanks mate.
Managed to get to level 11 and off the starting Island in 1 hour 34 mins. I'm thinking with a few tweaks I can do this in 1 hour 20 mins, will do a few more tests.
That may change with the new starting area changes, your stats change in the next patch, less hp, less attack power etc I think up until lvl 16 where they filter back to normal. Was on NA beta this weekend past so will be Eu next weekend or CBT5. At work so can't link but if you look on the Enmasse forums there are details there.

Supposed to combat the complaints that everything is too easy until you hit higher levels.

Good point, I totally forgot about that. I know EU isn't adopting the NA changes for PvP so in a way I hope they don't for this but if they do you're right it will change things up a lot :( Will stop testing on KTERA and wait until this weekend then. The way it's done with what you've said will make it very very hard.
Are you referring to the outlaw system? EU will have the exact same patches as NA at launch so not sure why that applies any different to PvP?

I didn't know that, swear I've been in a bubble and not paying attention lol thanks for clearing that up for me :D
Yeah I know what you mean, but if I have read the threads correctly there is a lot of mechanics like dodge and aim. That can only be captured by actually playing the game.

Thanks for the info I may just have to give it ago at the weekend :)

They do sometimes run beta give aways so keep an eye on their facebook. If I manage to get a key I'll chuck it to you as all my guild have keys and I don't need them I just try and nab a key for people who need them.
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