TERA release date announced.

Managed to get a few hours on this over the weekend and whilst I don't think it will be a world beater it certainly makes a change from the 'norm'. That said it will inevitably keep me occupied until I get a D3 or GW2 beta invite :D
Hes kind of obsessed with talking about it, i wouldnt worry.
Well I fail to see how saying we're going to lock down leveling areas is obsessed with talking about it. I then had someone say they will see who rages first out of me and them so gave a brief history. I just hope you're on the same server as me :)

Funny how I say to leave it yet you continue to "bait" me in to replying. I'll report any more spam in this thread, lets just sort it out in game when the chance comes aye :)
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If you dont like being PK'd roll on a PvE Server?

There will always be someone highger than you, someone rolling with more people than you. someone that has more capable players with them or flat out doesnt like you. You WILL be a target for all of the above if yer out levelling.

Please dont roll ona PVP server and then complain about ganking, tickets get sent, PvP gets nerfed, people leave the game.

PvP is an integral factor of the gameplay and if the race related stuff (diplomacy) is anything like in RF online will be immense fun. Hell we had entire Races locking down areas so others couldn't XP, training people, KSing and generally disrupting their playing. We usually had more than most and by preventing others from levelling we ensured our race had the upper hand. The community on the server was fantastic, we all knew each other by name, even people from other races they make alts and come play with us and then go abck to their mains to PvP.

I have high hopes for the PvP in this game and the diplomacy thing which I've not read much about at the moment.

If my above posts annoys anyone, sorry, but we play to have fun.
Think I've asked this before but what race and server were you on RF online?

One of the most fun games I've ever played, chip wars were amazing :D Losing the chip in the middle and guarding entrances so the other races couldn't get their alts in to mine if they won :D
We started on Wind Server,Semper Paratus, Bellato, but had alts on the other races too :) Spent a small amount of time with KoS after merge and also Wolfpack and N.I.N.J.A.

We played from the Day of release until the Server message popped up on screen for the final time "Server Down", sad day. Still in touch with most of the guidl and a lot of the other players from other races.

CW then alt spam was immense, we kinda cheated with the recall glitch on the chandras tho :p
LOVED doing that to teh chip bearer at end of CW lol other races miffed to say the least muhaha
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Not been in the loop at all, but I entered my email address into their website for BETA access months ago. Have they finished BETA testing or will there be any more keys sent out?
We started on Wind Server,Semper Paratus, Bellato, but had alts on the other races too :) Spent a small amount of time with KoS after merge and also Wolfpack and N.I.N.J.A.

We played from the Day of release until the Server message popped up on screen for the final time "Server Down", sad day. Still in touch with most of the guidl and a lot of the other players from other races.

CW then alt spam was immense, we kinda cheated with the recall glitch on the chandras tho :p
LOVED doing that to teh chip bearer at end of CW lol other races miffed to say the least muhaha

Aaa cool. I was Bellato and was in KoS. Think I played the game for 2-3 months, was a great game.

I think I had 5 accounts which I used to mine lol. Also remember exploiting some map so that I could level up spells by casting a spell from one race on my main then cleansing it or other stuff, was so funny though on the way killing about 30 others who were doing the same.

Recall glitch as in, about to die then recall?

One of my fav games ever :D
Seriously, how many times have you two 'bumped' into each other whilst having a love in about ganking? Youre probably the same person! You should probably finally exchamge emails and discuss the good ol' days when games catered to epeen waving uber nerds and damn the subscription loss and inevitable failure. Anyway, im bored of pointing this out over and over, but hey im on a train from Newcastle so what the hey.

A game with rampant ganking, especially being able to shut down levelling zones, isnt pvp, dont get confused about what youre doing and something that actually represents a challenge. If BF3 had all the nerds on one side with guns and the other side had sticks, we'd be playing a lot more MW. Simple fact is, its called player vs player, not player versus himself. Never heard of RF online but now i see 2 of its playerbase, cant say im surprised. Ganking? Exploits? Cheats? You must have really loved that game. Loved it to death.

I appreciate you like it, that its somehow fun for you, but if it isnt fun for the majority then prepare for nerfs. I highly doubt TERA will allow a small bunch of... subscribers to shut down a levelling zone and chase away a large bunch of subscribers, but im sure you can live in hope. Lets wait and see shall we?
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When is the next beta? I'm thinking about pre-ordering if I could try it over a weekend or 2 before any money is taken from my account.
Not been in the loop at all, but I entered my email address into their website for BETA access months ago. Have they finished BETA testing or will there be any more keys sent out?

Still closed beta tests every other weekend. Next weekend is North America, then EU, then NA, then EU etc. Both have had 2 weekends so far, there will be 5 total then an open beta. If you check back a couple of pages in this thread I posted exact dates.
Beta is still going on, every fortnight. Think theres 3 or 4 left? Someone posted a schedule a bit back. You can pay a fiver and get access to the betas and it will come off your box price, but that box price is a tenner more expensive than other retailers... If you want to try it nominally for free you can buy the US version, get the code and then cancel, again details a couple of pages back. The US beta is during the weekends the EU one isnt but you will have to dl another client.
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CBT 1 17.02.2012 19.02.2012
CBT 2 02.03.2012 04.03.2012
CBT 3 16.03.2012 18.03.2012
CBT 4 30.03.2012 01.04.2012
CBT 5 13.04.2012 15.04.2012
Character wipe
OBT 19.04.2012 24.04.2012
Character wipe
PCC 26.04.2012 27.04.2012
Head Start 28.04.2012 02.05.2012
Launch 03.05.2012
Seriously, how many times have you two 'bumped' into each other whilst having a love in about ganking? Youre probably the same person! You should probably finally exchamge emails and discuss the good ol' days when games catered to epeen waving uber nerds and damn the subscription loss and inevitable failure. Anyway, im bored of pointing this out over and over, but hey im on a train from Newcastle so what the hey.

A game with rampant ganking, especially being able to shut down levelling zones, isnt pvp, dont get confused about what youre doing and something that actually represents a challenge. If BF3 had all the nerds on one side with guns and the other side had sticks, we'd be playing a lot more MW. Simple fact is, its called player vs player, not player versus himself. Never heard of RF online but now i see 2 of its playerbase, cant say im surprised. Ganking? Exploits? Cheats? You must have really loved that game. Loved it to death.

I appreciate you like it, that its somehow fun for you, but if it isnt fun for the majority then prepare for nerfs. I highly doubt TERA will allow a small bunch of... subscribers to shut down a levelling zone and chase away a large bunch of subscribers, but im sure you can live in hope. Lets wait and see shall we?

I can't remember the questions coming up before sorry :(
Harldy mate, the guys I played with were very competitive and by that I mean both within the guild and also the people we played against. Was a very competitive game, but also as I pointed out the community was quite friendly one minute at each others throats PvPing then the next levelling alts together.

It was open world PvP, if one race gained an upper hand then they would dominate for a small periof before someone did somethign about it, preventing the other races from having more haigh levels would directly impact the amount of people that had turn up for the daily wars and therefore give the upper hand needed.

Who meantioned Exploits?
Where I said "cheat" it wasn't so much a cheat, it was a class skill for a bellato class (Chandra if I recall) that instantly ported the targetted player to the casters position, how is using a class skill " a cheat". I said it in a context which you didnt understand, someone did tho. Basically you would let the other races get oh so excited they were gonna kill the target then BAM teleported to a safe area lol annoyed them no end.

Wether I be out PvPing or ganking as you seem to prefer to call it, wether Im chasing people or people are chasing me I enjoy it, I aint gonna go oh noes I died, toys out of the pram. If they kill me I'll make sure next time I kill them. At points we had entire guilds targetted and announced thru GM style chat to target and kill on sight.

Everything you've said does suggest you should play on a PvE server mate then maybe look into PvP Zones if yer feeling brave ;)

Also small groups of .... insinuate wherever ya feel like mate
I'm not talking me and a few mates Im talking entire races doing it, pretty much 30% of the active players at any one time lol, we'd tend to lock down areas and guard them to let other people level (same race) but nuke the hell out of anything else. We also regualrly powerlevelled other people ni order to ensure we had a higher %age of higher level players for the daily wars.

Anyway less RF talk more Tera Talk :)

HAs anyone had any update on EU preroder codes yet? :(
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Yeah mate youre the definitive arbiter of what constitutes PvP lol. The majority of PvP out there are open world gank fests lol. The central point being if they have a chance of killing you then all the more power to you... But thats not what you do is it? From what you said you should be playing single player! Turn down the difficulty and hey presto, youd rule! Maybe co-op when you got sad at not having anyone see you do it :D

Still, pointless discussing it further, trains in! Lets see who TERA agrees with and see if any pk nerfs are put in. You not staying around with us carebears would make me sad :( Guess thats the final arbiter eh?
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