TERA release date announced.

Ill definately be preording the full game and playing at launch. How long it will keep me entertained for remains to be seen at max lvl, but Im looking forward to finding out!
...Nah, don't think this game is for me judging from screenshots.

Looks very asiany and like a perfect world game, and I don't like any of those.
I couldn't get into it, maybe because I have done the mmo thing to many times now and i am getting old :(
I probably would have enjoyed it if i hadn't played aion.
Whats this games USP or is it just another wow clone?

Bored of wow (again :p) and looking for a fix pre dominus/gw2

It's combat system. Certainly not another 'wow clone' as you put it. Hard to explain, but its an action based MMO, meaning you don't lock onto a mob and push your buttons, rather more of an fps feel where you target it with your cursor and aim your skills that way.

I think it will be a love or hate game at launch, it certainly has it's flaws, but it's still in beta and hopefully some of those at least will get ironed out. It's still very Korean at heart, but thats not necessarily a bad thing!
I suppose there is very little 'tutorial' although if you press 'h' it brings up a help menu which is pretty good. Fairly easy to pick up most stuff without that mind you.
Just started playing the Japanese version, 40 hours free play time.

Basically like most other MMORPG's but with more interesting combat. Enjoying it so far though :)
the starter island is the tutorial I suppose, teaches you about most stuff like campfires (regen and buffs), harvesting etc. but presumes you know what youre doing around keybinds and stuff.

Got my mystic to 13, had an 'hmmmm' moment with my first experience of open world pvp. Basically this consists of large groups of 27s, running around low level areas ganking for all theyre worth. Slight moment of annoyance, but I chose a PvP server so just got on with it.

Spent about an hour messing around trying to figure out a way to see someones level and health so I would know whether to fight or flee when ganked but as far as I can tell there isnt one (apparently target, press Q, right click and mouse over works but didnt for me). This essentially means the levelling process is going to slow down considerably until you hit max, at which point you wont have to worry about it. im not sure if its a system i like at the moment as it gives the ganker a massive advantage, in that they can inspect you before they attack to make sure youre easy meat etc. On the other hand, you can always flee (thrilled to find out I have blink) but I dont like to always flee every possible combat until I max. Besides, im not sure the mystic is giong to be much cop versus a heavily plated tank.Going to try this out some more.

Really enjoying it at the mo, not sure if its enough to take me away from WoW long-term but defo purchasing and subbing for a bit.
Yea there is going to be so much ganking going on, one of my mates spent hours going around 1 shotting lowbies. I know when I play/my guild play some of us hope to be some of the first level 58s then we can lock down high level leveling areas so people can't level.

Didn't know that about inspecting people though, I suppose I really should be playing the beta as loads has changed.
I know when I play/my guild play some of us hope to be some of the first level 58s then we can lock down high level leveling areas so people can't level.

Have never understood the appeal of that. Just sounds like you're going out of your way to ruin other peoples play experience, each to their own however. Also, at launch max lvl will be 60 :)

Anyway, by launch they will have a pk system implemented to deter low level ganking, not sure how that will work exactly mind you.
I think a PK system is needed, tbh if I wanted to avoid this id roll on a pve server and I know that players who do this are disproportionately disruptive (there really arent that many of them, they just cause a lot of chaos). Interested to see how they handle it, it would be good if you were attacked in certain zones the attacker would match his victims stats... but then it all gets a little carebear. What are the death penalties by the way?
Yea there is going to be so much ganking going on, one of my mates spent hours going around 1 shotting lowbies. I know when I play/my guild play some of us hope to be some of the first level 58s then we can lock down high level leveling areas so people can't level.

Didn't know that about inspecting people though, I suppose I really should be playing the beta as loads has changed.

I do hope that I meet you when you're doing this.
Have never understood the appeal of that. Just sounds like you're going out of your way to ruin other peoples play experience, each to their own however. Also, at launch max lvl will be 60 :)

Anyway, by launch they will have a pk system implemented to deter low level ganking, not sure how that will work exactly mind you.
It's fun, I love it when people rage/cry/abuse me so this is lots of fun. It also shows guild dominance and presence which is good for PR and recruitment. It also encourages people to use some intelligence and actually group up and focus targets instead of people going all Rambo solo. If they are an intelligent player then they will learn thus making everyone's experience in the long run better but like you said, each to their own. 60?!? Sweet :D Guess I'll be 60 before doing this then :P

I do hope that I meet you when you're doing this.
Join the long list of people who have me on their personal KoS and guild KoS.
It's fun, I love it when people rage/cry/abuse me so this is lots of fun. It also shows guild dominance and presence which is good for PR and recruitment. It also encourages people to use some intelligence and actually group up and focus targets instead of people going all Rambo solo. If they are an intelligent player then they will learn thus making everyone's experience in the long run better but like you said, each to their own. 60?!? Sweet :D Guess I'll be 60 before doing this then :P

Join the long list of people who have me on their personal KoS and guild KoS.

Can't wait. We'll see who rages first! ;)
Can't wait. We'll see who rages first! ;)

Not really the thread for personal bickering however I'll say this - I've been griefing and PKing for 15 years. I've dropped items due to being killed worth thousands, I've died plenty of times and literally spend all my time PKing, I've never raged once and I've always been at the top of my game so good luck trying to make me rage.

See this is why I love PvP servers/games - makes those people you kill get killed by not just similar to bots (die easy) they actually have a personality so you can interact with them! Some of my best friends and some of my longest standing guild members were due to fighting with them in game, hell even a real life friend now I met from PKing in a game.
Did SB at lvl 20 last night, it was quite fun but playing melee is not fun at all during my first SB run. Going to roll one of the healer classes for sure and I think it’s going to be Popori Mystic.
Melee classes are very fun to play in Tera but most likely going to be at a massive disadvantage during end game.
Not really the thread for personal bickering however I'll say this - I've been griefing and PKing for 15 years. I've dropped items due to being killed worth thousands, I've died plenty of times and literally spend all my time PKing, I've never raged once and I've always been at the top of my game so good luck trying to make me rage.

See this is why I love PvP servers/games - makes those people you kill get killed by not just similar to bots (die easy) they actually have a personality so you can interact with them! Some of my best friends and some of my longest standing guild members were due to fighting with them in game, hell even a real life friend now I met from PKing in a game.

We had 5 pages of this in SWTOR thread ;)
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