TERA release date announced.

Got a key yesterday, i've played a tad and I'm level 5'ish.

I like the game, I think it has a refreshing feel for a MMO but I still can't seem to sit on it for longer than 30mins without thinking "I'm grinding and this is boring as hell" -_- Maybe I've just outgrown MMOs.
Wow, managed to sort out my problem but it was 'not' what I expected it would be.

Turns out my clock synch to time.windows.com was causing issues. Resynched to another server and my login problems were instantly cured.

Credit to this thread for the fix: http://tera-forums.enmasse.com/foru...t-seem-to-login-on-computer?page=1#post-66786

Might help anyone else who may potentially have the same issue as I did.
It's not a bad game but I just wish they would add 10-15m to the range of attacks :p I doubt I'll purchase the full game, apart from the combat it doesn't seem to offer anything better/different than the F2P MMo's I enjoy.
Damn I love this game.

Joined a "Popori Only" guild today called The Popori Brotherhood, we started 4 wars with other guilds and spent the entire night (and morning now..) hunting for people from those guilds.

Cleared Sinestral Manor too, last boss spawns adds every 20% hp which hurt like crap!

If the guild I am in continues to grow I will definitely get the US version of the game.

Also saw someone mention today that a lot of English customers are going to get the US version because of something to do with the company that is in charge of the EU version, that's all that I read in chat anyway, the person had logged off before I could ask them more about it.
The US servers are based in Chicago and the EU ones are in Germany near Frankfurt iirc. I get around 130ms ping to US servers and 40ms to the EU ones. If the playerbase all seems to shift to the US then I well have no problem moving over.
Enjoying the US version at the moment but I heard that those on free beta passes have their character wiped every beta? Not too much of a problem because I'm trying out the classes but annoying if true. I'll have to leave the higher levels for the paid UK beta.

don't know why this game isn't getting a lot of attention, maybe mmo burn out?
If you have EU client atm you can convert btw.


You ******* star!
Will have a looksee at that :)

Enjoying the US version at the moment but I heard that those on free beta passes have their character wiped every beta? Not too much of a problem because I'm trying out the classes but annoying if true. I'll have to leave the higher levels for the paid UK beta.

don't know why this game isn't getting a lot of attention, maybe mmo burn out?

It's common for character wipes at each beta stage.

I'm gonna have to have a chat with some of my yank mates and see if they know what this everyone moving to us servers is about.
Still looking forwards to it and got a few more mates to preorder so a few more to play with come the next weekend :)
I'm gonna have to have a chat with some of my yank mates and see if they know what this everyone moving to us servers is about.
Still looking forwards to it and got a few more mates to preorder so a few more to play with come the next weekend :)

Looks like its the fact they ported runes of magic, and theres a lot of negativity around their lack of continued support. Anyone played ROM?

If theyre known for terrible CS and general lacking then maybe best to play on the Yank servers. MMO with no GM/support is bound to fail tbh
Hey there, iv not taken a lot of notice of new games now for ages, but just seen a few screenshots of this game.

im guessing this is a bit like WoW ? but made by japanese? just seen some videos, it looks great.

would like sum more little details of it please :) and is it a game you have to pay monthly for etc?

Hi Ice, when you say like WoW, yes it's a MMO, there is PvE and PvP content much like any other MMO, the one difference this game promots is that it's more skill orientated. While this is true gear still plays a huge part, I mean if you and me are of equal skill level and you have better gear you're going to win.

It's a Korean MMO but not the typical grind fest, there are quests, lots of instances and it changes the way in which your traditional MMO is, with having to aim, active dodge depending on what tank etc.

It is a game you have to buy and also pay for monthly, with that said you can buy in game scrolls with real life cash which add 1 month play time, you can sell these to other players. So if you get enough gold in game you can buy a scroll and not have to pay the monthly fee with real life cash.

I hope the above answers your questions.
Client hack/trick worked fantastic, both clients running.
Thanks for that dude :)

In Game time cards sound pretty cool, didn't know about that.
Wonder what kind of impact it will have on the economy but then again AFAIK both flyFF and Eve allow this kind of transaction and they're still popular.
Well played quite a bit over the weekend on both my sorc and zerker. Definately playing sorc at launch, so much aoe funtimes!

Joined a guild with some random ppl who turned out to be awesome, we had some fun GvG battles and grinded (ground?) plenty of crab BAMS to get us started with xp next CBT. Game just keeps getting better the higher level you get, some of the areas around mistmoor island are stunningly beautiful!

Regretting not rolling my EU char on PvP test realm now!
Looking forward to moving my mystic up a couple more levels this weekend, played a sorceror in the US beta, will mess around with a priest and a 'hunter' whatever theyre called next. No problems with the beta, seemed to have good pings, the towns were silly busy compared to the EU pvp server, although im playing on the less populated one.

One of the things im finding it difficult to get adjusted to is not being able to see anyones level/health in a glance. I cant imagine how healing works but for pvp I also have no idea whether to stay and fight or run. Kinda makes it more fun, default seems to be 'run' lol. Roll on the weekend.
Hi Ice, when you say like WoW, yes it's a MMO, there is PvE and PvP content much like any other MMO, the one difference this game promots is that it's more skill orientated. While this is true gear still plays a huge part, I mean if you and me are of equal skill level and you have better gear you're going to win.

It's a Korean MMO but not the typical grind fest, there are quests, lots of instances and it changes the way in which your traditional MMO is, with having to aim, active dodge depending on what tank etc.

It is a game you have to buy and also pay for monthly, with that said you can buy in game scrolls with real life cash which add 1 month play time, you can sell these to other players. So if you get enough gold in game you can buy a scroll and not have to pay the monthly fee with real life cash.

I hope the above answers your questions.

very helpfull info thanks. whens this game fully out? or is it out now
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