TERA release date announced.

I will definitely be getting this game but having never played in a beta session i have no idea what i want to play. Am i in the right frame of mind in saying if i want to raid/dungeon run as much as possible i should roll a Priest? If the answer is yes has anyone healed yet in TERA?
I will definitely be getting this game but having never played in a beta session i have no idea what i want to play. Am i in the right frame of mind in saying if i want to raid/dungeon run as much as possible i should roll a Priest? If the answer is yes has anyone healed yet in TERA?

Well from experience playing a healing class always gives you the advantage of getting more invites than lets say playing a melee dps class which is always the least needed.

However healing is not for everyone. I love being a support/healing class, I loved healing in many different mmos and Tera will be no different for me.
Healers will always be needed, so will tanks. Lancers ( tanks ) are a very strong PvP class also.

All classes will be needed imo at the start. I have a feeling though there will be bare amounts of slayers/zerkers though.
Going from the CBT's so far, there were a distinct lack of tanks moreso than healers on the server I was on anyway. Tank or healer will generally get you into more groups though than DPS.

Also for anyone wanting to preorder the game, the Jersey site has the cheapest pre order out there at present for collectors edition. £39.99 - same price as standard game elsewhere!
Going from the CBT's so far, there were a distinct lack of tanks moreso than healers on the server I was on anyway. Tank or healer will generally get you into more groups though than DPS.

Also for anyone wanting to preorder the game, the Jersey site has the cheapest pre order out there at present for collectors edition. £39.99 - same price as standard game elsewhere!

Shopto has the cheapest afaik - £37.85 with pre-order bonuses.
Ah cool, thanks. Not dealt with them before, how are they reliability wise? Ill give it a few weeks anyway before placing an order, no rush as long as I have it done before open beta.
Ah cool, thanks. Not dealt with them before, how are they reliability wise? Ill give it a few weeks anyway before placing an order, no rush as long as I have it done before open beta.

Never had any issues with them to be honest, think I received one game 2 days early before and the rest have always been the day before. Got a lot of friends/guild mates that use them too with no problem.
Shopto has the cheapest afaik - £37.85 with pre-order bonuses.

I have £4.42 worth of points on shopto which brings it down to £33.43 for the collectors edition, however I guess you don't get early access if you pre-order from Shopto? I wanted to show my friend the game this weekend :(
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I will definitely be getting this game but having never played in a beta session i have no idea what i want to play. Am i in the right frame of mind in saying if i want to raid/dungeon run as much as possible i should roll a Priest? If the answer is yes has anyone healed yet in TERA?

Yes, I've leveled up a priest to 22 on PvE and 25 on PvP servers. I've healed through quite a bit of group content, PvP fights, and a couple of instances. Its allot more entertaining than the typical target / faceroll hotkey system found in most MMO's, and while I was playing there was a constant stream of "LFM healer for xxxxx" type requests. I'll try to answer specific questions if you have any.
Just FYI at higher levels of the game, apparently mystics are more sought after in groups than priests. This is due to their higher mobility, better buffs and the fact they can restore mana to players as well as hp! I don't think that priests are seen as superior, just that mystics seem to be more versatile. At the end of the day, play both and see what you like :)

If youre wanting to play in Beta, it only costs ~£4 for beta access via the mini preorder which gets you access to the final 2 remaining closed betas (this weekend and then 2 weekends time) and obviously open beta. If you decided to get the game, get it from elsewhere other than direct though, its much cheaper.
As someone who hasnt played a priest yet, heres one. How do you heal without being able to tell party health or is there a party health box that pops up? Also, at 25 can you PvP solo? heard somewhere priests have sleep, dots and hots.
As someone who hasnt played a priest yet, heres one. How do you heal without being able to tell party health or is there a party health box that pops up? Also, at 25 can you PvP solo? heard somewhere priests have sleep, dots and hots.

Party health is displayed in the usual way, with labelled health bars for each member of the party. Default location is top left of the screen, but you can drag and drop it anywhere you like.

Yep you can solo PvP at that level. The priest does get a sleep ability, which is invaluable during PvP.

Ishara's Lullaby: Lock onto several targets and put them briefly to sleep.

Best used directly before running up to your opponent and casting...

Shocking Implosion: Produce an electrical burst in front of you.

Which is the highest damage spell I've seen for the priest so far. I only have limited solo PvP experience atm, but I've beaten a Slayer and Sorcerer with the above combination, among others...

I don't remember seeing dots for the priest, but yes it gets aoe hot's at quite a low level. The first one you get is called "Restorative Burst", at level 6, but its also the least useful because it uses a lot of mana compared to later hot's.
Just FYI at higher levels of the game, apparently mystics are more sought after in groups than priests. This is due to their higher mobility, better buffs and the fact they can restore mana to players as well as hp! I don't think that priests are seen as superior, just that mystics seem to be more versatile. At the end of the day, play both and see what you like :

There are advantages and disadvantages to both. One of the great advantages with the Mystic is that it can replenish mana back to the group in decent quantities. The Priest can to this too with the right loadout, but only at a much lower level. Another advantage I heard about while chatting in-game, and not sure if this is true, is that the the healing orbs don't gain any agro for the Mystic when they're picked up by party members. But apparently Mystics cant heal through burst damage very well, where as this is a strength for the Priest.


You're right though, just choose what you want. Personally I'm going priest, just because I like the way it plays.
Just FYI at higher levels of the game, apparently mystics are more sought after in groups than priests. This is due to their higher mobility, better buffs and the fact they can restore mana to players as well as hp! I don't think that priests are seen as superior, just that mystics seem to be more versatile. At the end of the day, play both and see what you like :)

If youre wanting to play in Beta, it only costs ~£4 for beta access via the mini preorder which gets you access to the final 2 remaining closed betas (this weekend and then 2 weekends time) and obviously open beta. If you decided to get the game, get it from elsewhere other than direct though, its much cheaper.

Use your amazon.co.uk account...

Log into and order from amazon.de and amazon.com
Wait 10mins for keys to arrive.

Input keys on your EU and US account.
Cancel Preorder's.
Download the EU client and use the patch provided above.
You now have a beta account for both EU and US and you are not tied down to buying digital direct.
Ah cool, didn't know about the .de version. Already done the .com one and played all 3 CBT's there as well as EU ones :)
Hmm, got a CBT2 key for my brother last time (as I'd already signed up for mini pre-order)... Haven't been sent one this time though.

Don't suppose anyone has a spare key going, per chance? Would be gratefully appreciated. :)
I'll be on this about 4:30pm today on the Arborea server if anyone wants to group up and do some quest at around Level 21, I'm playing a Warrior named Ggirl.
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