TERA release date announced.

Another thanks to Tune here, i followed that link you gave us about the auto level up and made a lancer (i figured a tank would be a lot longer to level :D)
I wouldnt have minded a healer of some sort but ill level one of those if i click with the game at high level.
Is there any restrictions on how many characters youre able to have per server?
I think 2 for F2P. I'm a founder so I have 8. Costs like £6.50 for 2 char slots I think, nothing too expensive.

Also lancers are surprisingly good for leveling, they can solo BAM's which are Big ass monsters, kinda like world bosses but lots of them, they give a ton of xp and fairly hard to kill solo, one wrong move and they can 1shot you. Lancer can solo them fairly easily, and they are probably one of the best classes for PvP even though they are a tank. And they are the best tanks in the game too, so not a bad class to pick.
Probably shoulda gotten a free priest, they are hard to level up IMO. And damn race changes pretty expensive.

thanks eekfek, yeah true but I hate my elf male he looks like a big girl ;( should have gone human :D
I quit in August having played from the start. After hitting ilevel 162 I was saddened to see player attitudes change and this lead to me leaving as it looked to get way too grindy with the Alliances update.

Players demanding that others have a certain % win ratio in the battlegrounds in order to join their group is just sad and there was a lot of Elitism with people who I used to play with on Fraya. I had 4x Lv60's and miss them terribly though :(

The Alliances update was the last straw as it consisted of PvP mechanics which would be awkward on a PvE server and lo and behold I was mostly right. You also need to grind like crazy now to get better gear - basically if you have a job/life you are stuffed in that regard. Tera still remains a great game to level upto 60 but after that a whole different game begins as you strive to get your top end armour and then enchant it to +12.
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I got mine too .. Says I have 18 msgs in the mail. If only I knew how to check it :D

Perhaps I'll figure it out later.
Yeah same, bit lost. Just doing the story quests as they didn't autocomplete for you. Don't forget to go back to the Island of Dawn(first island) and get the chest/box thing from one of the quests. It lets you open it every 5 or so levels and you get a bunch of items from it, I got 3x 30% xp boosts from mine that I'll be using for an alt, and some alkahest that sold on the trade broker for 8k+ so definitely worth doing.
My client is acting up, its constantly coming up with FFFF:FFFF error today, it did it a couple of times last night but eventually worked but now its doing it all the time :(

Im trying to repair tool so fingers crossed!
I headed to Val Elenium just to practice the warriors skills and chains on lvl 54 mobs. At first I had no clue what was what but slowly managed to combine some combo's and not die ;p

I played this game in closed beta and I can remember really disliking it, thought the combat was gimmicky but now I'm addicted :eek: and might go elite for more char spots.
Yeah I played it at release but wasn't a fan, loving it now.

I don't think elite increases char slots? I could be wrong though. It's only £4 or so for 2 slots anyway so probably better off just paying like £10 for some EMP. Founder increases slots though. I could be wrong about elite.

This is what is included, there may be more but this is what is listed ingame.


ah right cheers mate, I hadn't really looked into it and maybe assumed Elite had extra slots however it does have some nice benefits.
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