TERA release date announced.

Well Tera is quite easy to level up in (the easiest mmo by far) however it is best you start off from scratch as recently the publishers introduced reward chests for new characters. Essentially you get chests that appear in your inventory as you level up i.e lv20/30/40 etc and they will have good stuffs in them :)

The chest loot is fixed so at lv30 (iirc) you get an extremely good weapon!
Still loving Tera again, my Warrior is at 50 and more fun than I remember! Unfortunately my 60 priest has had no play at all which may change when Corsairs Stronghold comes out next week :D.
Well Tera is quite easy to level up in (the easiest mmo by far) however it is best you start off from scratch as recently the publishers introduced reward chests for new characters. Essentially you get chests that appear in your inventory as you level up i.e lv20/30/40 etc and they will have good stuffs in them :)

The chest loot is fixed so at lv30 (iirc) you get an extremely good weapon!

Had a quick blast earlier and it seems my character is gone anyways :(
Gonna wait till my little boy has gone to bed then give it a bashing for a few hours. Any idea how to enable v-sync without forcing it through Nvidia? Currently capped at 80fps for some reason, but I want it at 60 so my gcard doesn't have to work so hard haha!
Had a quick blast earlier and it seems my character is gone anyways :(
Gonna wait till my little boy has gone to bed then give it a bashing for a few hours. Any idea how to enable v-sync without forcing it through Nvidia? Currently capped at 80fps for some reason, but I want it at 60 so my gcard doesn't have to work so hard haha!

Come on Veritas mate! I'm obsessed with this game at the moment haha.
How big are the patches normally on this game? :(

Says 2hours remaining on update, was playing it last night

Does this happen a lot? or is this just because of the new content?

Might have to let it download later on :(
Extra character slots cost 299TT? At first I thought cool, and rushed to buy some because I've made a home on Veritas so to speak, but when I found out that 299TT is around £15 if you buy the 400TT package for £21 (far better value than buying 3x 100TT packages) that's mad. If they were something reasonable like 50TT each, I'd of probably bought 3 or 4, but 1? Man... I know the game is very good for free, they give you pretty much everything without having to pay for anything but the pricing for premium stuff is absolutely nuts!!
How big are the patches normally on this game? :(

Says 2hours remaining on update, was playing it last night

Does this happen a lot? or is this just because of the new content?

Might have to let it download later on :(
This latest preload update is 2.3gb. This is for the Corsairs Stronghold update coming in possibly tomorrow or on the 3rd July. Strangely enough the NA Tera patch was 5gb, which seems to suggest we may have to download quite a bit more later on. Unless we are using better compression on our end.

It is the biggest update Tera has had in a while, and the next big one will be the Alliance federation update a few months down the road.
Tracked down a pre-F2P game code and upgraded to Veteran, got a month subscription out of it and 8 character slots on every sever!!

Oh yeah. :cool:
New patch came out yesterday with the new Battleground, level 30 to join, it makes you level 60 and everyone has the same gear/stats. Makes for some interesting fights. Obviously level 60s will have more spells etc. It is rather fun fighting people with the same gear although no more one shoting people now!

The other battleground match making doesn't seem to be 100% yet but still fun. Got to Rank 10 in EU on it last night before I had to go to bed.

Pirate costumes rock, the BG dailys you get rock, Glyph boxes for PvP points rock...

Imo there has never been a better time than now to get in to TERA.
The new Corsairs Battleground is or seems to be epic from my first game that I played last night. It reminded me strongly of Dark Age of Camelot's RvR castle sieges.

I have never got into the Fraywind Canyon BG's because it is all gear based and everyone is packing high end stuffs for the most part. Since the Corsairs Battleground is equalized, everyone can take part - not just Lv60's. It allows you to try out different characters to get a feel for them in PvP.

The changes that came in yesterday was immense. That was one huge changelog! I don't like the idea of overland BAM's being dumbed down though. For my dailies I had to kill 3x ice giants. Imagine my surprise when they dropped in two hits of my lance.
Yea, the new BG isn't too bad at all, got a quadra kill yesterday standing at the top and a group of players just went over the wall, was bare jokes!
Yep, I've just got this and am quite enjoying it, I'm on Fraya (EU) but early levels so quite happy to roll a new character on another server if that's where everybody is.

So, which server? :)
Anyone still playing this? getting back into it.

I took advantage of that link you put up in the other thread (cheers) free lvl 58 char offer which means a US server but in beta there was no problem.

The script to auto level them rolls out today so there maybe still time for others to do it. Luckily the client is playable at around 10% download and then streams as you play, again it's smooth and responsive.

Personally I think it's a brilliant idea, I'd love it if other MMo's followed suit if this proves successful.
Awesome, its a really good game if you get past the grindy levels, which the level 58 event does :P

And rob I'm on NA servers :( I suggest changing to NA if you're not very high level, its much better. Faster patches and better support are the main things. And they never get events like the free 58 and things like that. Only bad thing is the ping, but I get around 100-150 which is perfect.
Cheers, I'll probably do that this evening. Not fussed about ping, I managed EQ on a US server for a few years whilst on 56k and then on isdn, can't be any worse than that :)

are you on several servers or a particular one?
Mount Tyrannas. It's a PvP server but theres a skill called outlaw declaration you need to enable for world PvP. The only other time you can get attacked is from Guild vs Guild fights, but just don't join a guild :P Theres no benefits besides chat anyway.
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