TERA release date announced.

Essenia is the most populated PvP server and has all the big and known PvP guilds rolling on it. Going to be a warzone!
cheers for that, not going spend to much time with Tera. But will play a bit and will play when not playing GW or Tor.

Don't know your play style and this isn't a dis but if you're going to play it casually maybe a PvE server is for you, you'll get loads of high levels ganking low levels and making it hard to level/quest etc.
I was going to play it mainly for the world pvp just like GW2 for the wvw. But you right if I cant even get out of the first area its going to frustrate the hell out of me.

Cheers for that, so which is the popular pve server then?

Not everyone does it but when players hit cap in the head start they will go to the starting area. You should be fine once you're out of the first map as I didn't see too many high levels in the other areas ganking and you can change channel but I thought I'd just give you a heads up.
Hit cap for head start earlier today and hopefully should have my next 38 by Monday night. My guild had been naughty and stole 3 other guilds names, caused quite the drama :D
Finnaly got the cilent downloading, but wondering is there a grace period in EU?, because Rainforest still haven't posted my CE and servers go live tomorrow

Servers go live Thursday at 12CEST not tomo and no grace period.

I pre ordered 2 from shopto, both got sent out yesterday but only received one today so I've had to buy a digital CE to make sure I don't miss it.
Beta was good fun to be honest, far too little sleep and catching up on my 2nd char as I got two to 38 but both were great fun. As with most MMOs there seems to be next to no tanks, DPS is about 30 mins for a queue tank is insta pop.

Well my CE arrived today but I already have the digital CE -.-
Well I'm enjoying it, bit annoying that I have to spend 252g I think it is to try for 1 + atm on my T12 enchantable weapon but it is a beasty weapon.

Good game, been at 9,999 inf for so long now lol although prob down to 8k due to Diablo! Love the game, think it has a good future although other thank griefing and ganking at 60 there isn't too much to do (I'm only missing 2 bits of t12 enchantable stuff)
Yea tanks are much needed. Our guild got it's first 60 tank and we have literally been instancing none stop since he hit cap. Funny I can queue as DPS for 4 hours, on my lancer the second I click queue I get an instance pop. It's strange as Lancer is one of the strongest PvP champs -.-
No server rollbacks according to GM they will investigate on an account bases... Knew about it for a while but never used it.
They said they will investigate account by account and role them back to Sunday... I know people who have been doing it for 2 weeks +... Makes sense to role them back until Sunday.
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