Terminator: Dark Fate

They all said Titanic was a stunning masterpiece too. depserate damage-limitation after most of the cast come off saying cameron was a ****stick. then they gave it 11 oscars just so everyone got the message. and the message was, don't believe for a moment that studios don't grease palms and suck ****s to get good word of mouth on the street once a trailer starts getting negative feedback.
100 times! Yikes.

I guess I must have seen it about 20 times. I'm sure I recorded it off TV in the early 90's

in the summer of 1985 I bought it on VHS for £54.75 from a video rental company and as far as I’m aware it should still be in a box in my loft. This was long before you could buy films for £9.99.
in the summer of 1985 I bought it on VHS for £54.75 from a video rental company and as far as I’m aware it should still be in a box in my loft. This was long before you could buy films for £9.99.

They were quite special days in the 80s. I remember someone in the street always had the latest VHS before anyone else that we all went into their house to watch it. It was at least a good month or two as well.
Seen this last night thought it was brilliant. Was also the first day of our new odeon luxe so the sound and picture where simply fantastic as well. Definitely worth seeing.
Turned out really well i thought, it had some funny moments (seeing Carl talk about decorating came off as pretty amusing as did the texas line) and the rev 9 was easily a bigger threat than the T-1000 ever was, it blended in better, had more human "range" etc.

The digital de-aging of Sarah and Arnold was pretty much flawless, they looked more or less how they did in T-2 (that sequence is several years post T2).

The effects were top notch, anyone with the weird notion that the t-1000 effects looked better (as is usually the case via rose tinted glasses and general internet derpery) needs to visit an opticians, this isn't the t-1000, it's not the tx, it's not the t-3000 so comparisons are pointless.

Maybe i missed it but:

Where exactly was Edward Furlong? He was said to have a small role in this but unless i blinked and missed it it never seemed to appear. Unless he was just reading lines for the brief John Connor sequence which they changed the pitch on to make him sound younger, those lines just went into background noise anyway with the Sarah Voiceover.

Had a few call backs with the bar music from T2 in one scene, but they didn't beat you over the head with them as in previous installments. The new future war sequence was also pretty interesting, a different take on it from what we've seen before.

The rev 9 endo was a bit creepy as well, it's the first Terminator that i can think off that has metal coloured teeth instead of Human coloured. That and the dark colouring made it look a bit more menacing i thought.

Be interesting to see where they go from here.
So how would metal teeth help it being an infiltration unit? Disguise it as a ****ty rapper or such?

Only the endo has metal teeth, when the liquid is on it they're covered to look human.

Thinking about it the tx might also have had metal teeth.
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When I was walking home from the cinema last night, at one point I had a cat walking in front of me and it got me thinking. Why not make a terminator cat and send that back? It’d get the job done I expect.
When I was walking home from the cinema last night, at one point I had a cat walking in front of me and it got me thinking. Why not make a terminator cat and send that back? It’d get the job done I expect.

Wouldn't make for a good movie though :p
When I was walking home from the cinema last night, at one point I had a cat walking in front of me and it got me thinking. Why not make a terminator cat and send that back? It’d get the job done I expect.
Naa it's no good, the dogs would pick it up. Just get a t1000 to disguise itself as a mobile phone, then it would get real close to whoever is the single most important person at the time. I think I'll wait for it to come on sky, mainly as me and the Mrs don't get much free time to go to the cinema.
Naa it's no good, the dogs would pick it up. Just get a t1000 to disguise itself as a mobile phone, then it would get real close to whoever is the single most important person at the time.

That was mentioned in t2, about it morphing into something small, it can only mimic objects or people of comparable size.
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That was mentioned in t2, about it morphing into something small, it can only mimic objects or people of comparable size.

Yep, watched it just the other day and this is the case. It also has to make physical contact first, before it can copy something.

At one point it quickly morphs in to the checkered floor. Then the mental hospital security guard walks over it and then the T1000 forms behind the guard copying him
Yep, watched it just the other day and this is the case. It also has to make physical contact first, before it can copy something.

At one point it quickly morphs in to the checkered floor. Then the mental hospital security guard walks over it and then the T1000 forms behind the guard copying him

They covered their bases well when they came up with the t1000 not having it be a be all end all quick fix solution to killing off Connor. On the whole though i find the rev-9 more interesting with what its strengths and weaknesses are when its as a whole and in 2 seperate parts.
That was mentioned in t2, about it morphing into something small, it can only mimic objects or people of comparable size.
think in T2 they only mentioned the limitations of it not being able to mimic complex moving parts like a bomb.

in the novel they had trilobite type things that were just intelligent grenades, they were small enough to weasel their way through rubble into bases etc and when close enough simply exploded.
think in T2 they only mentioned the limitations of it not being able to mimic complex moving parts like a bomb.

in the novel they had trilobite type things that were just intelligent grenades, they were small enough to weasel their way through rubble into bases etc and when close enough simply exploded.

John Connor: Wait a minute here. You're telling me that this thing can imitate anything it touches?

The Terminator: Anything it samples by physical contact.

John Connor: Get real, like it could disguise itself as a pack of cigarettes?

The Terminator: No, only an object of equal size.

John Connor: Then why doesn't it become a bomb or a machine gun or something to get me?

The Terminator: The T-1000 can't form complex machines. Guns and explosives have chemicals in them. Moving parts. It doesn't work that way, but it can form solid metal shapes.

John Connor: Like what?

The Terminator: Knives and stabbing weapons.
yet they showed smaller chunks of the T1000 that had been blasted off [his hand hooks] that were still capable of the chameleon effect and sentient enough to move back to him and join the main mass, so it seems he could chop a few fingers off and make a pack of cigarettes!
At £12.50-15.00 per ticket I think I'll wait on some trusted reviews before I even consider that option. Cinema is great but it's just too expensive nowadays. I haven't been for years except when I get hugely discounted tickets via things like Living Social (£9 for 2 tickets).
So pleased my local Vue is £4.99 a ticket! Have seen way more movies!
yet they showed smaller chunks of the T1000 that had been blasted off [his hand hooks] that were still capable of the chameleon effect and sentient enough to move back to him and join the main mass, so it seems he could chop a few fingers off and make a pack of cigarettes!

They seemed to have a homing instinct, that was about it. Presumably it needs the cpu to tell it what form to assume.
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