really enjoying this game, find the hours just melt away, cruising about in a nissan 350z nismo S-Tune(upgraded to R-Tune).
dunno if it was a good purchase or not but i dont really care
as its a fun controllable car.
when i first started playing i tryed to use a xbox pad, but that was just a no go, felt horrible, didnt feel in touch with the game at all, so out with the DFP and it really does make all the difference.
runnign suprisingly well on my backup computer.
(3700+, 2gbram, 1900xtx)
about 30fps avg, dropping to low 20's when there is a lot of smoke but it dosnt bother me.
so far the only things thats really annoying me at the moment, is the roads tend to be a bit abrupt in the gradient changes, like theres not enough polys, which can make any sort of speeds through undulating roads a bit hairy, but i guess its livable, just have to back off when it comes to the bad sections, suppose thats the price you pay for having such a huge streaming landscape to drive on.
off for a cruise about the island, yet to explore the northern territories, looks like it'll be a long scenic drive, radio on, boot down