TF2 - ocuk clan Try number 2? <3

I must commend whoever "Bicceh" is, I hadn't realised the solider upgrade had been released yet with homing rockets :p

Also, would it be possible to add another map to the cycle, as after an hour of play, it does get boring chasing a cart all the time. Feel free to add whatever you think is best, my preferences are Granary or Gravel Pit for their near perfect team balance.
I must commend whoever "Bicceh" is, I hadn't realised the solider upgrade had been released yet with homing rockets :p

Also, would it be possible to add another map to the cycle, as after an hour of play, it does get boring chasing a cart all the time. Feel free to add whatever you think is best, my preferences are Granary or Gravel Pit for their near perfect team balance.
Granary and Gravel Pit get my vote too.
Granary and Gravel Pit get my vote too.

I only had those three maps so we could get the server really busy in its infancy.

After settings 2fort, gravelpit and steel on tonight. It seems thay can keep the server populated.

So new cycle is:


We will trial this for a few days and see if we still have a busy server. :) BTW theres a lot more admins on now so ask one of them to set a nextmap up, somehting random.
I should be on tonight.
I also now have a sig that is in keeping with the thread. Just have no idea how to get it to update automatically. :(
it started off with just me and slinky, about an hour or so ago, now i cant get back on the server after i left its that full lol

everytime i play spy i get really angry at how crap i am and leave the server :(
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everytime i play spy i get really angry at how crap i am and leave the server

Playing as a spy isnt about being crap its just about being patient and playing the odds. No matter who you are or how good you will die a lot.

The above link is an excellent tool which adds a link on the TF2 main menu to join the server at a click of a button.

It will be especially handy to access any reserve slot in the near future. I suggest people install it!

Thanks to Lethal for doing it!

EDIT: The link also contains a screenshot to show what it does!
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