I've found this thread very late on...
Last October, a few of us in the office decided to all grow our own chilli plants in the office, as we thought this was probably one of the few useful plants we'd be allowed to get away with. Completely wrong tme of year I know, but the office is well heated, the only draw-back being the UV filtered windows.
Depending on variety, we achieved germination rates between 20% to near 100%. Sadly though, as the time came to pot them up, we were informed that we would not be allowed to have them on the windowsills.
So we decided to share all the different varities amongst ourselves (initially, we'd chosen just one each) and took them home. Being limited a bit by space (we grow quite a bit of other stuff at home too) I ended up with just 12, which I potted on to their final pots last weekend. In the course of getting them back from the office when they were just shoots, I mixed them all up, so I have absolutely no idea what is what until it fruits! I have some or all from:
- Hot chocolate Habanero
- Twilight
- Ring of Fire
- Cherry Bomb
- Chilli Pepper Ciliegia Piccante 'Hot Cherry'
All bought from South Devon Chilli Farm. Can't wait to see them fruit - they're flowering now and as they're indoors, I'm manually pollenating at the moment.
The odd plants in between the last two are peanuts - my first time growing them!