Sorry to keep asking this but Ive searched on google and cant seem to find an answer.
I think i put my Chillis out a bit early the other day when it was too cold. Most of my jalapenos have started to go pale and the leaves are curling up. Is there anyway to save them from certain doom?
ive been putting my seelings out from around 9am > 6pm but in a spot where its sunny all of that time and they look fine , in the shade or a windy spot could be to cold though
you take the roof out every day LOL
I did this last year. was mostly so the bees could pollinate them for me LOL
once the roots start trying to poke out the bottom of the pot which is probably about now for you i would imagine.
Depends on the 'breed' and how big you want the plants to get.
I'm doing purely windowsill growing, 4 plants, and am opting for 12cm pots at 1litre volume for the final pots.
Soaking seems to be the best way to water, but I haven't personally tried it yet.
define "soaking"