My Naga/Jolokia seeds arrived today. Got them in a couple of plastic tubs with some damp kitchen town in the airing cupboard, is this ok?
Roughly how long should I expect them to take to germinate?
My Naga/Jolokia seeds arrived today. Got them in a couple of plastic tubs with some damp kitchen town in the airing cupboard, is this ok?
Roughly how long should I expect them to take to germinate?
If you have a Skybox, put them ontop of that, should see results within days mate.
The first part that sprouts is the root, so place it downwards.
Those Nagas you sent me have all finally germinated, got them on a windowsill in the day and made a little light box to keep them in at night
I'd advise to make sure they get a good 8 hours of darkness. They'll grow a surprising amount during the night after a good day in the light. So extend the daylight time with the box but don't exhaust them with 24/7 light.
I guess there is still a chance mine could germinate then, still no signs of life though.
I've got some chillies coming through on my plants now, about 2.5-3" at the moment. They're all in 15cm pots and the roots are coming out the bottom now, is it worth re-potting them into bigger pots or will they be fine staying in them? I was going to put them into 20cm pots but as they've started fruiting now i'm not sure if theres any point.
what temps have you got them at?