The 2010 Chilli growing thread - it's scorching!

My Naga/Jolokia seeds arrived today. Got them in a couple of plastic tubs with some damp kitchen town in the airing cupboard, is this ok?

Roughly how long should I expect them to take to germinate?
My Naga/Jolokia seeds arrived today. Got them in a couple of plastic tubs with some damp kitchen town in the airing cupboard, is this ok?

Roughly how long should I expect them to take to germinate?

If you have a Skybox, put them ontop of that, should see results within days mate.

Jay :)
If you have a Skybox, put them ontop of that, should see results within days mate.

Jay :)

Got the Bhuts on my o2 box so they're nice and warm (just realised the xbox next to them should aid in providing some heat :)


Silly question but once they start showing signs of life which way around should I plant them?
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Have to agree with Justin I have never bothered what way they go. plant them in soil and the first bit could be pointing in any direction lol

Those o2 Routers get stupidly hot.

Here are my work chillis

Sorry for guff pics



Drew the curtains today and the flowers have started to product perfume so it won't be long before they're starting to produce pollen :D
Those Nagas you sent me have all finally germinated, got them on a windowsill in the day and made a little light box to keep them in at night :)
Those Nagas you sent me have all finally germinated, got them on a windowsill in the day and made a little light box to keep them in at night :)


I'd advise to make sure they get a good 8 hours of darkness. They'll grow a surprising amount during the night after a good day in the light. So extend the daylight time with the box but don't exhaust them with 24/7 light.
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I'd advise to make sure they get a good 8 hours of darkness. They'll grow a surprising amount during the night after a good day in the light. So extend the daylight time with the box but don't exhaust them with 24/7 light.

Cool, will do :)
I guess there is still a chance mine could germinate then, still no signs of life though.

Yup, originally I had a few germinate, gave up on the others and planted the jalapenos in the same pods.. only to have the nagas germinate about a month later out of the blue!

The seeds are from a set of pods, all put into a pot and mixed up so no one person would have all the seeds from one pod. That way if one pod's seeds are dud then there's high chance that each person got seeds from other pods that will germinate.

So fingers crossed - what temps have you got them at?
I've got some chillies coming through on my plants now, about 2.5-3" at the moment. They're all in 15cm pots and the roots are coming out the bottom now, is it worth re-potting them into bigger pots or will they be fine staying in them? I was going to put them into 20cm pots but as they've started fruiting now i'm not sure if theres any point.
I've got some chillies coming through on my plants now, about 2.5-3" at the moment. They're all in 15cm pots and the roots are coming out the bottom now, is it worth re-potting them into bigger pots or will they be fine staying in them? I was going to put them into 20cm pots but as they've started fruiting now i'm not sure if theres any point.

Up to you really. I doubt it would drop the fruit (although it may drop a few flowers).

Small pot Pros - limits plant size and the plant feels it needs to fruit quicker.

Small pot Cons - smaller plant = less fruit, also the plan will suck the pot dry quicker. Nutrients will be exhausted quicker.

Moving between pots will stress it for a few days but you'll also add more nutrients in the long term (although these could be made up with liquid feed). The plant will grow bigger and fruit more (usually).
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what temps have you got them at?

I don't have a thermometer so not sure but I have them on top of my HIFI amp which is on all the time and is quite warm. They're in some damp kitchen roll in a sealed bag. Same thing I did with my Cayenne chillies but they're a lot easier to germinate.

Can it stop them germinating if its too warm? I doubt its anything to do with the seeds as I also have some Bell Peppers in a separate bag that are refusing to germinate.
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