Thought I'd join in and post what I've been growing too. I know nadda about this really, so much so I've actually forgotten what types I'm growing (apart from a couple where I've not lost the labels yet...) - But it's fun none the less!
Got some seeds for Xmas, planted in small pots around late Jan / early Feb time, no idea if that was way to early or not, but pft, they are growing none the less.
When can I expect to harvest? I grew a single plant last year, got some big chilli's off it (green) but they weren't even slightly hot. A few that I left on the plant then started to turn red, so I thought whoops I'd harvested too early...
Also, should I be snipping some of the smaller leaves off from lower down the plant? Or just leave it alone and carry on as I'm going, watering and feeding with a special chilli food ('Chilli Focus')?
These are upstairs on my office window sill, need to do some transferring to larger pots as some pots have a couple of plants growing and I think it is obviously affecting the growth.
These are on the bay window downstairs. Again, transferring is going to be needed asap.
Upstairs again, just with a 30cm ruler to compare how big they are getting (not sure if this is good or not!?)