*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

I may have done a 200kg squat today :o

I was a bit psyched out by it, and didn't go as low as I normally do (I went to just about parallel) but was more in shock psychologically that I did it. I'll post the vid up in the powerlifting thread to see you guys think it's a pass or not! I wish I had given it another go, I reckon it wasn't as good as I could do.
I don't like the "touch and go" approach - for me that ruins form and it's just not a comfortable way of doing it. 2xBW would be nigh on 200kg for me anyway :p

I reckon I'm good for about 4 or so... I think I'd want to use a belt for it though.
I don't think straps should be allowed personally, as that's part of the challenge. I agree about the minimal rest at bottom, you should deload the bar anyway.

So double BW for as many reps as possible?
I did my DL 230kg with no straps and no chalk - it's not really that necessary. Heck even 180 is achievable with double overhand grip. You've just got to build up your grip strength. Chalk is definitely required to beat sweat though - so from that point of view I agree it's necessary, however day in day out sort of training it's not really necessary - it's useful though I don't deny that and have some for the summer when it gets very sweaty.
Always take supps after food certainly vitamins and fish oils else they're not going to be as effective and you're wasting your money. :)

my doms often feel like bruising as effectively it's close to what it is. It's trauma to your tissue effectively!
Why is this?

If you don't, most supps are fast absorbed and will just be partially if absorbed at all. With food it slows down the rate of absorption meaning that a bigger concentration (amount) of the mineral is able to be taken in rather than just whizzing through your body. To get a decent amount absorbed you'll either have to take a silly amount, or take lots throughout the day. To give you the best chance of absorption take them with food as your body will be in the optimal state to absorb nutrients.
I try not to talk about training and diet and nutrition with people who have no understanding. I'm happy to impart my knowledge and experience to those receptive for this sort of thing, but more often than not people seem to want to believe what they believe, and just carry one with their diets and lifestyles because "it's always worked for me". And then wonder why in over a year's worth of training, they've not gained any strength or muscle mass.

If you're new to training and nail your dietary requirements for intensive hard core training within the first couple of years of training you should achieve at least a 50% increase in lifts.

If you're not sweating or feeling tired and dead then you're also not training enough! :D (But I'm old school :o).
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