*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

Joined gym two weeks went once, ill last 2 weeks! Went back Tuesday and again today after 6months+ off.

I feel so weak and feeble lol I wasn't big anyway but im around 1/2 stone lighter than before and my weights are woeful.

It is however nice to be back and training and once im feeling 100% again I can crack on, going to start eating properly again as well. I haven't been eating badly since I stopped going but just not as well as I use to.

Will be happy when I get back to the weight I was before and aim to do more cardio as im ashamed by my fitness levels (I have been running for the time ive been away from gym so not completely lazy!)

Must admit I have NOT missed DOMs lol I forgot how sore it can be at times :o

Muscle has memory doesnt it? So it shouldnt take TOO long I hope.
How do you guys deal with breaks in training?

I was on holiday last week, and this week ive had a nasty cold, I did get a game of 5 aside in on Monday (which has made my cold worse), so thats 2 weeks with no weight training. Problem is im away with work next week, so I'll miss another week of the stronglifts session:(

I'll get some cardio in but thats about it, at least Ive carried on losing weight:p But I was hoping to have hit 110kg on my squat by now:(
How do you guys deal with breaks in training?

I was on holiday last week, and this week ive had a nasty cold, I did get a game of 5 aside in on Monday (which has made my cold worse), so thats 2 weeks with no weight training. Problem is im away with work next week, so I'll miss another week of the stronglifts session:(

I'll get some cardio in but thats about it, at least Ive carried on losing weight:p But I was hoping to have hit 110kg on my squat by now:(

I just went a week and a bit off with drinks, illness and rubbish food, but just go back in and make sure you put in full effort. Do dropsets to really cane your body!

Ache like mad today though but it's all good :D

Also, you can deffo train on a cold! :P
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Everyone needs a break - depending on your level of training you will have a certain amount of muscle memory, and it'll come back in a few weeks. I have to say that even on a 2 week holiday I seldom lose much weight if any. Strength goes a little but within a week or so I'm back up to full strength. Not sure about colds as I've never had one - but I can't imagine it being too tough, though bear in mind your body is trying to fight off the infection so you may be less likely to have energy for training and less likely to be able to focus on the training. Try not to stress about it - it's not worth it. :)
I finally got back to training on Tuesday after a 6 week break.
However today is meant to be my training day and my legs are still very sore from Tuesday, is it OK to continue lifting with soreness from a previous session?
Spent the morning in the workshops today and forgot how hungry staying on my feet makes me!

I don't think I was actually hungry but just wanted to eat something. So I'm looking for empty calories as such. A course mate had some soup he'd brought from morrisons and I had a look at the label and it seems to be okay from reading the values on the label. I associate soup as not really being a meal but more of a snack.

Around 180 calories per 600ml which was a fairly large tub.

Whilst still being on my trim down I don't want to over do it and end up back at square one. Obviously being stood up and moving around is burning calories too so ideally I want something that's effectively going to leave me 'calorie neutral' but full. What are peoples thoughts?

7:30/8: I'll get up, eat breakfast and leave
8:45/9: have a 15-20 minute up hill walk to the workshops.
10:30: Hunger Pains - Normally some fruit.
12:00: Technician goes for lunch and returns at 1PM so lunch is had in this period.

Usually when I'm sat at home fruit suffices as I'm not moving around burning up energy.

Depending on how late I stay I can take my pre W/O shake with me and have it there.

Any other suggestions. We have a fridge, kettle and microwave. Though I am meant to be working not experimenting in the kitchen :p
a lot of fruit and veg should be good for some low calorie snacks, keeps you full for a while too. Flax seeds have LOADS of fibre too which could help, high fibre doesn't really keep me full for long though which is wierd.
Decided to do some weights yesterday, for the first time in absolutely ages. Usually it's just body weight stuff + boxing training + running, but as I'm not going to boxing training at the moment I thought I'd get some weights in, normally I don't do them as the muscle soreness and fatigue the next day interferes with training. So I just did Deadlifts, BORs and Overhead Press for about 5-6 reps over 5 sets or so, not with any massive weight because I'm just not used to it at all and didn't want to mess up my back or anything first try round. Managed 130Kgs (+whatever a full size bar weighs, I've no idea) on the Deadlift though, which is more than I've done before.
Anyway, the point of this post... this morning I felt terrible! I thought I'd gotten used to some pretty savage training pain from boxing but I'd forgotten how this feels, it's totally different, I feel like an old man and about as flexible as a steel girder :( However I kind of like it :D I might carry on with it to be honest, and the best thing is no one is trying to hit you in the face while you're doing it! :D
Bit past shoulder width with my toes pointing slightly outwards, feet half way through the bar.

Interesting. I've been doing them at shoulder wdith with feet pointing slightly out, similar to a regular deadlift.

Though I've seen videos on youtube with people doing them heels together, feet pointing slightly out.
I do it on a step up platform so that the weights don't hit the floor when I'm at the bottom, so they have to fit on a step platform, which is quite narrow. I get more glute/ham activation that way I feel. Feet not point inwards or outwards.

However RDLs, I have legs at shoulder width apart.
Any of you guys got skipping ropes? What make/brand would you suggest?

Also what size for someone very slightly under 6'?
I'd need to use it to learn how to skip too though :o
I got a cheapo skipping rope from ebay for about £6, similar to the one Freefaller has. Came in a little plastic case for what it's worth!

Pistol/one-legged squats, who does them? I've just recently started doing them after my leg strength started to go funny. About six months ago my 1RM was 125Kg. This was probably the strongest I've been, because since then I seem to be squatting less and less. Though I did switch to front squats for a while. I'm now down to back squatting 60Kg 10 x 3 and it's really frustrating! I seem to remember squatting 90Kg for a few sets of 5 reps back when I was doing stronglifts a few months ago.

I'm hoping reintroducing bodyweight one-legged squats back into my workout as well on a separate day might get back to where I was before.
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