Hey guys!
I've just started my bulk. I'm 19, 60kg and 173cm so yeah, pretty skinny.
This is everything I ate yesterday:
I know my protein intake should be upped a little but I'm actually a bit shocked at the amount of calories I've had. Should it be less than that?
Thanks in advance.
Dude that diet is awful. Furthermore, what sort of rubbish whey is that? It's got more carbs than protein?! :/
You need more veg, especially green ones. You need more meat/fish. A lot more. Make sure the rice is wild/long grain. Meat = muscle. Why do you think the Greeks and Roman armies were so feared? High protein diets of meat!
You're over doing the carbs by a long margin too. Lastly you don't need that many calories. At your weight, and height 2,800cals would be more than enough. Heck even with your crazy growing metabolism at your age (oh I so wish I was young again with my knowledge I have now!
), you won't need that much food, make sure it's good quality good you're getting in.
Ditch the simple carbs.
Get more complex carbs.
Get more meat and fish.
Get more veg (esp green).
Get more pulses/beans
Get more nuts and seeds.
You can get so many better calories into you than what you've chosen. Keep away from processed foods - easy to work out.
Eat a lot of your calories after training.
Take at least 20g of protein with each feed. 6x a day that's a minimum of 120g. Bonzer.
Get a lot of calories in at breakfast - i.e. have a big brekkie.
I'm not sure how insulin sensitive you are so be aware of your body composition when taking in grains - but I think they are a very good source of energy if you respond well to them.
Increase calories gradually when entering a mass building phase. The mistake so many people make is to add to many calories too quickly. Increase by around 300 cals for 7-10 days then up it again until you hit the levels. This will shock your body less and less likely turn it to fat.
Don't forget to drink at least 2-3l of water a day.
Don't forget healthy fats - absolutely vital.
I'm not going to get onto carb cycling etc.. as it's a bit advanced. You just need to sort out your diet. However i will say keep carbs low before bed - and take some protein before bed (preferably slow releasing like cottage cheese for example) however, if you struggle with food, shakes are ok.
For your program you're going to need to hit around 8 reps, and I'd go for 4 to 5 sets of each at least. Though it depends if you're after size or strength of a combo of both. Ah, I see Benny's already provided advice on that.