*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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deserves a thread of its own that tbh :)
a good opening post it would make and it would be a great single resource for mobility stuff, for those that dont like trawling through this larger thread :D
Good question, RTM your post asking for it to be made into the start of another thread?
Or just start another thread with those details in it and link to it in your post above? :D
Would medium allow me to do the Five Way Shoulder? I think that and the Bully Stretch seem like a good place to start.
Yeah that should be fine, its the one me and icecold use for that stretch.

Although in the videos he uses the small band the medium allows you to mobilize other areas as well, like you hips for instance, which is almost vital for yummy squats, they require a lot more tension so is easier to get with the medium.

Me and my brother got the super mini, the small and the medium and I don't think we'll need any others. So you should be fine with the medium.
Something wonderful just happened, I just deadlifted 80KG!

Yeh I know most of you warm up on more than that, but I've never been above to above 60-65KG before but for some reason tonight I just kept adding more and more weight and got to 80kg!! I bet I could have taken it to 90KG but my back was really tired by this point!

Height: 6FT1
Weight: 73ishKG

Bench: 1rep max 60KG
Deadlift: 2reps 80KG
Squat: 1rep max 65KG

I r skinny :o

I'm now sat here eating monkey nuts! 100g is 25.6g of protein :D....but also 46KG of fat, 8.7g is saturated fat!

How they hell do they have so much fat, theres no covering on them!
Yeh it is :)

What are some good goals to aim for, I was thinking.

Deadlift 1.5x my bodyweight
Bench 1x My bodyweight
Squat 1.25x my bodyweight??
I managed a PB at benching yesterday, managed to do 60KG..... stop laughing :o

Don't worry about it at all.

I normally bench 60 on the bar and use 2x30kg dumbells (with my spotter). It's a good load of weight and is much more important to have your technique spot on.

About 50% of the people who do bench in the gym either do half or3/4 reps combined with literally dropping the bar on the negative. I'm quite happy on 60kg coming right down with my arms at the correct angles and the ideal 5 points of contact on the bench(shoulder blades, ass, feet).

The amount of time I see not bad sized guys doing the completely wrong muscle group E.g. on the Pec Dec leaning forwards and shoulder pressing 90kg......... :D Well I could cheat and do that too, but want to actually work my pecs !

Yeh it is :)

What are some good goals to aim for, I was thinking.

Deadlift 1.5x my bodyweight
Bench 1x My bodyweight
Squat 1.25x my bodyweight??

I don't have goals, I just train hard, eat right and try to sleep well.

Don't do deadlift as have never nailed the technique.
Bench about 60kg (weight of 88kg).
Squat 90kg.
Leg press 190kg + sled.

Actually your golas seem quite good, stick to those and make sure you push yourself. Even if you have to add a few 1.25kgs on each side of the bar, you need to keep pushing. Then in 2 weeks that 2.5 is now a 5, and so forth :)
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My first day in the town gym called McFit with a banana as a mascot haha.

The place has some big people, they all seem to be doing the whoe bodybuilding thing really.

Was a bit cramped when I was there but I manage to do my entire Shoulder day. Some of the folks were friendly enough.

I got a few people staring though, seems they've never seen a 70kg skinny bugger with an American Large shirt on cleaning and pressing 65kg for 5 reps and 3 sets, then following up with 140kg barbbell shrugs.

They don't allow chalk though, so it was a bit challanging doing it all as the place is roasting. Going to get a towl for the first time ever.

Today was.
Barbell Shoulder press.
40kg x5
50kg x5
60kg x5
65kg x5
65kg x5
65kg x5
50kg x5

Side lateral Raises
17kg x5
16kg x5
16kg x5

Ez Curl bar Upright Rows
40kg x5
50kg x5
55kg x5
60kg x5
60kg x5
60kg x5

Barbell Shrugs
60kg x5
90kg x5
120kg x5
130kg x5
140kg x5
140kg x5
120kg x5
70kg x5

Finished with 20 mins stretching

Was a good day, got all training done in 1 hour 10mins.

My only dislike for the entire place was all the middle-aged guys going about naked in the bloody changing rooms.

Ugh, *shudder*

The place got a little crowded when I was there at 3pm.
I'm going to try going at either 1pm or 2pm to avoid the crowd and hopefully the old naked bugger in the changing room.
I hate changing rooms, when most of the men proclaim to not be gay they seem to think everyone else is and actively want to show their manhood to them.

Also, why do so many men use the hair dryers to dry their meat and two veg? freaks.
First time ever i walked out of the gym. The weight section was heaving with people and i would have had to wait for atleast 3 other people to get on the squat rack. On top of that they were screaming every rep, so i said fudge it and walked out. Ill be back in tomorrow at my usual time where theres like 5 people in.
Also, why do so many men use the hair dryers to dry their meat and two veg? freaks.
This irks me. It's only been happening fairly recently. But to see some fella stood there for five minutes with the hair drier pointed up his towel is a little off putting. Certainly won't be using the hair dryer again (even if I could.. not much hair left to dry now :o)
I hate changing rooms, when most of the men proclaim to not be gay they seem to think everyone else is and actively want to show their manhood to them.

Also, why do so many men use the hair dryers to dry their meat and two veg? freaks.

Tell me about it, my first time in a comercial gym since my college one is being torn down to build a new one.

I walk in and there's an old bugger one leg on a bench blow drying his junk....
Next to him is a young lad, looked about 17 one leg on the same bench towel between the legs..

I mean come on...wtf is with that crap.
I just got changed got to work, went back in changed shoes, got my stuff and went home. 15 min walk to get home and have a freezing shower it better I think.
lol at the changing room, I just come out the pool area to the changing rooms, go to the shower area, pick a shower, take off shorts there, wash, walk to towel hangers, get towel dry off, wrap towel around waist, walk to locker, quick dry and put boxers on.

Some blokes just walk around back and forth with knob out, I dont want to be seeing total strangers junk
Sums it all up well.

ive stopped going heavy and started to lift very light weights in comparison and going for FORM FORM FORM. found it is actually easier, gives a better burn and my triceps have rocketed in size.

thought this might be useful for some of the guys thinking they aren't lifting enough and adding too much weight on.
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