*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Worst DOMS are calfs or abs. Calfs hurt so bad that even being awake is hurtful, nevermind walking. Luckily they repair quickly.
Ugh ab doms are brutal. I was mostly hunched all of the weekend thanks to them.
Neglecting my core is something I too often and it hurts to badly getting out of bed first thing in the morning.

Have any of you ever gotten a cramp in your biceps before?
I LOVE DOMS, makes me feel like I've actually done some proper work.

Chest + Triceps are definitely the worst for me, every time time you lift your arm you feel like jelly!
You've got to be careful comparing yourself to big guys when doing body weight stuff. It's not an equal comparison :p

3 guys in the squat rack tonight doing bicep curlz with the Olympic bar also wearing a power lifting belt.. I died inside.
You've got to be careful comparing yourself to big guys when doing body weight stuff. It's not an equal comparison :p

By bodyweight I'll assume you mean my weight + that in extra weights, therefore technically doing 2x my body weight hehe.

It's odd though, seeing these huge guys barely going down on squats, never deadlifting, only doing partial benchpresses and failing at trying to do a full pullup. Most of it is all half reps, if not less then half reps.

A friend of mine always has the excuse, "I'm just too heavy to dip or do pullups.".
It's your own bodyweight, damnit not your bodyweight with a tonne strapped around your ankles.

Full Range of Motion doesn't exist here sadly, hell I even get odd looks stretching and doing mobility work.

Wall of text crits Morba for +9000 damage!


3 guys in the squat rack tonight doing bicep curlz with the Olympic bar also wearing a power lifting belt.. I died inside.

Have you ever seen someone on a treadmil with a belt on? It blew my mind hahaha!
the main idea is that it's a lot easier to do dips+40kg at 70kg bw then at 110kg bw.
simply because in the first case you're lifting as much as the other guy without any weight strapped on it.

If you look at clean and jerk - the world record at the 56kg weight class is 168kg, that's 3x BW.

yet for the heavyweights that's 263 kg from a guy weighing in at 152kg. that's not even 2x BW! there was another guy that did something close at 130kg, but he was quite lean.

Strenght will never increase proportionally to body mass, no matter how low the bodyfat.
I use it to help loosen up super stiff DOMS and to help stretch on occasion if I'm still quite stiff.

just spotted this video

I've got some underlay and gonna wrap it around a bottle of wine once it's finished. Should do the trick nicely.

I've also heard a few people use a deodorant can (big right guard ones) but they seem to slip on carpet.
It's all to do with power to weight ratio, same reason as why the wilks formula is used in powerlifting etc.

the main idea is that it's a lot easier to do dips+40kg at 70kg bw then at 110kg bw.
simply because in the first case you're lifting as much as the other guy without any weight strapped on it.

If you look at clean and jerk - the world record at the 56kg weight class is 168kg, that's 3x BW.

yet for the heavyweights that's 263 kg from a guy weighing in at 152kg. that's not even 2x BW! there was another guy that did something close at 130kg, but he was quite lean.

Strenght will never increase proportionally to body mass, no matter how low the bodyfat.


I'll get huge and still whoop them buggers in strength to bodyweight ratio!
Some squatting tonight...

Excuses in early:
- inexperienced spotters
- not used to the squat rack
- slight lower back issues

With that out of the way, I'm actually pretty chuffed with how it went. Was meant to be 215kgx2x2, but one of my spotters assumed that I was going for 1 rep and grabbed his side of the bar :eek: after the first rep. This was not ideal :p but I went for the second anyway and failed. Lesson learned, I should have just racked it. The first rep was really nice and smooth, and was apparently definitely under parallel, so it's a bit of a shame. Went for the second set but failed the second rep again; failing in the first set had tired me more than I expected. Note to anyone in a similar situation, if you fail, unless you are 100% sure you aren't over tired, call it a day because failing a rep takes A LOT out of you. I did one more single and got it filmed, but it wasn't to parallel (to quite an alarming extent compared to previous lifts!). Otherwise the rep looks good.

I'm going to repeat today's session next monday just to make doubly sure I'll be ok for my max, but it should be fine. The only danger is if deadlifting later in the week messes up my lower back more.
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