Does anyone else go by the mirror, or do people stick to the scales?
Does anyone else go by the mirror, or do people stick to the scales?
the depth looked wasn't great
Yeah, apart from making sure I hit my final weight, I want to be able to say I completed every workout. I'm going to do some box squats on wednesday and then I'll be set (thinking triples at 180kg).I think it is a good idea to repeat that day bro, the depth looked wasn't great but the weight is there but there is no reason not to repeat it for consistency's sake. Same with me!
****Bleugh!, I think I'm most likely out for this week which is really gay. On Friday I had my squats (165x2x2) which went very similar to ice's but I got my first set fine. I had to rush the second so I missed the double and only got a single but I failed it and put it on the catchers (no spotters
). No problem, I thought, I'll just take some weight off, clean it up and go again. Nope, when I cleaned it I made a complete hash of it a smacked myself in the chest with 70kg. I'm not sure what happened but there was an audible pop and a lot of pain. Never the less I went for another single to tidy off the session and I got it no problem but as soon as I got out from under the bar my chest hurt a lot. Ever since it's been quite sore so I sadly have to take this as a week off, maybe
Meh, not too good on chest tonight. Benched 128kg and struggled to hit 8 reps. Can't figured out why all my other weights are steadily climbing but my chest weights are lagging, or even regressing. A month ago I pushed up 140kg with little effort for 5 reps. Maybe them deadlifts two nights ago are still weakening me.
Wow! 8x40kg! What's your BW? I seem to remember you not being particularly small!
Speaking of Cardio, due to my badly strained supraspinatus I've not been able to lift a thing for nearly 3 months now, so have been hammering the cardio in the mean time. I can now manage a full hour on the cross-trainer without even losing breath, then immediately onto the bike for a further 20mins+.I'm also noticing the fat is starting to fall off, so fingers crossed I'll be in the lower BF-teens by the end of the year
This may not mean much to most, but I've been struggling with my weight for nearly 15 years and weightlifting was the first form of exercise I found I could stick at and actually enjoyed. So for me to find the enthusiasm has carried over to cardio so I can continue to try and keep in shape is simply fantastic news.It's also great news to me that I'll finally be back in the "normal" scope of BF
Bench Press
60kg x 10
100kg x 10
120kg x 7
130kg x 5
+35kg x 10
+50kg x 7
+60kg x 5
Incline DB
35kg x 10
40kg x 7
45kg x 7
50kg x 5
Take a break from the Benchpress mate.
Try leaning forward dips, do more shoulder and lat work.
I did that and broke my old 70kg barrier, even though that's a joke compared to your benching hahaha.
Not to mention though it all helped my Clean and Press a lot.