*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Just snapped the chain on my dipping belt mid rep with 40kg (was the piddly one it came with). Very nearly launched myself skyward like a space shuttle when it gave way!

Going up to grab some stronger stuff tomo. Anyone know if B&Q/Homebase will have some suitable clips that will fit through 2" plates?
Upgraded my chain in B&Q. Was about £10 for chain and clips I believe.

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Think you might be right. I'm also approaching it wrong when it comes to benching. I'm very nervous and worried about the lack of progress and it seems to be affecting me in the negative. I might do the dips and perhaps some machine work for chest for a few weeks and come back anew.

70kg is respectable fella. Seen many a big guy fail 50-70kg miserably due to not being able to control the weight correctly. The jump from 60-70kg to 100kg isn't THAT great. At my rate you'd most likely be benching 150kg before I do :p

150kg would be a dream bench for me. I'm still glad I got 100kg before my injury.

I'm currently doing far too many sets on my chest though.
Last week I did 12 sets including warmup and 3 sets at 80kg.
It's increasing quite well again, and I'm sorting out my training.

I'm in awe of you and LiE though, some heavy benchers to be sure!

I'm taking this week a bit easy on my big compounds and only doing 60-70% of my max with them. Mostly focussing on my complementory exercises.
My new Deadlift last week and working till failure on every thing for 2 weeks took it's toll a bit, specially considering all the volume I've been doing through strip sets.

@ Skillmister

120kg is a very good lift indeed.
Only problem I see is the amount of sets you do more going for your 1RM.
Do the light sets at 5 reps, then 3 for the next, 2 then and 1rep, then try for your new Personal Record

Empty bar x10

That way you'll still get a good warmup without tiring yourself out before trying a new max.
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Thanks :)
To be fair I didn't train legs for many years and did focus quite a bit of chest which probably explains my weak squat.
Think you might be right. I'm also approaching it wrong when it comes to benching. I'm very nervous and worried about the lack of progress and it seems to be affecting me in the negative. I might do the dips and perhaps some machine work for chest for a few weeks and come back anew.

You might be reaching your natural max for now. Possibly time to start with more advanced techniques for benching (bands, chains, very low reps, speed doubles etc etc).
Upgraded my chain in B&Q. Was about £10 for chain and clips I believe.

Cheers, that's the same belt as I have so they look ideal. Suppose I'll only need the one as the standard clip looks strong enough, it was just the crappy little welds on the chain that were weak.
Does anyone have a flap jack recipe they can share? Just started as a postie last week and need something to snack on whilst I am out a few hours a day.

I don't really post in here much although I do read fairly regularly. Now I'm not after medical advice but I wondered if anyone else experiences the same issue I have when working my tri's. When doing any kind of pull down or extensions that loads my tri's I find that my left elbow will almost lock & pop. Now this isn't a painful thing but it is very uncomfortable. It doesn't seem to matter if the weight is minimal it still occurs, when increasing it gets worse.

Now I have been doing dips recently and have found them (with a limited range of movement) to be an effective was of reducing this pop & lock but I was wondering if anyone else had some good exercises that may offer a decent alternative?
Spent a week away from the Gym (and stopped eating Mackeral and Cottage Cheese until yesterday) and I have noticed how weak I seem to have become.

I'm not going to go into weights, I'm too ashamed, but I have lost at least 10kg on the Benchpress alone...no idea whats going on. I hope it passes soon, but it's really dented my optimism and I'm at the stage where I am wondering if it really is all worth it :(
Sometimes it's good to take time out from the gym and let your body fully reset. Even if your strength may drop when you do your body will respond better to growth when you lift weights.
Don't worry lads, here's some good methods to boot your Testosterone, wether you're training or taking a break!

Here's some activities to help boost testosterone while following the advice in the article.
Wrestle alligators.
Drink Diesel fuel (to get diesel, obviously; you are what you eat).
Sneak up on sleeping kodiak bears and slap them in the face.
Use Tabasco sauce as eyedrops.
Play full-pads football with no helmet.
Drink a shot of Dave Tate’s sweat (mixed with Spike, of course).
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.
Extremely happy and seeing some big gaines with my progress at the moment, this weekend managed to squeeze out 40kg weighted dips,

Built up
10kg x 10
16kg x 10
26kg x 8
40kg x 6 *6th rep i sqweeled like a little girl, that echoed round the gym, it burnt!

I am pretty pleased with the following considering I only weigh in at 64kg and now moving up nicely on weighted pull ups.

Managed to squeeze out a final set of 18kg x10 to finish yesterday

Going to push for 46kg dips tonight, hopefully Jack3d will help
Spent a week away from the Gym (and stopped eating Mackeral and Cottage Cheese until yesterday) and I have noticed how weak I seem to have become.

I'm not going to go into weights, I'm too ashamed, but I have lost at least 10kg on the Benchpress alone...no idea whats going on. I hope it passes soon, but it's really dented my optimism and I'm at the stage where I am wondering if it really is all worth it :(

It is only natural that your lifting weight will drop...Keep at it man, don't get into a rut and give up! :)

You'll soon get the 10KG back and go past your last PB!
Look like Tyler Durden

In order to get that muscular and shredded look for the movie Fight Club; Brad used an intense workout routine for amazing results. His workout was characterized by focusing on one muscle group up each day, then giving it the rest of the week to recover. This is very beneficial for adding muscle mass fast, because muscles grow during rest periods and not during the actual time in the gym.

Finally, at the end of the week, he finished off with a good cardio workout. This put his body in fat-burning mode, which served to shed any extra padding that covered his muscles, giving him that chiseled look.

Here are the exercises that made up his workout. He performed 3 sets, taking approximately 60 seconds to rest between each set. Also, he used a weight that is challenging enough that to complete 15 reps (with the exception of pushups and pullups), but be fatigued on the last rep. Remember, proper form is a must!

Monday - Chest
3 - 75 Push ups
3 - Bench press 165,195,225 (25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - Nautilus press 80,100,130
3 - Incline press 80,100,130
3 - Pec deck machine 60,70,80

Tuesday - Back
3 - 25 ull ups
3 - Seated rows 75,80,85
3 - Lat pull downs 135,150,165
3 - T bar rows 80,95,110

Wednesday - Shoulders
3 - Arnold press 55,55,55
3 - Laterals 30,30,30
3 - Front raises 25,25,25

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps
3 - Preacher curl machine 60,80,95
3 - EZ curls cable 50,65,80
3 - Hammer curls 30,45,55
3 - Push downs 70,85,100

Treadmill 60 minutes 80-90% MHR

Treadmill 60 minutes 80-90% MHR

Rest Day

Reps Range From 15-25 reps on all exercises and weight is in lbs

Anyone think these actually work?
Possibly, but there is no way I'd be able to keep that up. If I train legs I cannot walk for 2 days. Chest, can't lift my arms, Back, can't get out of bed without convulsing in pain, so keeping up a 6 day schedule is tough.

Perhaps if you train with lighter weights then maybe, but hard and heavy is all I know so I cannot comment on that particular workout, especially with 15 reps per movement. Very foreign to me.
It's hardly an amazing concept of a workout, would I do it? no. Would it work for people? yes.
It looks like a lot like some form of HIIT with weights.
Sure it'll work, but it probably would work faster if they added in leg training.

The Cosgrovian Complex is a form oh HIIT with a Barbbell.
Barbbell +20kg = 40kg

You start and do not stop until you do the last rep of the last exercise. Do not let go of the barbbell. Completing it all is only completing 1 set. There are 6 sets.

Deadlifts x6
Stifflegged Deadlifts x6
Bent over Rows x6
Half Cleans x6
Front Squat x6
Standing Press x6
Back Squat x6
Good Morning x6

That's 1 set done.
Do 5 more times with only a 1min break in each set.

It's brutally effiencent though and gives your lungs a good burning.
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