*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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"But bro, when ever I'm in the club grinding against those b*****s, none of them care how big my legs are."

You go to the wrong clubs. From what i remember, the women used to love putting their hands behind them onto my thighs while close. they also liked being sat on my lap ;)

No girl wants a skinny weak leg rubbing against them :p
Just back from my first back day with straps. Spiffing!

I've been sat at 100kg working sets for a while as grip was letting me down, today I did this.

100x3x5 (no straps)
110x5 (straps)
120x3 (straps)

Amazed at the difference, 110 actually felt easier going up than 100 :/. Finally getting some proper leg and butt activation now, felt great.

I've decided on some 'goals' for the year today also. I'm still primarily losing weight (133kg-95kg so far :D) but I think this is something to aim for.

  • Finish weightloss - Guesstimating 75-80kg (hopefully nearer 80 as I can't wait to eat enough to actually put on size and strength!)
  • 1xBW Bench
  • 1.5xBW Squat
  • 2xBW Deadlift
Current working sets are 70kg bench, 90kg squat & ~100-110 deadlift (from next week anyway).

I'm actually most concerned about my squat. I do have strong legs (from being a fatty all my life!) but its all quads, I can leg-press 550lbs (as high as the stack allows) but I can't squat for toffie :(.
Nice one ^

Your lifts are very similar to mine so will be interesting to see how you progress. I'd love a 2xBW deadlift but i think its gonna be tough to add 30kg judging by how hard 120 was :p
Yeah right Brad Pitt benched 100kg for 8 reps, there must have been some serious spotting going on there!

"BUT DUDE! Everyone knows you only bring the bar down 3-4 inches!
Anymore and you risk hurting your joints! That's why squats are bad dude, they have hurt your knees!


Ugh, I hate bicep and chest boys with stick legs.
"BUT DUDE! Everyone knows you only bring the bar down 3-4 inches!
Anymore and you risk hurting your joints! That's why squats are bad dude, they have hurt your knees!


Ugh, I hate bicep and chest boys with stick legs.

"but bro, every time I try to squat it hurts my knees and my back. Also, there was a chick beside me throwing 125lbs like it was light weight, so I felt like a dick less loser standing next to her."
Going to the gym.

Doing concentration curls, dumbbell curls, barbell curls, hammer curls, spider curls, inclined curls, declined curls and reversed curls.

In the Squat rack :cool:
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