*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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skip to 2mins mark for the worlds first 1000lbs benchpress, by Mendy.
The guy doesn't even have a real ankle in his one leg after a car accident!

I love the movie, a pity I can't get it on dvd in a shop.
general exercise, need to be fitter. No intention to lose weight, as can be seen by my food intake lol :D
talking of food, it's lunch time :D
Fair enough, wasn't hinting or anything :p

With the amount you're swimming though I wouldn't be surprised to see some body recomposition even with a large food intake.

Might do some hill sprints this evening to help move things along, soooo tired though! I keep putting it off because of the 30 mins* of soft tissue work I need to do around my lower legs before hand...must man up...

*yes it's that messed up down there :o
Yeah, it's definitely showing on my shoulders, but then dragging 130kg through water for near on 2km a time is gonna do that lol :D

Ideally I want to be swimming each morning before work, leaving me time in the evenings to get back into throwing some weights around.
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I'm 5.11, I weigh in at about 12.5st so I'm not overweight but Im very very unfit. Went for my induction last night, only jogged (lighlty) one mile and I could feel my heart beating so hard in my neck I thought I was going to be sick.
My aim is to just get a decent level of fitness which will hopefully mean I feel less lathargic. I'm 25 now and the last time I ran a mile was at school over 10years ago.
I also want to gain weight for muscle building but I'm avoiding any of those protein bars/shakes as I read so much conflicting information about them. Any success stories from skinny people here who have built pretty good arms without any crazy schemes?
I'm going 3 times a week to the gym, and my diet is very balanced so I won't be making any massive changes bar maybe a few additions of snacks I can eat throughout the day.
I've procrastinated about joining for years and it feels good to have finally made the first step.
Of course this is your decision to make, but taking a plain whey powder shake is completely harmless. It's literally just protein derived from milk that is easy for your body to process, and it's one of the cheapest g/£ forms of protein going (including meat and eggs).

The only changes you should make to your diet (probably) is to add more protein.
There is nothing wrong with using whey protein, the problem comes when you rely on it as a main source of protein

As long as you use it to supplement an already strong diet, it will help you along the way
Any success stories from skinny people here who have built pretty good arms without any crazy schemes?
Well i'm up around 30lbs(145-175) so far since september time just by eating lots and doing a decent gym split 3x a week. Nothing crazy about that :)
Of course this is your decision to make, but taking a plain whey powder shake is completely harmless. It's literally just protein derived from milk that is easy for your body to process, and it's one of the cheapest g/£ forms of protein going (including meat and eggs).

The only changes you should make to your diet (probably) is to add more protein.

Ok, well when you put it like that it doesn't sound so bad. Would one take everyday or just on workout days?

There is nothing wrong with using whey protein, the problem comes when you rely on it as a main source of protein

As long as you use it to supplement an already strong diet, it will help you along the way

My diet is very well balanced so as above, would you suggest taking shakes on workout days to help recovery?

Well i'm up around 30lbs(145-175) so far since september time just by eating lots and doing a decent gym split 3x a week. Nothing crazy about that :)

Awesome, always good to hear someone having success.
I always recommend a shake in the morning, every morning, as your body has gone hours without a fresh source of protein through the night so something like whey that is super quick to digest means your body gets the nutrients it needs quickly

Post workout, with some carbs is always good too. You shouldn't need to have them more than that
Oh god! Today is not my day. My head feels like exploding.

Today is the last day I can train in this town as I'm moving out tomorrow.
I couldn't train all week on account of Final Project demonstration and presentations plus my arm acting up.

So I planned on doing all 4 of my major exercises today.
Squat, Deadlift, Bench and Clean&Press.

Ate my pre-training meal, big meal. Took 3 large heaped scoops of Jacked and power-walked into town with all my gear.

Got there and the gym is closed, they're moving buildings.
Bugger, I thought, I'll go to the normal comercial one and just use that for the day. They closed down a week a go permanently it seems.

So here I am pumped up like a demon ready to give it my all and everything is closed.
Now my head feels like exploding from all the Jack3d and I can actually feel the veins on my temples pulsate!

Oh god!
I've not been this ****ed in ages, which probably isn't helping, jogging didn't help at all!

So now I'm just drinking 1litre of water and hoping this stuff gets flushed out.

Oh god! Today is not my day. My head feels like exploding.

Today is the last day I can train in this town as I'm moving out tomorrow.
I couldn't train all week on account of Final Project demonstration and presentations plus my arm acting up.

So I planned on doing all 4 of my major exercises today.
Squat, Deadlift, Bench and Clean&Press.

Ate my pre-training meal, big meal. Took 3 large heaped scoops of Jacked and power-walked into town with all my gear.

Got there and the gym is closed, they're moving buildings.
Bugger, I thought, I'll go to the normal comercial one and just use that for the day. They closed down a week a go permanently it seems.

So here I am pumped up like a demon ready to give it my all and everything is closed.
Now my head feels like exploding from all the Jack3d and I can actually feel the veins on my temples pulsate!

Oh god!
I've not been this ****ed in ages, which probably isn't helping, jogging didn't help at all!

So now I'm just drinking 1litre of water and hoping this stuff gets flushed out.


3 scoops? i get buzzin off 1. time to take some downers :p
3 scoops? i get buzzin off 1. time to take some downers :p

I usually just take 1 larged heaped one.

Although since I planned on going to all 4 large compounds as heavy as possible and only having 1 hour to do it all and stretch and foamroll, I decided to go mad.

So i'm rather angry at everything being closed! As they say,
"Quick! To the internets!
Did arms and chest today, love incline dumbbell press did 4*10 at 16kg

Also pushed out 20 full press ups in one go, first time I have ever been able to do that, feeling so strong


Still doing cardio, did 10 miles yesterday, today the weather is awful, wet and windy
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