*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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£40 + whey is good :) You can still buy some decent foods for £40 if you shop smart.

I just love food :D However, if I wanted to tighten the purse strings, I'd do the same. :)
£40 is more than ok for the weekly shopping bill.
That just means you have to cook by yourself and not eat out.
And you won't be able to afford ribeye on every meal but you'll do more than fine. :)
I spend around £40 on average. Could probably cut it down a bit but i like having nice food every now and then :p

Complex day:
8xPower Clean
8xBentover Row
8xPush Press
Did 1 set with just the bar, then 4 sets with 30kg. Nearly collapsed after the final set :eek::cool:

Could feel my old stomach injury coming back by the end though :( Gotta be careful!

Got some funny looks from a bicep monkey who came in when i was about halfway through. He came in, stared at me for a while then did some curls. When i left he was doing some lovely half (being generous) rep dumbell presses. He had arms like trees and quite clearly no legs whatsoever. Curlz for the gurlz aye
Can someone share an example of a weekly shop for £40? I always seem to get around £60-70 :/

This comes to around £30. Add in a few more milks and bread through the week, rice+sauces and whatever lamb/steak i find on offer :cool: Not the most glorious of shops but it does the job!
Managed 120kg yesterday and was probably the most light headed I've ever been :D
125kg next friday? Challenge accepted.

I can only bench 50kg, slightly more on smiths, so I think I should train chest more. Would training chest twice a week be a good idea?

Deadlifted 125kg today. Then did 130kg :D
So looks like I'm trying 135kg next week :)
I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to increase at this rate, hopefully forever.
I wish I joined a gym with a squat rack now.
That was £40 including whey :P

1kg of oats- 1.50 (guesstimate)
80g of whey a day > 4.50
Cottage cheese - £3
Chicken (3kg) - ~£13 (overbudgeted here)
Couscous/carbs (sweet potato, quinoa etc) - £5
eggs (20) - £3.60
Salad / veg-£3.00
Extras- £4.00
Fruit- £3.00
Total 40.60

Some things will cost a bit more (veg/fruit), some less (prob. wont eat 3kg chicken.)

I'd need a fair bit of tuna too but I figure I'll steal some when I go back home. I'll also be staying at home (free food!) ~1 night a week.
Signed up to dailyburn, seem good, this what I have done today, did arms/chest yesterday so went to the gym just for a few laps/steam room, chucked in 5 miles there and 5 miles back on the bike


Going have tuna or chicken later on with some veg, so not too bad for protein allowance.
Deadlifted 125kg today. Then did 130kg :D
So looks like I'm trying 135kg next week :)
I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to increase at this rate, hopefully forever.
I wish I joined a gym with a squat rack now.

Congrats mate :)

Good luck the increase next week, just be careful that you don't sacrifice good form for more weight, that's how injuries are born. In fact even if you can perform the lift without pain with bad form, drop the weight.

It's for your own good! :cool:
Signed up to dailyburn, seem good, this what I have done today, did arms/chest yesterday so went to the gym just for a few laps/steam room, chucked in 5 miles there and 5 miles back on the bike


Going have tuna or chicken later on with some veg, so not too bad for protein allowance.

Why are you doing the crunch machine and a load of situps?
Nightmare, I did your barbell complexes last night. I couldn't do the Cleans as I don't proper technique and don't want to hurt myself!

Here's Ripptoe's powerclean.

Lke many things start off slow, you can try practice this even at home with a broom really.
Thanks for the vid. My power clean for is terrible at the moment, I've never done it properly. I'm thinking I might take the time to learn with 40kg for a couple of weeks. Does anyone know of any other good resources for learning to power clean?
To be fair I wouldn't be doing ab work before a leg day as I wouldnt want any doms in them, but I wouldnt really do extra ab routines (some people swear by them though).
I wasn't being confrontational :confused: I was wondering if you had a particular reason to be doing them, or if you had heard some reason why they were good.

There is some thinking that anything the causes loaded extension of the lower back is bad, both of the things you're doing do this. Also, sit ups or crunches are not how you build a six pack. They are also not great for calorie burning. So basically, they are a waste of time and potentially damaging to you.

If you want to do some core work, try these things: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=19212692&postcount=6

But as Craig said, I wouldn't exhaust my core before a leg day.
The minimum my shopping comes to is around £40 if I'm really nifty with deals and don't have any surplus items like oils, toiletries, washing up products and household products.

Still I get through in a week:

Dozen mackerel fillets
1kg of chicken thighs
800g of fish
800g of steak
500g of pork
16 eggs
3 tubs of cottage cheese
several kilos of veggies (carrots, marrows, broccoli, mange tout and other bits and pieces I can never remember really - lots! :D)
3-4 packs of ham
10 food doctor pittas
500g of mixed nuts
2 packs of spinach
I treat myself to some cheese too :D
2 pints of whole milk
A pack of frankfurters (cheat dirty snack :D)
Couple of tins of baked beans
Couple of tines of chopped tomatoes
Half a dozen apples
Half a dozen bananas
Tub of whole earth crunchy peanut butter
A dozen Pollock fish fingers (dirty snack time! :D)

Undoubtedly forgotten items though. Not much pasta or rice - but I do eat it on occasion when I'm dying for a huge carb load. Then again I eat ice cream, and lots of naughty things anyway, so it's a little bit of a lie I worry about carbs ALL the time! ;)

So keeping the bills to £40 is often quite tough - hence why it's usually around £60 or so.

I could make it a lot cheaper by bulking out my meals with rice/pasta - but I've got so used to not eating it now that I'd find it hard to do!
Hmm.. Decided to pick up the weights the other day after 10 months of inactivity. Went absolutely crazy on my biceps and now It's physically impossible to extend my elbows passed 80 degrees :(

It's so funny when I try to reach things like a chicken lol.
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