*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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That's like, one meal for me :p

If that was @ me, same. I'll be hungry again in an hour :D

@Noxia, i do everything seperately. Takes a minute or 2 longer but its easier than trying to find 'meals' and wondering what the amounts are like. Add everything you have often as favourites and its a few clicks to add a days food! Also try to add ones that have weights rather than 'slices' for example.
No :) was referencing Noxia's daily calorie intake

I've just bought loads of normal sized chicken wings...in fact I've just bought far too much food. Went to Sainsbury's when hungry :/ :D
I've just signed up on the Daily Burn site... Is this right?
I'm currently 72kg, going for 76 but I want a pretty much total body recomposition - I have quite a bit of body fat just now (never actually measured). I put in very active (3 day split + sports 4 days + easy pace 5k jog once a week), and at 172cm I need 3600 calories!?

Just counted what I ate - 2116 calories... The only thing I met my quota for is protein, and that's with one shake of pea protein in the morning and one whey at night o.O
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No :) was referencing Noxia's daily calorie intake

I've just bought loads of normal sized chicken wings...in fact I've just bought far too much food. Went to Sainsbury's when hungry :/ :D
Oh right. Still :p... I did the same. Had my pwo shake and a banana then headed to asda! Bought the usual oats, milk, bread, bacon then topped the basket up with all manner of delicious foods i cant afford. Ben and jerrys was still on offer damnit, gonna have to eat that now! :D

@shroomz, With that much exercise i'd imagine so to gain muscle. I go to the gym 3x a week(6ft, 78kg) as pretty much my only exercise and i need around 3400 to gain, although im now doing cardio every other day so im gonna need even more.
Such a fail week diet wise for me this week! Think i've had a takeaway/fast food 4 of the last 6 days.

Just finished off 2 Chicken Fillet Tower Burgers from KFC on the way home from the gym because I couldnt be bothered to cook. :(

Need to get back on the wagon again come monday! :o
Well the last 3 weeks I've been getting back to it - but today was the first time I was "in the zone" for a LONG time. I'm raring to go - by the time Brighton comes around, I shall be in top form! :cool:

That's what I like to hear:)

I'm smashing it between now and Brighton, just because I need you to tell me where I'm going wrong etc...

Will be so much easier talking to you about it over a few pints:)

Today I move out. Good buy town with my favourite gyms.

Now I'm going to have to spend a few days looking at a new place to train, so far the selection seems rather poor.

The closest one to where I'll be living is a Hotel Gym, it's pathetically small when it comes to weight. Max you can fit on their barbell is 155 including the bar. They also only have dumbells upt to 30kg.

Going to have to prowl the streets. I know there are 2 others in town, both are 30-45 minutes away though. Hopefully one of them is good.

This is one of those gyms http://www.energiefitness.ie/newbridge/default.asp
It's a large commercial one, and they don't really say what they have in terms of free weights or equipment. I'm always cautious around places like this because friends always get stung by membersip fees and contracts.
Did a little workout yesterday:

Squat: 5x60kg, 5x60kg, 5x60kg, 5x65kg, 5x65kg;
Sldl: 5x60kg 5x70kg, 5x80kg, 5x90kg, 5x100kg;
Donkey Calf raise 5x5 @ 30kg;

Shoulder press: 8x15kg, 8x20kg, 8x25kg;
Side lateral raise: 8x7kg, 8x5kg, 8x4kg (found this very hard!!);
Barbell Shrugs: 8x30kg, 8x40kg, 8x45kg;

My squats appear to be improving ever so slowly, I seem to be able to do a lot more work with sldl, I wonder if this normal?

Kind Regards,

Your squat to sldl is rather odd alright.

I find sldl's rather hard, although could be down to my spine being a bent little fool.
Your squats should keep improving steadily till you hit BW lifts.

Could go up slower after that though.

Also don't worry about side laterals being hard, they're supposed to be. I've had many a person snicker or scoff at me for using "light" dumbbells. The truth is most people can't do them, and even the large lads have to go light.

Just keep it up, along with standing barbell shoulder presses.
SLDL's I find my hamstrings are VERY tight for, can barely get the barbell past my knees! Keep meaning to do some stretches but haven't got round to it.

Side lat raises are very hard. I was doing 2x15 this morning with 5kg and it was brutal, fantastic muscle to hit though.

Nightmare, I did your barbell complexes last night. I couldn't do the Cleans as I don't proper technique and don't want to hurt myself! Only used 20kg and did 6 or 7 sets, and by the end of it my legs were literally dripping with sweat. But SO much more fun than doing cardio :) This is what I did:
Deadlifts x6
Stifflegged Deadlifts x6
Bent over Rows x6
Front Squat x6
Standing Press x6
Back Squat x6
Good Morning x6
Many thanks for your reply,

I think a lot of it comes down to confidence as well, I get somewhat fearful about squats when I do them - but it's not like I'm going to get 'stuck' as there are two side-rails that the Barbell can sit on.

I think I'm going to start at 65kg next time and try to get it up to around 70kg.

My grip was starting to go on the sldl, on the very last rep of the 100kg set I must admit!

Kind regards,

They're very good alright.
20kg is just the empty bar and it's what I would recommend if someone is doing them for the first time.

You might notice your other lifts dropping a bit, especially if you do these in the week between all your other training.

Here's Ripptoe's powerclean.

Lke many things start off slow, you can try practice this even at home with a broom really.


Just do about 10 reps of squats with the empty bar first, then 5 at 40kg for a propper warmup.
Then do the 65kg ones.

Try empty bar x10
40kg x5
60kg x3
then try 70's.
If your form breaks on them, STOP.
Dropp the weight and work at 65 or 60.

Also in regards to your grip failing, you could get straps. Although I hope your back is not benching or arching too much on those SLDL's though.
If it is, it's probably too heavy for you at the moment.
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I was doing it all with a fixed weight barbell rather than an unloaded oly bar, as they sit higher off the ground than a bare oly bar :) I will attempt some cleans at home at some point however, as they'd be ace to get in there.

Think I'll just stick to them once a week, and if I do get my ass down to the gym on my other rest day, I'd probably just do normal cardio!
What are all of your food bills like? Currently I'm budgeting for moving out and I've put costs at around £40 for food + whey.

Note : I'm a student and not wanting to spend £70 like FF lol.
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