*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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The joys of having lost some weight but kept my strength...

Managed to do progressive wide grip chins up to 20kg+BW for 5 reps - dare I say it, easily?! 40kg is in my sights I reckon.

50kg dips as well, I reckon I've got 60kg in me - but I need a better chain! :D

Rinsed out 120kg*8reps * 4 sets today - easy. Well with a massive bit of flatulence I must admit! :D
I was taking some Cyclone that I had pre-workout and I felt that gave a massive energy boost but I'm out of that now and don't really want to be spending loads of money on it again.

Just taking some Impact Whey pre and post workout now... But I'll have a look at the supp thread. Thanks.
Just a quick one as trawling through this thread will take forever and a day:

What do you guys take (shakes)/eat before a gym session?

a lot of people take protein shakes (any type, blend, whey, isolate) before and after.

others take a pre-workout product like jack3d.

some people even take an intra workout drink too, which is mainly essesntial amino's.

or sometimes i just have a peanut butter sandwich.
I was taking some Cyclone that I had pre-workout and I felt that gave a massive energy boost but I'm out of that now and don't really want to be spending loads of money on it again.

Just taking some Impact Whey pre and post workout now... But I'll have a look at the supp thread. Thanks.

stay away from maximuscle - overpriced rubbish
Cup of coffee and a banana for me as well :) Although today i skipped the banana because i hadnt long had lunch.

Lovely workout today, albeit very very busy. Did a bit more volume on squats than normal due to a lack of plates.
70kgx8 <---- x4

Was getting properly hard for the last few reps of end sets.

Did standing press afterwards, 30kgx8 then 2 sets of 40kgx8. I normally do dumbell press but i thought this was a nice addition.

Not to mention for practically my whole workout i had a personal trainer near me wearing tight lycra shorts. She had a rather nice bottom :p:cool:
Why is it whenever I see Zack Khans videos or pictures he reminds me of Freefaller :(

Do I love Freefaller too much?

no homo
Why is it whenever I see Zack Khans videos or pictures he reminds me of Freefaller :(

Do I love Freefaller too much?

no homo

i saw this video of zack khan and though herp derp personally


dude cannot even speak properly, his words dont flow, was he born in the UK? i tried googling and it says he is british, if he was born in a country in which english is the native language, the way he speaks is ridiculous, if not then it may explain why.
Still sounds very odd.


you could have a problem, or serious muscle wastage in your legs.

what is your height, age and weight. there is no way you should be incline benching 90kg and struggling to squat 15kg, 15kg is literally nothing when it comes to squats, when i did my first ever squat i started with 60kg and even that was extremely light for me.
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