*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Fact of life, 19 is very young for muscle fibres to be strong and powerful, show me a world champion at heavyweight boxing or worlds strongest man at 19 and natural.

Also I never said he was weak!

Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is a retired American boxer. Tyson was the undisputed heavyweight champion and holds the record as the youngest boxer to win the WBC, WBA and IBF world heavyweight titles. He won the WBC title when he was 20 years, 4 months and 22 days old, after defeating Trevor Berbick by a TKO in the second round.

not 19 but only 4 months and 23 days off. he was world champion and natural.

also a lot of world champions nowadays aint natural imo, theres no way to prove they are or if they arent. a lot of contreversy over pacquaio refusing certain tests, etc. you cannot say for certain if they are, especially when you can fool tests with new "designer" stuff.
I could point you to several juniors or recently ex juniors in powerlifting who are stronger than you or I will ever be even with steroids.

You did say he doesn't have any functional strength though, which is kind of the same thing.

Sonny, there is no way around it, his arms just ARE out of proportion. For example, in a front double bi the bicep peak should be level with the delts (or something). Also, his back isn't very big at all compared to his arms.
its funny when you see people who know nothing about something and then comment on it, its like the people commenting on nutrition and working out after reading mens health.

gonna quote this again, seriously look at everything from an unbiased view, do some reading (at least 24 hours worth), and then you can come to a proper informed opinion.

if anyone wants to inform themselves about 100% legal stuff http://tunedsports.com/


20 is not 19

Kevin Nee was only in his early 20's when he first competed in WSM

Never won it has he.

Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is a retired American boxer. Tyson was the undisputed heavyweight champion and holds the record as the youngest boxer to win the WBC, WBA and IBF world heavyweight titles. He won the WBC title when he was 20 years, 4 months and 22 days old, after defeating Trevor Berbick by a TKO in the second round.

not 19 but only 4 months and 23 days off. he was world champion and natural.

also a lot of world champions nowadays aint natural imo, theres no way to prove they are or if they arent. a lot of contreversy over pacquaio refusing certain tests, etc. you cannot say for certain if they are, especially when you can fool tests with new "designer" stuff.

Not 19 was he and Tyson was a beast from the age of 16, the guy you posted was nothing 6 months ago then roid up, he was fighting big older guys and winning, he would destroy the guy you posted.

Does he state why he did it? For looks, women, because he could afford it.

Also is he a student?

Was just strange seeing you post pics of him saying he aint natty and 6 months work at 19. Like its a badge of honour.
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20 is not 19

Never won it has he.

Not 19 was he and Tyson was a beast from the age of 16, the guy you posted was nothing 6 months ago then roid up, he was fighting big older guys and winning, he would destroy the guy you posted.

Does he state why he did it? For looks, women, because he could afford it.

Also is he a student?

Was just strange seeing you post pics of him saying he aint natty and 6 months work at 19. Like its a badge of honour.

i clearly said NOT 19. :confused:

stating the obvious when you say a world heavyweight champion boxer with 3 belts would destroy a 19 year old bodybuilder. the fact that one is a fighter and the other isnt should be a big clue here ;).

i dont know anything about the guy, just wanted to show you "the dark side".
stating the obvious when you say a world heavyweight champion boxer with 3 belts would destroy a 19 year old bodybuilder. the fact that one is a fighter and the other isnt should be a big clue here ;).

And that proves the downside to bodybuilding, someone eating great, lifting and being natty is overshadowed by some kid taking roids, I never want to get like that.
hehe life's though my good man, cheer up.
On a similar note, someone working his but off at uni might lose his dream job in the detriment of some party boy who's daddy has some good networking skills.

Or you could be working hard all your life and still nob be able to afford the things you wanted while someone who's barely 20 can.

That doesn't mean you should stop working hard, does it?
Depends on your conscience basically.

I am happy as ****, trust me having time of my life the way I am living now, I dont need drugs to feel better, my confidence is sky high and all from eating well and 3 months in the gym.
Taking gear doesn't necessarily make you strong - that's pretty much a given. Having big muscles, doesn't necessarily make you strong. Look at some of the awesome powerlifting scores in this very forum (and internet geeky forum!!!!) some of the people lifting 2-3x their bodyweights aren't exactly BIG!

The discipline that guy must have followed would have been pretty good - not much bloating, or water retention, a reasonably good diet and some hard training. So yeah, he's done bloody well. However, unlike someone who trains naturally his gains will be less long term. Sure, we all lose mass and definition over time - but when we get it in an accelerated state in a short period of time it just won't become part of your body's structure, unless you've been doing it for years and your body as become adapted to holding onto the size. However, any form of exogenous / artificial help will disrupt your body's natural state (hence why changes occur). As such, it is not sustainable.

You cannot tell from the pics if the guy is strong or not. He may have been strong before taking gear, and if that's teh case it would have just helped him develop more. However, his strength whilst "on" will wane when "off". Unless he stays "on" for years at a time (which some people do), then his body will just not develop the ability to shift big weights and that's where nerve/tendon/joint damage occurs.
Oh come on, he used roids to get to the state he is in, theres no honour in that. Perhaps I should have worded things better.

I'm going to throw a bit of a curveball here....

Whilst I'm not interested in taking them, they aren't just a "cheat". They enhance what you've got, and enhance your potential. However, don't be fooled. You still have to eat well, train harder than most people tend to do, and really be committed. You have to learn a lot about how your body works/reacts etc...

Sure, you get the idiots that don't have a clue that just shove stuff into them without realising the consequences, however, it's very much a dark "art" - there's a lot to learn/know.
Oh come on, he used roids to get to the state he is in, theres no honour in that. Perhaps I should have worded things better.

do you really think anyone cares about honour in this day and age?

brock lesnar has been UFC heavyweight champion, yet he clearly never got that big from eating potatoes.

the rock has been in tons of movies because of his physique, he clearly didnt get to his size without additional help, he is also in a lot of kids movies and a huge role model for young kids, do you think disney, etc care? otherwise why would they cast someone who clearly has had additional help?

honour in this day and age doesn't exist, if it did, these people would never be world superstars and the public wouldn't view them so highly.
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Roids will not make you hench over night. Freefaller summed it up perfectly, they still train as hard if not harder and eat a lot more of the right food. I've tried eating a diet of 5-6k kcals a day on pure clean food... It's hard. I'm not going to go in to it and even if I did people wouldn't believe me but a lot of people, actors, musicians, sports people are on gear.

Going back to my shoulder injury done 1 hour boxing sparring and 2 hours MMA sparring and it still feels good :D
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