*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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do you take any caffeine pre workout? my dad during his 20's became allergic to caffeine all of a sudden, high doses set him off and he has a crazy headache.

try no caffeine at all and see what happens?
Tension headaches? Try increase salt/water intake.
Just had a quick gander, that sounds like it.

I was always under the impression that I had enough water but I will make an active effort to increase my intake.


Also, although your diet might not have changed, it is possible that your requirements have if you've put on lean mass recently.

DS where do you train? Any chance you can find a gym with experienced powerlifters to chat to? Alternatively, if you fancy a session over the summer you're welcome to to come down to Oxford, the OUPLC guys will be all over you :D
I train at the largest free weights gym in Sheffield at the moment.

I used to train at Quirkes where Zack Khan, Dave Titteron and most of Sheffield's talent train but I moved away from there last year as the times were just inconvenient and membership had gone up (Got 50% off for a year).

I used to live in Oxford and I do come to see friends in the summer. So I'm sure we could arrange something. Hit me up!

do you take any caffeine pre workout? my dad during his 20's became allergic to caffeine all of a sudden, high doses set him off and he has a crazy headache.

try no caffeine at all and see what happens?
I don't. The only supps I use are impact whey (sometimes), fish oils and multi vits.
as impressive as their physique is, i dont understand why you would actually go to one of these things apart from to try and get as many free samples and stuff as possible or to cheer/support friends/family.

like the guys who go their to look at them, seriously why? i dont think theres many women at these things either, i dont know ive never been but im assuming its mostly fitness instructors/models who are their for business or being paid for it, their physiques would put the average woman off.

also female celltech users are tranny's :eek:
Yesterday was a good day.

I managed even more reps at 80kg for my press.
45kg x5
55kg x5
65kg x3
75kg x2
80kg x2
80kg x3
80kg x2
75kg x5

It was certainly tough, the barbbell didn't have any grip where i'd normally hold it. Was all smooth except near the ends where there was suddenly grip. Although holding it there, for me would be holding it as wide as needed for an olympic Snatch.

Smooth barbbells are truly evil.
Seems I'm taking the right approach then. Several people were mentioning that it's better to bulk fast and cut. I was like "I'd rather not" and go slowly. It's not as though I need to gain 20LBS by tomorrow.

I know it's difficult to answer, but on average how long do you think puttng on between 10 - 20 LBS of muscle (assuming you're doing it right and not gaining fat) would take YOU personally ?
I'd say, if you slowly increase your calories you should see about 4-5kg a year of good lean muscle.

Although there's an old saying. "If you're getting bigger but not stronger, you're just getting fat."

It also depends on how you train and what muscle fibres are hit most of the time.

Have a read of this, the difference between Body Builders and Powerlifters from a muscle density/fibre structure and training methods.
Recently left one in my rugby kit bag for nearly two weeks, which had been made with semi skimmed milk. Seriously considered just chucking the entire contents of my bag, along with the shaker straight in the bin. Horrific!

The last few weeks I've left shakers in my work or gym bags. Pongs like something awful. I put some washing up liquid in them with warm water and let them sit for an hour or so and then empty it and replace with water and I think it's dish washer powder (I'm not quite sure as mum does it :p), give it some shakes leave to sit and then give it a scrub and they smell like normal :)
I know it's difficult to answer, but on average how long do you think puttng on between 10 - 20 LBS of muscle (assuming you're doing it right and not gaining fat) would take YOU personally ?

1.5 - 2 years. If starting from a fresh as a newb, training properly and eating well the whole time. Probably nearer to a year and a half than 2 but everybody needs a break every now and then.
1.5 - 2 years. If starting from a fresh as a newb, training properly and eating well the whole time. Probably nearer to a year and a half than 2 but everybody needs a break every now and then.

I do take a few supplements - Creatine Ethyl Ester, Whey, BCAA, Glutamine, Fish Oils, Multi Vit.

I'm not quite a noob, was working out from home for a year or so, but was only really 'toning' as in add definition and not weight or size. So I've been going to the gym about 10 weeks maybe?

Usually Four days a week.


Diet is COMPLETELY clean. No junk food at all.
10-15lbs is easily done in your first year, provided you eat/train properly. noob gains are amazing.
after that things sloooooooow down . :(
1.5 - 2 years. If starting from a fresh as a newb, training properly and eating well the whole time. Probably nearer to a year and a half than 2 but everybody needs a break every now and then.

Have i just gotten lucky then? :o I'm up close to 30lbs since september with not much fat gain. Same definition on abs and everywhere infact. The gaining has slowed recently though so maybe it was just serious noob gains.
I know it's difficult to answer, but on average how long do you think puttng on between 10 - 20 LBS of muscle (assuming you're doing it right and not gaining fat) would take YOU personally ?

1-2 years.

Gaining muscle takes a long time and "bulking fast" tends to be a recipe to add unwanted fat :p
Just picked up a bargain in Asda if you guys are interested.

8 cans of Princes tuna in brine for £2.50

Got myself 16 cans for a fiver, think thats the cheapest i've ever got tuna for.

Now i'm off to make myself a tuna burger for lunch nom nom nom nom

Edit, if anyone wants recipe:-

1 can tuna drained
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp hot sauce
Salt & pepper to taste
Half beaten egg to bind

Put it in my burger press, fry in a small amount of oil

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Damn they are doing that offer again? Past 2 weeks ive been buying asdas own, 8 for £5. i'll stock up on princes before i go home then :p Might try those burgers today but it will have to be in an oven or pan, my george foreman is ruined someone cleaned it with a wire brush now it leaves half the burger behind on the grill :( :mad:
Went to the gym @8:30pm last night as it's usually quiet........

But it seems the bi-cep/chest boys are all preparing for the summer, it was rammed :eek:

Most things were in use but switched my chest/tri workout to major back and bi/arms when it got quieter at 9:30pm.

Back to the 2-2:30pm gym time me thinks!

1:30 onwards. motherofgod.jpg kai green is a monster. that back :eek:

He needed that a lot.
Home ground too, always a good place to win.
A poor Mr O last time seems to have kicked him up the rear, which is no bad thing. Means there is more than 2 people in it for the next Mr O, which imo Jay has in the bag already!!

Can someone tell me what's so great about squatting, it's all people seem to go on about on these forums???

Anyone care to enlighten me?

One of the best answers I've read to this question:

it's fun in a slightly weird masochistic way.

:D Nice one spw :D

There have been some studies recently that have said that doing squats DOES NOT make a difference to the growth of the rest of the body.
These have not been taken up universally and seem to have been generally ignored.
That is because, for me atleast, squats are bodybuildings bees. You know that bees are not meant to be able to fly?

Whether more natural growth hormone is released when doing big compounds or not, squats combine so many muscle groups and work each of them sufficiently that you get a good work out all over.

Even if only mentally, the feeling of moving heavy numbers (be it squat or deads) will make you feel better about yourself, which will help growth in itself as it will reflect across the rest of your training.
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