I do take a few supplements - Creatine Ethyl Ester, Whey, BCAA, Glutamine, Fish Oils, Multi Vit.
I'm not quite a noob, was working out from home for a year or so, but was only really 'toning' as in add definition and not weight or size. So I've been going to the gym about 10 weeks maybe?
Usually Four days a week.
Diet is COMPLETELY clean. No junk food at all.
Tuna burger was a great successNeed to buy some hot sauce and buns for next time though
http://www.shutupandsquat.com/index.php?option=com_ezstore&Itemid=29&func=detail&id=3 should work
theres loads if you use google shopping search![]()
Leg doms kicking in.
Pah DOMS are for peasants.
After a good session you should need the community ambulance to take you home![]()
Damn they are doing that offer again? Past 2 weeks ive been buying asdas own, 8 for £5. i'll stock up on princes before i go home thenMight try those burgers today but it will have to be in an oven or pan, my george foreman is ruined someone cleaned it with a wire brush now it leaves half the burger behind on the grill