*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I do take a few supplements - Creatine Ethyl Ester, Whey, BCAA, Glutamine, Fish Oils, Multi Vit.

I'm not quite a noob, was working out from home for a year or so, but was only really 'toning' as in add definition and not weight or size. So I've been going to the gym about 10 weeks maybe?

Usually Four days a week.


Diet is COMPLETELY clean. No junk food at all.

Supplements, won't help massively, other than those supplying calories or aiding repair or reducing catabolism.

The fact you've mentioned 'toning' isn't great, I'll be honnest. If you've not read GordyR's sticky give it a read :)

There's lots to learn in regards to training and maximising the potential of each workout.

Having a clean diet is good but making sure you're in a surplus of calories could save you wasted weeks/months of training where you've not been eating enough. Form, volume, intensity recovery all come in to it. It sure ain't simple.
Damn they are doing that offer again? Past 2 weeks ive been buying asdas own, 8 for £5. i'll stock up on princes before i go home then :p Might try those burgers today but it will have to be in an oven or pan, my george foreman is ruined someone cleaned it with a wire brush now it leaves half the burger behind on the grill :( :mad:

i dont think that a tuna burger would work well in a george foreman anyway. theres zero oil to be draining away ;), it would just turn into a burnt mess.
Haven't been able to do much lately due to a back injury (which is getting much better) but I got a men's health email through today and I just couldn't resist having a blast at barbell curling ;)

I never realised how much I neglect my arms until today, I can hardly straighten them :p It's the first time I've ever worked my bicep directly, I normally just leave it to weighted chins and never bother.

I think from now on I'll try and add some 5x5 barbell curls in if I can face them, What type of arm stuff do you do?
Used to do no direct arm work. The recent BBing programme i've been following has had some ridiculous tri/bi supersets that's had my arms cramping up so bad i have trouble lifting them to wash my hair (or at least scalp) in the shower afterwards.
I normally try to do some every month or so for injury prevention, but I haven't in ages. On saturday I plan to do some barbell curls after deads and other back work
My best squatting session yet

3X110kG and failed on the fourth, couldn't get up and had to drop it on the safety bars :(

However gave it a couple of minutes and managed to struggle out another 1 :)

Then 2X10X70kG

Then 3X10X55kG BOR's

Legs are as tired as they've ever been after a session :)
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