*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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170kg deads 8 reps 4 sets... this is going to be fun.... :eek:

Deads today for me also, looking forward to them :p 170kgx8x4 is hardcore though!

Been disappointed recently by the amount of people not doing proper deadlifts in my gym. Using mostly back and boucing the weight off the floor. No one seems to want to rest the weight on the floor and lower their backsides back to the starting position after each rep.
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I got bored of reps so did some chain work! :D

I was at my old gym Physical Culture (more info here: http://www.uk-muscle.co.uk/general-conversation/80805-physical-culture-gym-putney.html) - or join their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/physical.culture

Lots of useful training tips also given, and no meatheads, just good natured guys (and some big mother****ers too!)

If anyone's in the SW of London, or not even in the SW, it's an awesome gym - they have chains, bench boards, tyres, bands, powerclean/strongman logs, axles, yokes - the works. Well worth visiting - ask for Chris, and tell him Will sent you :)

Anyway here are some pics from today's session:

180kg with chains


180kg with chains


200kg with chains


200kg with even more chains!


It's not a good sesh unless there's hardly any dryness left on your body, and your shins are bleeding! :D


Chains are nigh on makes no difference 10kg. All double over hand grip - 200kg is well within my grip range still :cool:

Such a great start to the day - time to go and meet oddjob for a few drinks in the sun! :D
Looks like you had an awesome session, shame I couldn't make it down at that time. Do you have plans to visit next weekend?

Think i'll be heading down there today for about two, going to do some shoulders i think:)

I think it's difficult to not work up a sweat in there, it gets so hot and there is no movement of air, would be nice to throw those big doors open:)
He has plans of removing the shed/garage and creating an annexe to the main room by the summer next year.

Just ask him to turn on the fans and he'll do it :)

I like working up a sweat - it's nice when it's hot! :D

Had a great sesh, sorry you couldn't make it down. Not sure about next weekend yet, don't want to take the mick out of Chris' kind offer to let me use the place for nothing! However, it would be good to have a sesh together, have someone to take "action" shots!! :D :D
Sounds cool.

That will be good if he makes an annexe where the shed is, I wonder if he will finish of that Mustang that he's got out there atm. I was having a nose out the window yesterday and it looks like he's got a long way to go on it yet!

I haven't used the chains yet, I was thinking of adding them to my bench sometime to see how i go with them, they are very chunky.

I'm always amazed at the equipment he has in such a compact gym. The amount of fancy shaped bars is just astounding and he seesm to be building the strongman equipment too.

Anyway, i better go before i find something else to do instead of going to the gym:)
Starting a new routine, just wanna see what you think. I dont need any rest days ;). Ultimately my legs are getting too big, my back and shoulders are lagging behind everything.

Monday – Squats and Arms
Tuesday – Back and Chest
Wednesday – Squats and Legs
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday – Squats and Arms
Saturday - Back and Chest
Sunday - Shoulders

The only thing i see missing is direct ab work, dont really wanna focus on that just now, and im sure i will miss some days due to football/plans and on those i could do abs anywhere.
How do you get legs this like this?



They cycle, so just lot of squats, leg work and quick fast cycle rides?
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All apart from this one :p

Esporta Cookridge is sold to Cookridge Hall Health and Fitness Limited

Following initial discussions, agreement has been reached to join the existing Golf Club with the Health Club, taking it out of Esporta ownership.

Guess that does mean its been taken over, but not by virgin anyways.
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