*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Probably to ween yourself off it. Eating is as much a habit as anything else. It's easier to quit smoking by tapering the number of smokes you have a day, rather than just stop altogether - the same should apply to eating, too. :)
Just allows your body to get more used to the drop rather than suddenly losing 25% of your normal kcal intake from day 1 :)
I understand the will power aspect, but why is it good to let your body get used to the drop? Sorry if that sounds like a stupid question :D just can't think of any reason why it would be useful (thinking of big cheat days and carb cycling where there are large dietary fluctuations...)
I've no idea if it's just bro science, but I've read that if you don't steadily decrease the cals, your body will start storing food as fat as it thinks it's going to need to hold on to it for as long as possible. Just because your body knows you're trying to lose weight doesn't mean your body knows it's intentional.

But I don't know if there's actual science behind that belief?
I'm not 100% sure but freefaller mentioned something about dropping your cals to fast could lead to fat storage or something I`ve lost his email now though.
Tapering can help making the fat reduction more sustainable. To shock your body into "fat storage" mode takes a dramatic loss in calories over a period of time, however it is a legitimate phenomena. Obviously different people's metabolisms are affected differently to this sudden drop in calories.

It's far more efficient to taper down your calorie intake over a few weeks - it will mean you're less likely to use lean muscle tissue for energy, and furthermore, it'll keep your enegery levels up higher than a sudden loss of calories will also. It'll help to ramp down your metabolism too - stop it from slowing down too much.
Yeah I think I've read that too, but that doesn't really fit in with the thinking behind cheat days. I've also assumed that that only really happened when your calorie intake was quite low.

I don't know...I'm not suggesting that one way works and the other doesn't, but :confused:

edit: just saw your post FF

Fair enough, different metabolisms react differently I guess. I've never (deliberately) tapered and never noticed any problems :)
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Chest is destroyed after today's session.

Bench press 100kg x 10, 120kg x 8, 130kg x 5
followed by cable flies, dips at +35kg and incline db press with 42.5kg dbs.
Was going to square away a 230kg squat today. Turns out the stuff the physio gave me to activate my glutes worked hella good, my arse busted out of my rugby shorts at the bottom of 215kg... *sigh*


Typical! Had to bail the bar because I laughed and the slight difference in tension at the bottom pulled my hips sideways which did not feel good. Not a small tear either, top to bottom down the left side. Walking around Sainsbury's afterwards was breezy.

Time to invest in some EVEN BIGGER shorts, if they even exist.
Was going to square away a 230kg squat today. Turns out the stuff the physio gave me to activate my glutes worked hella good, my arse busted out of my rugby shorts at the bottom of 215kg... *sigh*


Typical! Had to bail the bar because I laughed and the slight difference in tension at the bottom pulled my hips sideways which did not feel good. Not a small tear either, top to bottom down the left side. Walking around Sainsbury's afterwards was breezy.

Time to invest in some EVEN BIGGER shorts, if they even exist.

Oh big shorts exist, believe me lol
Can I borrow yours? :D

The concern is that the waist size is going to have to be so big that I'll have to wear braces to keep them up. These one already liked to ride halfway down my arse when squatting.

Hips felt super loose after my physio session though, the guy is a genius. Oh and also today was my first time doing a proper warmup - physio man gave me a look when I said I'd never done one. Oops.

edit: would have carried on and gone shortless if I really needed to squat, but I shouldn't really be going too heavy as the comps next week. That video would definitely have been uploaded.
Why does every flapjack or similar style snack turn out rubbish!
Yet to find a recipe to settle on. Need something to eat whilst out and about at work and not buying pre made ones thats for sure.
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