*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
In answer to the compound vs isolation question, I'm only just beginning so working on building as much strength all over as possible while ensuring I keep proper form is my game at the moment, so isolation excercises are a bit useless to me!

The only isolation excercises I do are tricep extension and calf raise -f eel the burrrrrrrrn :p
3 Oct 2009
17 Jan 2005
Thought this would be the best place to ask.. Is there a good website that tells you the protein etc in each food type? Have had a quick look around but my Googlefu is lacking today!

I think I've got a fairly decent diet, but would like to work things out properly for a change and see what I'm eating.
21 Jun 2006
wed night - got drunk and unhealthy food
today - had several drinks throughout the day and unhealthy food
tomorrow - i fly to london then when i land will most likely be getting drunk
saturday - no idea what i'll be doing but im sure alcohol will be involved
sunday - wedding reception (free bar)
monday - fly back

my cut isn't going too well, will need to put in some serious cardio wednesday onwards, tuesday i will be too tired to do anything
7 Aug 2003
I haven't had anything to drink in a while, but felt compelled to grab 2 cans of Stella Artois Cidre and a bottle of White Merlot (not all at once, I'll be lucky to manage two cans or half a bottle as I am not a big drinker).

But I have lost weight and I do appear to be more cut than usual (as a result of me losing weight for no apparent reason apart from not eating enough and of my continued discipline in the gym). I am pretty sure my efforts today will be rubbed out with the drinking I'm doing this weekend, but it wasn't anything to shout about and it was a short session.

When the drinking is finished by Friday evening, I aim to increase my squat to at least 80kg, 5x5s and my SLDL I will try to get from 110 to 120kg, with 5x5s on Saturday morning. I reckon I can do it, especially with 5x5s.

However, standing over my Spitfire carburettors on Wednesday with my legs bent whilst I was tuning them has resulted in the back of my left leg being sore, I do hope it's better before my Saturday morning leg session!

Kind regards
21 Aug 2003
Do you guys consider a protein shake to be a meal? Because I'm finding it very hard to eat the acquired ammount due to work, social life and money.

If it's a "bulking" shake then personally I do. I only have one after a workout with some other food normally. But if I'm in a rush at the weekend I might chug one down. I usually have a 500 kcal serving. Just having whey protein isn't really a meal substitute because it has so few calories.
20 Aug 2006
had my first "injury" today - and was getting out of bed !!!! lol - how annoying

basically rolled over put my arm up to push down on the bed to get out of bed - and just felt something rip somewhere between the corner of the shoulder and the top of the chest

OUCH was not the word- hopefully it'll settle down later - how stupid
21 Jun 2006
sounds something similar to whats going to be happening to me from thursday next week :D

good times, weddings are awesome for me, because i get to meet relatives who i have not seen in like 6 years who have flown from all around the world to be there.

I haven't had anything to drink in a while, but felt compelled to grab 2 cans of Stella Artois Cidre and a bottle of White Merlot (not all at once, I'll be lucky to manage two cans or half a bottle as I am not a big drinker).

But I have lost weight and I do appear to be more cut than usual (as a result of me losing weight for no apparent reason apart from not eating enough and of my continued discipline in the gym). I am pretty sure my efforts today will be rubbed out with the drinking I'm doing this weekend, but it wasn't anything to shout about and it was a short session.

When the drinking is finished by Friday evening, I aim to increase my squat to at least 80kg, 5x5s and my SLDL I will try to get from 110 to 120kg, with 5x5s on Saturday morning. I reckon I can do it, especially with 5x5s.

However, standing over my Spitfire carburettors on Wednesday with my legs bent whilst I was tuning them has resulted in the back of my left leg being sore, I do hope it's better before my Saturday morning leg session!

Kind regards

i dont tend to drink frequently now, maybe once a month type thing, but i will drink a lot in that one night. before i was drinking every weekend, but i never drink at home, only when im going clubbing, or a special occasion such as birthdays and weddings, etc.

but for the past 2 years i have tended to only go out clubbing once a month so i only drink like once a month. but this week is going to take its toll.

anyway my flight is in a few hours time, need to go buy a toothbrush, wash some clothes and clean my trainer's, etc and check the weather, hopefully it is sunny all weekend in london. most likely wont be going near a pc whilst away as i will be too busy with parties and other wedding stuff.

showed relatives from india and canada my home gym, they loved it.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I've quit drinking all together now, I haven't had a drop of alcohol since New Year, bar the pre show brandy to dry me out :p but don't miss it at all

Plus, I'm a bore, and always worry how it's affecting my training/gains, even before new year, so I'd be even worse now if I did drink
3 Oct 2009
I barely drink anymore although thats partly due to my group of friends. I'd much rather go to a pub, have a couple of social pints and chat away but it seems the majority of people my age want to go out and get sloshed into oblivion every night in a **** club. Ah well.



11 Dec 2004
well next weeks the first time il have gone out this year, last time i was in a bar was last september and thats while i was on holiday.

only have the odd drink now and again when im home, il have a few over christmas and new years but even then id rather have a coffee or hot chocolate to keep me warm.
14 Apr 2004
I'm gonna cut you homie! Gonna cut you bad!
Man gonna get shanked!

Icecold any recommendations for shoulder mobility?

A brief background, my acromion joint has been damaged and come out of its place about 11 months ago. I did the physio routine (which was dire) so I did my own research and did a few things but there is a fair bit to be desired.

My strength is coming back, I went the heaviest I've been since that happened cleaning and pressing 95KG and pressing 37.5KG DB's yesterday for 10 reps at circa 75KG bw.

I don't want it reoccur and I do feel discomfort when I try to sleep on my right side. Any advice would be welcomed, thanks!
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