*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Hi Guys,

Good to see the gym rats thread still going. I haven't been posting here for a while.

I've recently taken up a little MMA (once every 3 weeks) and am about to start "contact" Thai Boxing (including kicks so think its Thai Fighting). Have to be honest being quite big i nearly passed out after the warm up of MMA (seriously had to go have a sit down as felt blood draining from my head and started feeling really sick, heaving etc). After that was great, doing gym definately helped had every one strength wise and even the 17stone lad i was "grappling" with in the 30mins fighting time couldn't choke me out... go me :rolleyes:

Have now been doing this for several sessions and really enjoy it, still trying beat the instructor mind :D

I've really moved up on my bench from several months ago:
Stats are in sig but have a top end bench of at least 175kg!

I'm also sticking to deadlift routines and managed 5x215 the other day nearly got 6 but just couldn't pull the weight above my knees to lock out grrr.

Going for a 220 lift for 5 tomorrow and after that bombing it up in 10days to see what i can get out of 230 (expecting a nice 4).
Any finding they can't be bothered with isolation exercises? I'm slightly addicted to compounds it seems.
The only isolations I do are hamstring curls, quad extensions, calf raises and tricep extentions (usually in the form of skull crushers) to supplement the compounds :p
I'm really happy with how my back is healing.

Did 80kg front squats after cleaning the bar up
190kg leg presses
170kg leg extensions
and 85kg SLDL
Finished off with dipping belt, aerobic box and +60kg extremely slow calve raises.

Then abwheel and weighted oblique crunches.

I should be back to 100% by the time college starts again.
Any reason why i shouldnt do this while i increase my flexibilty enough to do it properly?

Went to the gym on Monday night and had to laugh at a lad that did 12 sets on the flat bench and then on to do about another 6 sets on incline dumbell press.

Anyway, been making some steady progress following the starting strength program (although i'm not a beginner I wanted to improve my squat and other compound strength). Not as good as some of you guys but so far I have managed the following:-

Squat 3 x 5 x 110kg
Bench 3 x 5 x 110kg
Deadlift 1 x 5 x 170kg
Powerclean 5 x 3 x 80kg (only started doing these for the first time 3 weeks ago)
Press 3 x 5 x 52.5kg (this seems easyish but dont want to rush things)

Happy with my progress so far, going to continue on for a few weeks longer and see where i'm at. Ultimately i'm aiming for about 130kg squat, 190kg dead, 90kg clean and 125kg bench.

I'll report back with an update:)
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