Not really looking to spend that much! lol
Just wanted to get a bench with some decent weights and a punch bag.
I just want to bulk up a bit, even if i could put on a stone in weight id be happy.
Ill check the local classifieds and see if theres any second hand equipment on there.
what is the point in getting a bench and weights and nothing else?
you cannot squat, safely, etc.
i suggest you spend some time actually reading up on what it is you want to achieve, or ask people how to achieve it.
if you want to put on a stone of muscle then squats will be essential.
for squatting you need a power rack or squat stands, squat stands aren't as safe or as well built, or come with lat pulley attachments options, etc.
do yourself a favour, join a gym, if you still want a home gym in 6 months time, then come and ask for advice.
im telling you it was minus 18 C here last winter and i could not use my home gym for several months (its in my garage), honestly get the home gym out of your head for now and join a gym and do as much learning as you can.
a decent home gym will set you back £600 "minimum" even second hand.
my matting alone has cost roughly £250 and i still need more mats.