*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Your legs look quite far apart for a standard deadlift, I'd try and keep them shoulder width. Also, you could try and be a bit more explosive. You've obviously got the strength there, and you might find that exploding upwards and thinking about driving through your heels improves technique. :)
Anyone do HIIT on the rowing machine?

Looking for some guidelines on timings for the flat out period. Is it the same as sprinting at around 15-20 seconds?
I find I need slightly longer to tire going flat out (around 30-40 seconds), but it's also worth playing around with going slightly sub-maximal for longer.
Cheers. I will give it a go tonight.
Also hopefully will get a deadlift video tonight to have my form checked (it's only fair as I comment on others :))
Stance is too wide, knees buckle in slightly, arse too high when you start the lift.

Weird, didn't seem to buckle in, I'll keep it in mind though next time.

Yeah I know what you mean about the arse...Problem is i'm 6ft odd, so find it hard to explode up from such a low position, I then get confused about whats going on and form goes to pop :(...

Will improve next time though :)

Your legs look quite far apart for a standard deadlift, I'd try and keep them shoulder width. Also, you could try and be a bit more explosive. You've obviously got the strength there, and you might find that exploding upwards and thinking about driving through your heels improves technique. :)

True, will try that on the lower weights...Surely this starts to become void once the weight gets too heavy though surely? I can't see many people exploding 250kg on a DL easily for instance :p

Thanks for your comments though all, will see what I can do next Friday
New PB on deadlift today of 110Kg. Did;

8x 60Kg
8x 60Kg
5x 100Kg
2x 110Kg
5x 100Kg
8x 60Kg
8x 60Kg

I think I need to drop the weight a little and up the reps now though. Pushing for PB really isn't helped my my herniated disk though. I think my form is ok, but my back starts aching after a few heavy lifts.
OK DL videos from tonight :)

Always good to get these and have a look so you can spot where to improve. I can already see my ass is coming up too soon, which is probably down to me powering through the reps. Set 1 and Set 2 taken from different angles.


Set 1 (friend stopped filming as I said 8 but managed 10 :P)

Set 2

p.s. I hate hex plates the buggers love to move when you put it down!
Almost perfect, but do you notice that the first thing to move is your arse rising so your legs straighten slightly first? This shouldn't happen, in fact from the moment you set up your back shouldn't get any more horizontal until you start to lower the weight.
Yep, I mentioned my arse in my post too ;)
I will slow things down next time to control the form better, was a bit too explosive this time round.
I think I need to drop the weight a little and up the reps now though. Pushing for PB really isn't helped my my herniated disk though. I think my form is ok, but my back starts aching after a few heavy lifts.

Good going :)

I haven't been deadlifting for three weeks since I decided to mix things up a bit, did good mornings and have felt like the disk is about to go again ever since. It's getting better but I'm not pushing it.
Yep, I mentioned my arse in my post too ;)
I will slow things down next time to control the form better, was a bit too explosive this time round.
:o oops!

I wouldn't slow is down though, you want to explode up as fast as you can. Every rep is a speed rep, even if the weight is so heavy it crawls up your legs. Also you could have a more aggressive lockout with your glutes, I think you mentioned it yourself recently that there should be a "pop" at the top when you bring your hips/glutes through. You actually want to imagine that the entire lift is just the act of bringing your hips/glutes through, it should actually almost hurt your upper thigh where your bar hits at lockout :cool:
Good going :)

I haven't been deadlifting for three weeks since I decided to mix things up a bit, did good mornings and have felt like the disk is about to go again ever since. It's getting better but I'm not pushing it.

Anything disk related needs the utmost respect. This probably means that your extending your lumbar spine when you load it, not good at all. No heavy deadlifting/goodmornings until you get this sorted.

Work on thoracic mobility.
Anything disk related needs the utmost respect. This probably means that your extending your lumbar spine when you load it, not good at all. No heavy deadlifting/goodmornings until you get this sorted.

Work on thoracic mobility.

It was good mornings that did it. I'd been fine with the deadlifts, sorry if my post was a bit misleading :)

In fact, I'd go as far as to say that before this my back hadn't been in such good condition since before I did the disk 4-5 years ago.
Ok, just be careful mate. Friend of mine has recently been told he'll never lift again because of a disk problem.

But yeah, do work on thoracic mobility and core strength.
Like that a lot. It's very important to respect the unrack when squatting.

I stopped doing those anterior hip stretches and I've noticed a negative change already - time to get back on them.
Feel like I've been away from training for too long. It's been 4 weeks of fasting and 3 weeks off. I did train the first week but decided to take the whole month and focus on more important things.

I've gained a bit of body fat, lost definition and weigh about the same. Just before the break I was squatting 170KG raw for 5 reps at 167lb BW. And I was able to DL 190KG raw for 6 reps too.

I'm thinking of going for a lean cut. My aim is to hit sub 10%, I estimate myself at around 16% at the moment.

Any recommended regimes I should look into? I want to fix my diet and regime up over the weekend and set out a 10/12 week plan.

The way I would do a cut is continue to lift heavy, make sure I do HIIT each session and eat a lower amount of calories. I haven't actually done a cut, but that's how I'd do it.
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