*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Just remember the starting position: Bar over the middle of your feet and make shins touch bar. That's about it. You should find your shoulder blades are directly over the bar. That's the basics sorted.

The more difficult bit is at the top of the lift i.e. knowing when to stop extending. You shouldn't "lean back" as it were at all. (Which from the vid you've posted, it doesn't look like you are doing so no worried there!)
Yea shouldn't feel it in your quads. If you watch the video you'll see where the power comes from in a deadlift.
Erector Spinae

Gluteus Maximus
Adductor Magnus

Dynamic Stabilizers

Trapezius, Middle
Trapezius, Upper
Levator Scapulae

Those are the muscle groups working during a deadlift
Meh, I'll have a play around, that video is a bit odd as it's done with the lightest of weights so the bars just being thrown up.

I'll post a video later =/
What's your split and routine for your upper body mate?

At the moment:
Back & Bis:
Reverse push ups
Pull Ups
Upright Rows
Either BB bicep curls or DB bicep curls
Concentration bicep curls

Chest & Tris:
DB Bench Press
Chest Flyes
Incline DB Bench
Cable Cross Overs
Skull Crushers
Cable Pull Downs
(worth noting that I only did this routine for the first time this week, and I felt like I really hit my chest doing so, and my chest and tris were aching two days later still, with chest aching a bit today!)

Back Squat
Front Squat
Leg Press
Hammy Curls

Standing shoulder press
Front raises
Reverse Flyes
Arnold Press supersetted with Upright Rows

And I think that's about it, off the top of my head!
No core training? I'd also put a few more shoulder exercises in. Not a lot hitting the lats hard on back day.
Only things I do for core are deadlifts, back and front squats. Certainly don't feel my core is struggling to build at the moment!

I've always had gripes with my inner shoulders, really really really need to get on to mobilitywod, but haven't had the time to watch the vids yet :\
I tend to hit the traps after my back workout, hence the shrugs then upright rows. I think deads, reverse push ups then pull ups hits my back enough, so I throw some trap work in there. I do some upright rows on shoulder day also as a bit more stimulating of the traps, but don't do any shrugs.

Edit: I used to do BORs on back day instead of reverse push ups, but just started experimenting with the RPUs. Think they seem to work really well at the moment, but will rotate between them every few weeks.
Which type of reverse push up are you referring to?

Either way, I'm going to have to watch these vids over and over as I'm not sure if I quite get it just yet..
Meh...Back from back day...I feel like I can't do deadlifts now, all this talk of form being off then being on...Couldn't even get to my 90kg DL today, just got to 80kg :(
Dude, you get bummed out too easily! :)

I dare say you shouldn't be aiming to get so close to your 1RM every session either. If your 1RM is 92.5kg, I'd recommend aiming for 70 - 80 for 5 - 8 reps for a few sets, build up strength that way :)
Dude, you get bummed out too easily! :)

I dare say you shouldn't be aiming to get so close to your 1RM every session either. If your 1RM is 92.5kg, I'd recommend aiming for 70 - 80 for 5 - 8 reps for a few sets, build up strength that way :)

Yeah, that's what I asked earlier if I should drop the weight a tad and keep the reps / sets higher for a while, same with my bench and squat now.

I'll post another vid anyway when I find my cable...

I get bummed out as I train on my own :p
Yep, what monk said.

No way would I be doing anything close to my 1RM when trying to nail the form.

Yeah, that's what I asked earlier if I should drop the weight a tad and keep the reps / sets higher for a while, same with my bench and squat now.

I'll post another vid anyway when I find my cable...

I get bummed out as I train on my own :p

Do it with a light weight until you have nailed the form :)
Yep, what monk said.

No way would I be doing anything close to my 1RM when trying to nail the form.

It was the end of the week so i'll start the next week on a new routine so to speak. Hence my question earlier :p, I work in a pyramid wokrout so to speak, but ill drop the weight.

Reason I did it was because two weeks ago my form was okay, now it's not okay, it's just a bit confusing
Well, two videos:

75KG DL:

80KG DL:

Go on, be lethal :o

Going by the above, I am guessing my butt needs to be tucked in more on the initial lift...As opposed to pivoting up at the start...
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