*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Almost perfect, but do you notice that the first thing to move is your arse rising so your legs straighten slightly first? This shouldn't happen, in fact from the moment you set up your back shouldn't get any more horizontal until you start to lower the weight.

I don't get that...Almost perfect? Surely his legs are straightening out too quickly? =/

No offense :p
Feel like I've been away from training for too long. It's been 4 weeks of fasting and 3 weeks off. I did train the first week but decided to take the whole month and focus on more important things.

I've gained a bit of body fat, lost definition and weigh about the same. Just before the break I was squatting 170KG raw for 5 reps at 167lb BW. And I was able to DL 190KG raw for 6 reps too.

I'm thinking of going for a lean cut. My aim is to hit sub 10%, I estimate myself at around 16% at the moment.

Any recommended regimes I should look into? I want to fix my diet and regime up over the weekend and set out a 10/12 week plan.


since you already fast, why not try Intermittent Fasting, makes sense lol.

leangains.com for more info, other websites also have a dummies guide to it, so google it as well, leangains can be a bit of a handful to navigate to get the real info you need.
I don't get that...Almost perfect? Surely his legs are straightening out too quickly? =/

No offense :p

Yea that's what he said :p
because my arse comes up too soon it means my legs were straightening a bit too earlier, but not massively. Something for me to bare in mind next time.
Yea that's what he said :p
because my arse comes up too soon it means my legs were straightening a bit too earlier, but not massively. Something for me to bare in mind next time.

In my opinion, as long as you SLDL a large Percentage of your deadlift, you can afford a slight varience in form. This isnt to say form should suffer, simply that if you make sure your SLDL is strong you should run the minimum risk of injury should your legs straighten a bit too early. Thats how i approach it i run 180kg SLDLs vcs my7 current 220-230 deads
The main thing for me is that I come away from a set with no pain/discomfort and knowing I activated all the right muscles. Like you say, form is great to get 100% perfect, but it's not easy most of the time - and as long as you aren't doing it majority wrong and at risk of injury there is no harm.
Yea that's what he said :p
because my arse comes up too soon it means my legs were straightening a bit too earlier, but not massively. Something for me to bare in mind next time.

Fair do's :)

The main thing for me is that I come away from a set with no pain/discomfort and knowing I activated all the right muscles. Like you say, form is great to get 100% perfect, but it's not easy most of the time - and as long as you aren't doing it majority wrong and at risk of injury there is no harm.

Indeed though....Last week my lower back was hurting a little bit, hence my lower lift this week...However my back is fine today and not 'hurting', just has some doms :)

Also....I think I've finally nailed BORS and any other form of rows...Really hit the back and lats quite nicely :)
I don't get that...Almost perfect? Surely his legs are straightening out too quickly? =/

No offense :p

Yea that's what he said :p
because my arse comes up too soon it means my legs were straightening a bit too earlier, but not massively. Something for me to bare in mind next time.
In fact that's exactly what I said :D

The rest of his form is good though.

Looking at your form again Delvis I think you need to concentrate on just making it an exercise in standing up. You seem to be wrestling the weight slightly with your upper body, think of your arms as hooks. This might just be because of your slightly wide grip on the bar due to your foot placement.

In my opinion, as long as you SLDL a large Percentage of your deadlift, you can afford a slight varience in form. This isnt to say form should suffer, simply that if you make sure your SLDL is strong you should run the minimum risk of injury should your legs straighten a bit too early. Thats how i approach it i run 180kg SLDLs vcs my7 current 220-230 deads
To an extent I agree, but I think it's important to be proficient at good form with decent weight. It keeps everything in balance and allows optimal power output by recruiting the right muscles at the right time.

At the very least I think it's important for an individual to have there own example of perfect form to aim towards when weights get tricky.
Fair do's :)

Indeed though....Last week my lower back was hurting a little bit, hence my lower lift this week...However my back is fine today and not 'hurting', just has some doms :)

Also....I think I've finally nailed BORS and any other form of rows...Really hit the back and lats quite nicely :)

get some weighted hyperextensions on the go m8, you need to get that lower back looking thick as a tree stump
In fact that's exactly what I said :D

The rest of his form is good though.

Looking at your form again Delvis I think you need to concentrate on just making it an exercise in standing up. You seem to be wrestling the weight slightly with your upper body, think of your arms as hooks. This might just be because of your slightly wide grip on the bar due to your foot placement.

Cheers dude, will see what can be done next week like a slightly lower weight :)
Will need to have a look at these, currently wanting to add thickness to lower back (prob. just need to shift a lot of fat from there currently though!)

SLDL's good mornings and hypertensions have been core parts of my training from the beginning, i firmly believe that a hideously strong core is key to lifting big.

Ive done ab crunches with 100kg db's hypers with 2 plates, very painful but i never worry about popping a disc or getting a hernia lifting big.
SLDL's good mornings and hypertensions have been core parts of my training from the beginning, i firmly believe that a hideously strong core is key to lifting big.

Ive done ab crunches with 100kg db's hypers with 2 plates, very painful but i never worry about popping a disc or getting a hernia lifting big.

Indeed, if your core is weak then yeah...Poor lifts basically :p

Sadly I don't have a hyper extension bench...Any other way of doing these do you think?
yeah buy a hyperextesion bech/roman chair.

Failing this i used to do them kneeling with my heels under something or held by a partner.

.....Err thanks

I don't train at home so it's not the best advice I can have...nor do I have the room in this house

I presume they get bolted in to the ground?

But yeah, regarding calf raises, just get a thick weight or anything that lets the foot drop slightly...Shouldn't need a massive ROM

I just get a 20kg weight and use that for the time being, or a leg off a stepper or something, and pound the reps with whatever weight I can hold in each hand with respect to the leg i'm working
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.....Err thanks

I don't train at home so it's not the best advice I can have...nor do I have the room in this house

I presume they get bolted in to the ground?

But yeah, regarding calf raises, just get a thick weight or anything that lets the foot drop slightly...Shouldn't need a massive ROM

I just get a 20kg weight and use that for the time being, or a leg off a stepper or something, and pound the reps with whatever weight I can hold in each hand with respect to the leg i'm working

nah they are just smallish benches about £100, but room may be an issue, just because you dont train at home doesnt stop you from having some equipment in the house. I would probably say stick to SLDLS or good mornings if you cant get use of the right type of bench
yeah maybe, im reading some info suggesting this excessivley stresses the achillies tendon though, ill have to work this out
Hmm possibly the most important part of the ROM is the top. I can see that potentially loading the ankle at an extreme angle isn't great because it's unnatural, whether that makes it actually bad I don't know.
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