i hate to say this, but i dont think there will ever be anyone like arnold to ever grace the planet ever again.
nowadays they are using far too many chemicals and ruining their bodies and they look terrible.
also factor in the how arnold completely changed the movie industry, before him all actors looked terrible with their tops off, especially the action hero's, the only exception maybe being lou ferrigno that i can think of. after him hollywood started to take notice, and hollywood now changed their opinion on muscles.
he brought bodybuilding to the masses, nobody since has even had 1% of the impact he had on the world.
he was and is a character, loved to have a laugh, joking, smiling, dodgy accent, he was the complete package.
if you ask the average guy on the street who dorian yates, jay cutler or ronnie coleman is they wouldn't have a clue.
everybody loved arnie, children, women and men (no homo).
i will put a picture up of my rasterbated picture when it arrives and i build it.
Hm, I did a while back...hold on
This was a few weeks ago mind
Big leg session yesterday. Do you guys think it's "too much".......?
Back squats: 3x8 80kg
Front squats: 2x10 50kg
Overhead squats 1x8 20kg, 1x8 30kg
Leg Press 1x8 100kg, 2x8 120kg
Barbell Lunges 1x8 20kg, 1x8 30kg
Leg Curls 1x8 50kg, 2x8 60kg
Legs are the one group of muscles I think it's very difficult to do "too much" on. If you're still walking, you've not done too much.![]()
Not at all, I'd say you really don't need to do 3 variations of squats though. Replace one of them with a hamstring exercise, like SLDL or hamstring curls
I can't really tell from the video but are you driving the weight up with your glutes or pulling it up with you back? There should be a nice snap in at the top if your pushing with your glutes. Your legs straighten out a little too early leaving your back to do the rest. Also you should drop your ass a little just before lifting.
looks ok delvis, like lie says tough to tell maybe could lean back more but doesnt look 'wrong'
Well, both? It's a back exercise, so you have to use your back surely? My first few attempts where terrible and my lower back cained for a few days afterwards, however now it doesn't hurt...Also, I was told not to use your legs so much, as when I first started a lot of the weight was going on to my legs as opposed to using my back a bit...???
The problem with dropping my ass more is I end up using my legs way too much?
Aye...It's hard to get things right, as currently I've been told like three different things so i'm either being told the wrong information or there are numerous ways of doing it
I dunno, I'll go in today and do what I normally do, a pyramid type workout...I'll constiously poke my toes up to get the glutes working, and try to lower my bum a bit more and make the whole movement a bit more fluid...However I can tell you now my legs will hurt tomorrow from too much activation![]()
Shouldn't really feel it in your quads the next day, but you should feel it in your hamstrings a bit