*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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How would I include exercises such as chin ups and chest dips into a HST routine? Weight belts are no good as I struggle lifting my own bodyweight consistently.

Would I just increase the amount I do each workout?

Would it even be worth bothering with smaller workouts such as bicep curls, say I can manage 12kg at 15 reps, then the first exercise I'm only going to be lifting 2kg? (2kg, 4kg, 6kg, 8kg, 10kg, 12kg).
Phaser in situations like that where the finishing weight is low do it like this:

8kg, 8kg, 10kg, 10kg, 12kg, 12kg.

Instead of chin ups I did BORs which is a similar movement but allowed me to get enough reps out as of course the weight can be lower.
How would I include exercises such as chin ups and chest dips into a HST routine? Weight belts are no good as I struggle lifting my own bodyweight consistently.

Would I just increase the amount I do each workout?

Would it even be worth bothering with smaller workouts such as bicep curls, say I can manage 12kg at 15 reps, then the first exercise I'm only going to be lifting 2kg? (2kg, 4kg, 6kg, 8kg, 10kg, 12kg).

I did pulldowns on the machine in the 15 and 10 rep phases and did bodyweight pullups in the 5s. Didn't need any weight the first few sessions although i added 5kg today :)

Speaking of today, what a ******* awesome session!!!! It was quiet so minimal rests between sets, everything in the order i like to do it. Took my creatine and a rather large dose of coffee beforehand and felt like i had so much energy and got a great pump. Vascularity was better than normal today also.
After spending close to 8 hours in uni today it's just what i needed. Arms grew just over an inch with the pump shame they don't seem to have grown at all during HST when cold :(

3x5x85kg squat
2x5x85kg DL
2x5x70kg bench
2x5xbw+5kg pullups
2x5x35kg DB rows

Considering my 1rm pb's are 100kg squat 80kg bench i think i'm looking to set some new ones after this HST cycle :D :D
Had to push myself hard at the gym tonight. Did 5x5 for squats at 165K, deadlifts at 180K and seated shoulder press at 95K. Finished off with 3 sets of pullups before giving up.

Had to use the squat rack for shoulder press because I didn't have anyone to spot me or help me get the weight up in to place so was lifting the first rep of each set from around chest height rather than neck height. Took so much more energy getting the weight in to position on my own and my arms are literally on fire now :(

Bahahahaahaha! Even without audio that's hilarious, ridiculous, and scary at the same time!!!!!!! :p:D:eek:

Did chest last night, bashed the tri's as well.
Not a bad session.

Managed a PB of 60KG bench, was a great push though, thought it wasn't going to go up! Tend to stop if I feel it doing that as I have no spotter
Okay, had a re-think of my diet and did'nt think it was cutting it. Isn't enough of a defiecit:

40g protein shake (100ml semi-skimmed milk, 100ml water)
3 eggs

1 chicken breasts
125g rice

40g protein shake (100ml semi-skimmed milk, 100ml water)

2 chicken breasts
2 rashers bacon
200g mixed veg

40g protein shake (200ml semi-skimmed milk)

I also have milk in my coffees etc during the day :)

Doing stronglifts mon, weds and fri with HIIT after workout (10 mins). Doing complexes on rest days followed by 10 minutes HIIT. Complete rest over the weekend.
Seated cable rows
wide grip pullups - Nein
close grip pullups - Nein
lat pulldowns - Nein
bent over row - indeed...Still don;t get doms there.
t bar row - maybe...bit hard in the gym im at though
1arm dumbell row - true, not a fan of these though
standing cable row (rope) - nein

take your pick, that just to name a few :p

By nein, do you just mean there's no facilities to do so? Sounds to me that as much as you're not a fan of DB row's, you're gunna have to start ;)
By nein, do you just mean there's no facilities to do so? Sounds to me that as much as you're not a fan of DB row's, you're gunna have to start ;)

Aye no cable machine, otherwise i'd be HENCH! by now

I used to do DB rows, but do BOR's instead as they seem to hit my back mroe on a whole...I never get a decent dom in my lats though
Do you have a smith machine or rack? You could try doing reverse push ups, lie under the bar and pull your bodyweight up to the bar, again squeezing your back as you get to the peak of the lift. Do them in association with BORs or something.
Do you have a smith machine or rack? You could try doing reverse push ups, lie under the bar and pull your bodyweight up to the bar, again squeezing your back as you get to the peak of the lift. Do them in association with BORs or something.

Have a rack, I did try them one time but to be honest have forgotten.

Will try them Friday :)
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