*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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eejit posers tbh. Not an ounce of muscle on any of their legs either.

Granted, they have extraordinary upper body strength, but all of them training in a park with their tops off, and baby-oil.. what?
Asda didnt have a single wholemeal loaf on the shelves (at pretty much midday?!) so it's some oat farmhouse stuff. Extremely tasty!

Skillmaster - are you tryng to carb overload so you can beat my powerlifting total only 2kg in it ;) all the help you can get :rolleyes:
They all seem to have internally rotated douchebag shoulders and slight kyphosis... funny that!

But yeah, I'd love to have easy access to dipping/pullup bars.

I don't even know how you can see this or notice this...shoulders a shoulder to me :o
Joints cracking isn't necessarily bad, but it could be that something is out of position.

Some things that could be going on/things to correct:

- tight pecs
- tight anterior shoulder
- tight anterior neck where it ties in to your shoulder and pec
- poor scapular mechanics e.g. winged scapula, or just out of position due to weaknesses in your back
- tight lats
- tight/stuck down posterior shoulder (and just to the rear of your arm pit)
- poor thoracic mobility

...so a few things :p

99% of people will have several of those things at least slightly broken, so it's a good idea to work on them any way.
It's probably the same stuff that makes military press iffy for some people, this is a good article.


Icecold, as much as I love your ridiculous mobility knowledge it gets damn annoying! Everything I do now I always realise, damn that doesn't stretch right or that's not balanced etc. etc. I wish I could book myself into somewhere that would just fix everything for me :p.
When i get my own house i'm building a set of these in the garden. Want to train like this so bad

Some of the things that groups like the Bartendaz or guys like Hannibal King do shows a bit more imagination though but some of that is still pretty impressive.

Joints cracking isn't necessarily bad, but it could be that something is out of position.

Long list snipped

You'll know better than me but can it not also be as simple as bubbles in the synovial fluid in the joint being popped? If it's happening all the time then there may be more to it than that but that's at the simpler end of the scale I thought.
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