*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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The only bar was being used by a group of guys so it was either the smiths machine or no squats :(

I guess they were benching or doing curls? ;)

Fair enough, but I personally avoid squats altogether if I cannot get into the rack. But these days I train around 2030-2200 so that ain't usually a problem.
You need to eat man, regardless :(

I know, I know. :( Thought I'd grab something before the gym but wasn't really possible and I was pushed for time so just had the fruit. By the time I cooked the pwo meal (had a shake in the meantime) it had been nearly 6 hours since breakfast. :(:(:( Won't be doing that again!

Going well so far today though:

Sausage, 2 bacon, beans, shrooms, hash brown, 2 eggs

Not quite sure what to have for lunch, I did try the jacket potato after you suggested it but it was on the small side.... might have to have two of them, costs soon start adding up though. :o

Btw, I think the creatine is working already, certainly feel a bit more pumped after yesterdays workout. :cool: Making FF look even skinnier! :p
I know, I know. :( Thought I'd grab something before the gym but wasn't really possible and I was pushed for time so just had the fruit. By the time I cooked the pwo meal (had a shake in the meantime) it had been nearly 6 hours since breakfast. :(:(:( Won't be doing that again!

Going well so far today though:

Sausage, 2 bacon, beans, shrooms, hash brown, 2 eggs

Not quite sure what to have for lunch, I did try the jacket potato after you suggested it but it was on the small side.... might have to have two of them, costs soon start adding up though. :o

Btw, I think the creatine is working already, certainly feel a bit more pumped after yesterdays workout. :cool: Making FF look even skinnier! :p

Might try Creatine some day...Fed up of no major gains.

Loving the morning meal though! Need to start eating sausages etc with my eggs, see what happens...just means more cooking / gas usage :(
Cut the sausages up and they will cook quicker. :)

I would cut them up and some onions, fry them, then beat up some eggs and pour over. Sausage omelet f.t.w! Could add bacon too and even sprinkle some herbs on top whilst it's cooking! Then stuff yer face. :D
Cut the sausages up and they will cook quicker. :)

I would cut them up and some onions, fry them, then beat up some eggs and pour over. Sausage omelet f.t.w! Could add bacon too and even sprinkle some herbs on top whilst it's cooking! Then stuff yer face. :D

Aye, it's just time in the morning, would be nice if I can bulk cook them or something.

Normally just do them from frozen :o
Maxed out at 115kg deadlift today (second time doing it =D) got 120kg of the floor but could only get it up half way, not bad for having a mild cold atm :( It got harder when the bar was starting to bend tho for some reason? How would I go about improving this? what should I do? I got to the gym every second day usally =P
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