*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Worst thing about that is when it leads to an "unfurling" of the spine to lock out. Holy disk shear batman. It seems like that's almost a natural progression of doing overly backy deadlifts when you start to lift really heavy.

A powerlifting friend of mine who's light and has a huge deadlift (232.gkg @ <74kg I think) has spent almost a year retraining this exact problem after being told that he was a total mess by Eric Cressey.
I find the hardest part of dead lifts is getting the weight off the floor only using my legs. I see too many people fail with the legs, the arse comes up and then lower back/glutes bring the weight up.

Pretty sure the exact same thing was happening to me when I was trying deadlifts, I just can't seem to lift it with the legs, my arms/back take over. My arse wasn't coming up earlier because I was keeping it down but the lift was mainly with my upper body. :mad:

Doing them before chins will give you more energy for your deads, but I think in terms of your priorities you should do your chins first.

OK thanks, will give them a go once my back is better. Thanks. :)
To be honest I was quite disappointed when you gave up lifting completely a while ago, I thought it was such a waste of awesome strength. But I kept quiet as I somehow respected your choice.

I'm really glad you decided to start again, the way I see it with the muscle memory and your ridiculous strength in the past you should be smashing all your previous records within 6 months of solid training. :)
Thank you. :cool:
Well picked up a hard ball, so gonna let it loose on my back as I've noticed its pretty easy for me to trap nerves under my scapula (thought id use the proper term, so i sound smart :D) lately :o
The bar's not gonna leave the floor until your shoulders are in the right spot, chances are your just setting up wrong.
You can try and keep your hips low all you want the mechanics of it will always be the same - the bar gets to the middle of your foot (if you've nudged it in setup), your hips rise (which affects your back angle) until your shoulders get just infront of the bar and then the lift starts in a straight line. It's gravity.
Was that last comment aimed at me?

Pretty sure I set up my lift as per a Ripptoe video. I shall try again though, once my traps return to normal.
Didn't get chance to go, was up at 4am yesterday and around the same today looking after my nephew whos been feeling a little and sorry for himself after having his flu jab.

Hopefully i'll be able to get some time in tomorrow.

Worked on my hang clean form a LOT, to the extent that it almost resembles the real thing. Worked up to 90kg for a single with loads of reps on the way.

Push press
102.5 Fail
102.5 comfortable :confused:


Arnold press 3x10x24kg allowing for progression

Power shrug (weight does not include smith bar)

Back again today, really didn't enjoy it, skipped breakfast and felt drained half way through it. Hit a target though, for the first time in a long time the scales started with a 12 :) 12 stone, 13 1/2.

2X10X90 only another 100 Kilo to catch Icecold :p

3X10X60 Pendlay rows

6X10X55 t-bar rows

3X10X80 stack pull things

3X10 hyper extensions with 20Kg plate
Pretty sure the exact same thing was happening to me when I was trying deadlifts, I just can't seem to lift it with the legs, my arms/back take over. My arse wasn't coming up earlier because I was keeping it down but the lift was mainly with my upper body. :mad:


Try deadlifting while sitting on a step, or something high enough so that your arms are at full extension while gripping the bar and push down with your feet. This helped me use my legs to drive deadlifts, while keeping my back neutral and putting my legs in to it as much as possible. If you practice is a bit you'll find it becomes your natural way to deadlift, at least it did for me.
Haha thanks. Still suffering from the bar being slightly too low to the floor, feels odd. So far it's pretty easy, things get interesting at week 6 (this is week 2). Fingers crossed for no daft problems and a pb early in the new year.

Weight is creeping back down too, although Christmas will have something to say about me getting anywhere near my target :D

Good to see you're still progressing dod
Dr. thinks I have torn my meniscus in my left knee, which is extremely frustrating. Was in the middle of my bulk season and lifts were going great (+140% pull ups). This happened a couple weeks back now, and slowly getting back into just doing upper body, which is fine but can't go near as strong as have to be so careful with my knee :(
Anyone else had cartilage damage to their knee, recovery?
Keep up the good work chaps!
Beach weights for now ;)

When do you find out more info? What does recovery look like for this?
Pretty sure the exact same thing was happening to me when I was trying deadlifts, I just can't seem to lift it with the legs, my arms/back take over. My arse wasn't coming up earlier because I was keeping it down but the lift was mainly with my upper body. :mad:

It'll come in time, it will seem so unnatural at first but them it will just lift :) Try it with a low weight first, and work up, if the bars too low, just raise it on some plates or something

I remember when doing 50kg was amazing for me! It felt brilliant! And it took effort to get it up :o....Now 50kg goes up like nothing.

It's just time buddy :)

Well picked up a hard ball, so gonna let it loose on my back as I've noticed its pretty easy for me to trap nerves under my scapula (thought id use the proper term, so i sound smart :D) lately :o

I do this nearly every week, otherwise i just end up with a massive knot in my back
Try deadlifting while sitting on a step, or something high enough so that your arms are at full extension while gripping the bar and push down with your feet. This helped me use my legs to drive deadlifts, while keeping my back neutral and putting my legs in to it as much as possible. If you practice is a bit you'll find it becomes your natural way to deadlift, at least it did for me.

Hmm, might have to give it a go. Maybe I should do some mobility stuff too.

It'll come in time, it will seem so unnatural at first but them it will just lift :) Try it with a low weight first, and work up, if the bars too low, just raise it on some plates or something

I remember when doing 50kg was amazing for me! It felt brilliant! And it took effort to get it up :o....Now 50kg goes up like nothing.

It's just time buddy :)

I did have it raised. I think the problem might be mobility though? Not sure.

Hoping to have another go on Weds if my neck is better by then so I can see what's what. :) 30kg to begin with. :cool:
Couldn't say if it's a mobility issue, need to see a vid really.

I've just adapted to them over time really, never watched a proper video on them.

I just set my feet up close to the bar so my shins are close but not touching the bar. I keep my arms 'tight' so my elbows don't bend and keep my shoulders back so to speak. Lower my butt, keep the chest out, head 'up' but not completely up. Then power through the legs while keeping everything else tight.

It's the setup thats the issue, if the setup is wrong, the lift will just not work properly.
I am now soooo close to my bulk target! This mornings weigh in was 89.6Kg. I'm trying to hit 90Kg, from a low of 77.5 at the end of April. I am also seeing decent gains from my current routine (A Dorian Yates' based one of 3x12 with 2 warm up sets and 1 working set to failure.)

Deadlift is also up to 3x120Kg which I'm pleased with. Strength wise I think I could go even higher at this stage, but I am being very cautious due to my prolapsed disk, so I'm making sure my form is tight at that weight before going much higher.

Because of my back, I also can't seem to get Squats right without it hitting my lower back, so I have dropped them for now, but am still seeing good gains from Leg Extensions, Seated Leg Curls, Seated Leg Press and calf raises as my leg routine. The calf raise is a little annoying though, as I'm too big for the seated calf raise machine! Even at the highest extension, I am unable to get my leg under the pad. I must have freakishly long shins or something. I have also fairly easily maxed the weight of the standing calf raise machine (150Kg), so am having to pile more plates on top, but there is only space for so many.

Once I hit my 90Kg, I'm probably going to start a cut. Do you guys recommend coming off Creatine for a cut? :)
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