*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Left on both. At school and after school. What the... I don't even.
I've started to think that society is all wrong because we all probably know people that are overweight and most of us dont say anything to them because we're affraid they'll get offended, but I've started thinking this is just stupid because if that person we loved died because of being overweight like with a heart attack or sommat then doesnt that tell us something, do you know what am trying to say? It's like why do we as a society tolerate this? I come from a family of fat people myself and I been fat all my life but trying to do sommat about it now...and I've even been trying to help my parents eat healthy and my mother has lost around 3 stone so seems to be working which is good since she's also ill, but I wont go into that.

So yeah, just made me think of this when that guy posted the picture of the two girls...it doesnt make sense though does it, to be affraid to offend people but risk them dying instead? Some people might say thats a dramatic way of thinking but when they say heart attack is number one killer in britain and all this talk about obesity in news...just makes ya think whats going on!

These days I've started saying to friends and family, "oh I love the gym, it makes ya feel amazing", to which they usually reply "oh I've been wanting to go for ages" to which I say "it makes you feel amazing, you fit into clothes better and feel more confident etc" and try to get the hint across that way but other then that, am out of ideas with how to word these things, because I myself am one of those people that dont want to offend, even tho it annoys me and I think its stupid.

But hopefully you know where I'm coming from?

It's funny that guy linked that picture of those girls actually because I also know girls who used to be really slim and now they're huge. Well, probably most people know someone like that.
not many people know someone who is on the verge of dieing from morbid obesity.
why don't we tell people that they are fat and need to do something about it? because a lot of people realise that you cannot make statements like that. it's not tactful or tasteful and for all you know might just be a case of being big due to circumstance.

also, remember that just because you are trying to get healthy, doesnt mean you need to force your opinion onto others.

If people are happy, leave them alone and just be a friend. no harm in offering to do something active with them though once in a while.
You could always just tell them they should try it, after you've dropped hints, tell them to come along with you a couple of times or something, after all, its ncie to train with someone you know im guessing.

There are ways to word things, say you can get some guest passes or something, whats the worst could happen? They go twice, then decide they cant be bothered, atleast you tried :)
Dropped to ~87kg from ~94 on new years too.

Very nice progress! Aiming for the magic 10KG difference like I was?

Unfortunately some people are more than happy being over weight which they are entirely entitled to. I wouldn't try to force my opinion or lifestyle on to somebody but if they were interested in loosing weight then I'd be more than happy to help.

The person needs to want to do it for themselves not for other people. The reason why most people don't stick at the gym or even get there in the first place.

The thing that grinds my gears is when people complain about being unhappy because of their size but then do nothing about it.
SkScotchegg that's a fairly pretentious view to have considering your overweight background. It's entirely arbitrary that you have now decided to lose fat, so to look at those who were in your position with anything but empathy is more about you self praising than actually wanting to be helpful.

I'm not saying that you don't want to be helpful, you probably do, but in that case be supportive.

People are sensitive about their weight, this should not be news.
Fus that picture difference makes me sad :p. Would smash beforehand, now.... ewww....

What if someone told you you were overweight today when you're trying to do something about it? Its very distasteful and isn't gonna be received well.

Also all this "So i've been to the gym today..." is just looking for self praise and makes yourself come off a ****

Very nice progress! Aiming for the magic 10KG difference like I was?

Prob gonna be aiming for a bit more loss, although my scales today were reading 89kg after cheat food last night. Doesn't help they're asda value scales and hard to read :p. Regardless as long as bodyfat keeps dropping I dont pay too much attention to the scales.
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Think the difference in weights is water your body has stored after the cheat food. Mine fluctuates all the time like that, ecspecially after heavy carb cheat foods :D ....though i have my nom food a fair bit lol for me as long as the wieght keeps going up and the fat satying relativly the same im happy
Originally posted by: The Craig
What if someone told you you were overweight today when you're trying to do something about it? Its very distasteful and isn't gonna be received well.

Also all this "So i've been to the gym today..." is just looking for self praise and makes yourself come off a ****

omg, you so read what I put and took it in a completely different way...maybe its just me then when it comes to this subject and our society doesnt have an obesity problem and millions of people arent dying from this, I guess all that stuff in the news is fake...Like I said before I come from a family of fat people, pretty much 99% of my family is fat, my parents, my aunties and uncles, my cousins, everyone. And by saying what I was saying I was trying to be nice.

If someone I knew died, afterwards I would have wished I had said something, that was my point, that society is all backwards because we dont say anything. Like when I was 24 stone nobody said anything to me, and if I hadnt decided to go to gym I'd prob be 30 stone now.

And as for your last sentance, I explained that I said that to start a conversation which I explained to you very very clearly! so that I could try and convince people to go to gym, not strangers off the street, but family and friends.

I'm never gona agree with anyone that says someone who is 30 stone etc doesnt need to go to gym, and that a little convincing is gona hurt...

Oh and if someone said I was overweight today I'd just accept it, its already happened a few times in past year. People tell me all time in gym, they'll say stuff like "hey man your lifting allot now with your squats etc" and then we'll start talking and then they'll say "you just need to get your bodyfat down and get a bit leaner and you'll be looking good" thats the way they put it but its obvious what they're saying....and I dont mind coz its usually regular members that say that to me that have been going for years and they've seen me like when I was really fat and then how I am now.

Everything I said before was with good intentions but as usual you guys have managed to twist every word to suit your idea of what kind of person I am in your warped minds.
Originally posted by BennyC:
Unfortunately some people are more than happy being over weight which they are entirely entitled to. I wouldn't try to force my opinion or lifestyle on to somebody but if they were interested in loosing weight then I'd be more than happy to help.

The person needs to want to do it for themselves not for other people. The reason why most people don't stick at the gym or even get there in the first place.

The thing that grinds my gears is when people complain about being unhappy because of their size but then do nothing about it.

Its not about forcing an opinion, if you read what I put, it explained the frustration to that fact that we as a society mostly say nothing. That was one of the points. And I agree the person needs to want to do it for themselves, I say that all the time, its like smoking, you cant tell someone to stop smoking they have to want to do it for themselves, otherwise they'll try quit but then later fail and start again.

Originally posted by: Icecold
SkScotchegg that's a fairly pretentious view to have considering your overweight background. It's entirely arbitrary that you have now decided to lose fat, so to look at those who were in your position with anything but empathy is more about you self praising than actually wanting to be helpful.

I'm not saying that you don't want to be helpful, you probably do, but in that case be supportive.

People are sensitive about their weight, this should not be news.

Am gona be honest and say I didnt really know what first couple of sentances meant, pretentious? arbitrary? I dont know them two words.

Nobody is self praising here, I mentioned something about society and how we act when it comes to obesity even though heart attacks and all that kinda stuff are meant to be number one killer in britain, we dont say anything to our loved ones.

But all of that seems to have gone over your head and instead off adding to the conversation you've just tried to pick apart my words...I dont see anything you've said as contributing at all and just seems quite a waste of my time.
If someone I knew died, afterwards I would have wished I had said something, that was my point, that society is all backwards because we dont say anything. Like when I was 24 stone nobody said anything to me, and if I hadnt decided to go to gym I'd prob be 30 stone now.

I disagree it's made perfectly clear that obesity is a problem in society today. Gastric bypass operations? Weight loss aids such as 'Alli', the whole motion to get the nation active, the mayors rent-a-cycle scheme in London, numerous TV programmes about heavily obese people. I'm sorry but if somebody isn't aware that being overweight, heavily overweight or obese is bad for them then it's just pure ignorance.

Overweight people DO notice their size. You're not the first person to point it out to them and I'm sure they do have mirrors in their house. They may not be aware of just how bad it is for them but I'd put money on them knowing it's not healthy or good for them. You'd be better off taking this over to Speakers Corner if you want to have some decent discussion.

you guys have managed to twist every word to suit your idea of what kind of person I am in your warped minds.

I can assure you that what kind of person you are doesn't concern the majority of posters here or elsewhere. This is the internet after all.

Originally posted by BennyC:

Its not about forcing an opinion, if you read what I put,

I never said you were. If you read what I wrote.
skscotchegg - do you make your quotes go like that on purpose or is it a browser thing that makes it do it?
Originally posted by: The Craig

omg, you so read what I put and took it in a completely different way...maybe its just me

It's the way you say things, that seems to be what people are basing their opinions on.
You mention people in your gym talking to you saying you could do with dropping a bit of bodyfat so that you can reach your goals, this is a mile away from being the same as you saying to someone who doesnt train 'you are fat and overweight'.
Originally posted by: Morba
skscotchegg - do you make your quotes go like that on purpose or is it a browser thing that makes it do it?

Not sure what you mean, explain please?

Originally posted by: Morba
It's the way you say things, that seems to be what people are basing their opinions on.
You mention people in your gym talking to you saying you could do with dropping a bit of bodyfat so that you can reach your goals, this is a mile away from being the same as you saying to someone who doesnt train 'you are fat and overweight'.

But I never said that.
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