Man of Honour
Are you doing dips? If so, you might be going too deep
You shouldn't hit your chest at all, should stop about an inch just before you hit your chest, pause very briefly then explode back up to the top
If you're powerlifting, bounce off your chest all you like
Have you tried the modified plank I mentioned recently? They also mention it in the articles I posted, I think the first one for practical stuff.I find my core gets hit hard with every exercise I do - but perhaps that's because I'm conscious of it and make a effort to "engage" it?? Whilst I don't have bulging abs, I'm fairly "solid" and things like the plank or leg raised chins are fairly comfortable for me. I should, however, do more core-centric work as I do neglect it.
First rule is always bench to your chest with everything to comp standard apart from the pause. Then you can play around with someone giving you commands (obviously being slightly harsh with the "press" command is advisable), but only do this very occasionally and not for many reps (as many sets as you like though).Cheers.
I'll ask here to start with in case others are curious. I want to work on my bench press technique and increase my strength more. It's just a thought at the moment but I do like the idea of doing bench press in a comp. I noticed IPF guidelines on bench press are quite different to how I normally press, things like head coming up aren't allowed and you have to hold the bar at your chest until the referee says push which for rep maxes isn't something I've done.
Do you have any advice on increasing my chest strength?
Need to figure out how to get my legs to drive my upper back into the pad too.
You have to be flat footed in the good federationsHow are you legs currently? Are you flat footed on the floor or tip toed?
It's FAR more likely to be that you have messed up shoulders (everyone does!). Search for the mobility thread and do some internal rotation shoulder stretches.I was using free weights, not a bar. For some reason I'm really crap on that lol!
I didn't do dips either, but I did do some of those last week and my shoulder is playing up a little bit, as you say I must have gone down too far.
You have to be flat footed in the good federations
Belts for squat/DL count as equipped in IPF? Seen some people wear belts for bench press too?!
I'll keep working on the bench press strength, what's the best way to do some speed work?
BB clean grip reverse lunge if you're a mobility beast, DBs for us lesser, no haven't had a look at it, will do though.
Do you do your lunges with a barbell or DBs?
BB clean grip reverse lunge if you're a mobility beast, DBs for us lesser mortals.
Overhead squat is a good test too.